Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. Takara, your explanation of the explosion not rocking the ship makes perfect sense. If they can see the whole explosion they should not feel much effect from it. (to the human senses the effect would be unnoticable) The techincal explanation is this: because space is a vacuum, the only thing that could rock the ship is the particles OF the explosion because there can be no shock wave. A shockwave is created by air expanding or travelling at very fast speeds. But since space is a vacuum, there is no air. We saw the entire explosion and it did not touch the ship visibly. Realistically, the particles would continue to travel outward from the explosion (we wouldn't see it though, because they would not be as highly energized) As they do so, they would spread thinly out, and thus when they finally make contact with the Enterprise if would be like throwing dust at a brick wall. I am no expert, I could be wrong, but this seems logical to me.

  2. Ok, there are a few things I would have to check out:


    1. Are there any working shuttles left onboard, and

    2. is there an EMH program I can activate.


    First I would have to secure a way off of the ship. Once I have found help such as the Federation or a helpful species that would understand that I am not part of the collective mind. Once this is accomplished I may need the EMH program to assist in medical procedures (if it isn't Starfleet that found me)


    I head to the shuttle bay to see if a shuttle is there and workable. If it is I go to Sickbay to see if the EMH is functional. If it is I go to engineering and manufacture a holo-emitter compatible with the shuttle and capable of storing the EMH file. I use my Borg technical knowledge and even nano-probes if neccesary (like what was done in "Regeneration" on Enterprise) I then download the Doctors file to the emitter and take all the prudent medical equipment with me. I also go to the holodeck and create holographic medical tools such as a sugery table and download those to the emitter if possible. I then go to the Shuttle bay and begin upgrading the shuttle with armor, weapons, sheilds, etc. using, once again, my Borg attrubutes. I then head out for the nearest Federation outpost or ship. Furthermore, I would use the available technology on the Federation ship to constuct a working transmitter. I transmit my coordinates to anyone I can in a coded starfleet channel, in hopes that I am picked up by Starfleet. Alien species might be hostile to my Borg parts. Lol. I also make sure to fashion a modified borg alcove for the shuttle craft to keep me alive for my journey. I would also remove a warp core from another shuttle and the dilithium crystals from the starship and bring it along for the energy required to power my alcove and my replicator. I bring a replicator in the event that I do not find help and that I use the doctor to remove some of my Borg parts. This may result in my new need, the consuption of solid food. Thus the replicator.


    If I do not have access to one of the things I used in this scenario I would do what I can with the rest. That was fun!

  3. Ok this posting was actually for another Matrix thread but I was unable to post there for some reason, so this will have to do. This might seem a little off topic. It was in reply to the idea that Neo may not be the one, but that he child may be. If you've seen the second movie, click the spoiler button!


    Click for Spoiler:

    Well I believe that Neo is the one. Sure he is just one of many one's in the matrix itself, but near the end he finds he has powers in the "real world" which I surmise is a matrix itself. I think the matrix from the first movie is really a matrix within a matrix, so that if anyone escapes from one, they will assume they are in the real world, but what they don't realize is that there is still a matrix covering up the true reality. If this wasn't the case how on earth would Agent Smith have been able to move from the matrix to the supposed "real world"? A character from a video game can't just out of a computer and enter the real world, but theoretically, if that character were "free" from it's programming like Agent Smith is, it could jump into other computer systems, or to computer systems outlying the computer system (in other words, Smith was in a system of a system, but now that his code is free, he moved to the system that is external to the system he came from which was the matrix. When the next movie comes out, you will see that I am right! Do I sound cocky?

  4. The original Terminator movies did have more depth to them, but how much depth could you add to a third movie about such a topic that could be new and fresh. All the really have left is a good action movie. Sure it couldn't be as good as the other two if it tried to do the same style, but really didn't. Compared to other action movies out there, T3 I belive is pretty good in that right. And yes it is nothing but a bunch of explosions, but what do you expect of an apycolyptic sci fi action movie starring human killing machine cyborgs from the future.

  5. Before I begin to speak, I'd just like to let you know that although I may disagree with some opinions here, I believe that your opinions are perfectly valid in their own right and my arguments are for arguments sake only. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you say that from Janeway's perspective the future was only a possibility. Do you mean the Captain Janeway or Admiral Janeway? If you are referring to Admiral Janeway, she was a PART of that future, so how could she think of it as a "possibility". The future that she erased was the natural timline. As for emojams, you feel that she did what she thinks is right. You may be right, but just because she thinks her actions were right, that does not mean that it is. How would you like it if someone went back in time to the 80's and changed some significant event. Where would you, your family, and your friends be in this new timeline? I don't believe that Captain Picard (not the member) would have never changed history for so few lives. In "Generations" his brother and nephew die, and he has the opportunity to use the Nexus to change those events. But he realizes that bad things happen and that he shouldn't be changing the timeline so significantly. Sure he does stop Soran just before the Nexus arrives but that is a mere 5 minutes of history, which I think he is justified in doing. The only reasons Picard has ever been in the past was to change the events of the past back to their original course after someone else had altered them. (for example: Star Trek First Contact) Just my thoughts.

  6. I'd choose Riker first. Chakotay would be my second choice. My reason is that I would not want to serve a Vulcan captain. They may make a good first officer, but I don't think that a Captain should only rely on logic; emotion must be a part of it. As for Kira, she would be my third choice because she is just as human as Riker or Chakotay, but she works for the Bajoran government, and I would want a Starfleet Captain. If for hypothetical reasons she was in Starfleet I would be very willing to serve with her. As for the reason I choose Riker over Chakotay, Riker has the more favorable career past in my opinion. Chakotay was a maquis afterall.

  7. Put yourself in Janeways shoes. You've just got Voyager back to Earth from a 22 year trip. You've lost several crew members. Notable Seven of Nine. While this is hard for you, as a Starfleet officer would it be ethical to go back and change 15 years of history affecting countless lives (especially those on Earth) just to save a few lives and make the trip a bit shorter. Of course there is a possibility that you could destroy a large portion of the Borg, there is also the possiblity that you could get the Voyager crew assimilated. Furthermore, even if you do damage the Borg and get Voyager home sooner, do the ends justify the means. Is it right to change 15 years of peoples lives without their consent?

  8. Just take a look at my name; I would LOVE to be a captain of a starship. While I really wouldn't want to be a captain that sees the near destruction of my ship every week with a break during the summer months, it would be great to be involved with contacting new species etc. 1st officer would be nice too. Maybe I'll make it as captain as a cop one day.

  9. Yeah right, Deanna really changed in the last season and for the movies. And I think for the better. She actually seems like a Starfleet officer now. I never liked the earlier Deanna, but the new Deanna is one of the best characters in Star Trek.

  10. I know this is a stray from the typical meaning of RED SHIRT but I vote for Admiral Dourghty in Star Trek Insurrection. His uniform had a little red... and like all admirals he wasn't a very good Star Fleet officer. Nice death.

    P.S. I know I spelt his name wrong.

  11. Television is evil? What about the INTERNET Mr. Prometheus. Are the two mediums really all that different. Both bombard the other with countless advertisements. In fact, the internet may be worse; it contains much more pornographic material than tv, that any child could easy get access to. It allows people to harass others without being easily caught. If your hacking skills are good, you can even do a great deal of damage to businesses, peoples finances, etc. Idle hands and an active modem are the devils workshop. Ba da boom!