Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. Of those I have only seen Star Wars, 2001, and Psycho. And I must say, where is at least ONE Star Trek movie? TWOK was fantastic! It had great acting in it. Star Wars (imo) didn't, but it was still good. I feel that some ST should be on there. But hey, it's your list.


    P.S. the other 2 that I have seen from that list are TRUE classics! I feel that jaws might be equal to psycho though.

  2. In my opinion, "the alternative factor" is one of the worst episodes of Star Trek ever written. It is just so convoluted and disorganized. Ughhh! Still, any Star trek is good Trek! Of couse, I wasn't counting Star Trek TMP! But both are good in their own right.

  3. Physics is by far the best in my opinion because it helps me learn about the universe and the world around me. It is my way of exploring the galaxy without leaving my chair. The best trekkies are always physics fans! my humble opinion of course. Since I don't share an enthusiasm for math, I tend to read about theoretical physics while ignoring anything with complicated math. I just want to know the basics. I think my love for physics started with the back to the future movies when I was a kid. Since then, I have always loved time travel, even though I feel that pratical application of time travel to the past is impossible I also love biology because it helps me understand living organisms rather than the inanimate.

  4. Yeah I've noticed Indy's trivia rank as well. I must say that I AM JEALOUS! Those ppl who've been here from nearly the beggining have a huge advantage on the trivia. But thats fine, it just for fun. STILL JEALOUS THOUGH!

  5. Sorry to hear about the Cubital/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I hope that your surgery goes without a hitch, and I also hope that what you believe is nerve damage in your neck turns out to be much less serious. My best wished to you VBG!

  6. Yes, I must agree. I am miffed by the tachyons in Star Trek as well. I know that they are theoretical particle-waves that actually travel faster than the speed of light. And yes, this theoretically possible for those of you who don't know much about theoretical physics, or any physics for that matter. You see, Einstein's equations only state that nothing can travel at the speed of light ( c ). Acoording to the equations, it is mathematically possible for things to travel faster than light, but if they do, they must always have been travelling at the speed because to accelerate from sub-light speed to faster than light speed the particle would have to travel at light speed which we know is impossible. Anyways, these theoretcial particles that travel at speeds greater that c would also have to travel thru time in the opposite direction. This explains why they usually have to do with time travel in Star Trek. But how on earth (or space) would Starfleet be able to measure these puppies. I don't understand it, but thats the great thing about Star Trek: it makes things possible that we can't, yet. For example, we could ask the same question of almost anything in Star Trek. For example: How do they use graviton particles (once again theoretical) to create anti-gravity deck plating, or how do they use anti-matter to warp space or how do they manage to transport an entire human being and control where each particle beams to? IT JUST CAN'T BE DONE, as far as we know. But we once believed the earth was flat, which wasn't a very long time ago!

  7. Wow, I loved what you had to say there, and I agree with almost all of it. I don't think that throwing a bunch of sexual scenes will help Star Trek, I think it would hurt it. I have heard alot of complaints about the sexuality in it already. IE crewmebers always in underwear and the detox chamber. I know people who wont watch the show because of it. As for everything else I totally agree! Archer needs to make some tough decisions. That is what made Picard so compelling! They do play it safe, and they need to stop a little. Good post! Lets just hope B and B see that!

  8. Yes B'elanna did not have pips, she had a bar which represents her brevet rank. If you'll notice, all maquis members of Voyager have this bar. The reason being is that they are not Starfleet members. But Janeway gave them each brevet ranks so that the ships heirarchy could function. While B'ellana may be referred to as a Lieutenant, she does not actually carry a true rank. It is a temporary rank if you will. The definition of Brevet rank is "a commission giving a military officer higher nominal rank than that for which pay is received" If you adapt the definition to fit with the 24th century it would remove the part about pay because economics are different (we work to better ourselves) therefore, a brevet rank is a commission giving a military officer higher nominal rank than officially given.

  9. Chakotay, who is that? He was never around, and when he did he didn't feel quite like a first officer, except for when he "butted heads" with Janeway. The only time that I felf Chakotay was important was when the maquis were still getting used to being on Voyager becuase he was their former leader and it was his job to intergrate them. Anyways, he is my least favorite main character in Star Trek.

  10. I DO NOT want to see a TOS remake. If could tolerate it as a homage mini series but as nothing else. It would have to be too different because it would have to look modern. They would never make a new show with those silly sets, so they would have to be new. Additionally, I feel the old crew is irreplacable. They show itself, as far as stories go, would also not be the same. The show back then was foten based on current events. Current events today are much different and thus it would come off as a different show altogether. It would not have the same feel. What I could stand for would be a series based in the time of the original Star Trek movies. That was the uniforms would be cool looking, Klingons would have the ridges and nobody would complain about it, and futhermore, I would not want this idea to be a show with the Enterprise, but rather a show about a different ship and crew during that era. REAMKE OF TOS = BAD IDEA. IT WOULD ONLY MEAN THAT B&B HAVE NOTHING NEW TO PUT OUT THERE.

  11. Wow that was a hard decision. It was hard to choose from the ST:11 - VI uniforms. They were incredibly detailed. A very "rich" and realistic uniform. I also love the modern uniforms. (for example: Nemesis) They just look so good. The material looks very good, not at all like pajamas. I also love the color scheme. Just enough color to indicate position. The TNG, TOS, and VOY uniforms do not need that much color. It has no purpose and it doesn't seem very militaristic. Seems more like a cartoon with those. The ENT uniforms are also quite fantastic. They have lots of color but it is mostly a dark color (the blue part) so that it doesn't stand out too much. The zippers and all that are cool. But I chose the later DS9 uniform! Another uniform that I think is interesting is the 29th century starfleet uniform. I wouldn't want to see them in a show but they are cool nonetheless. Also, I wish the VOY unforms were like the later DS9 ones, or at least made out of the same materials.

  12. Kira is a good character, but for some reason she always kind of annoyed me. Jadxia was awesome. Then they killed her off and I was mad. But as soon as we saw Ezri I was happy about it. Ezri was such a cute character (in the personality sort of way, not to say that she wasn't physically cute too)

  13. Sure Spike TV has that silly icon in the corner, but the "new TNN" as it used to be always had an entire bar across the bottom of the screen cutting out part of the picture. And the purpose of it was to tell you what you are watching. I think most people know what it is they are watching, and if they don't, that's what TV guide is for.

  14. The Enterprise movie will more likely deal with the founding of the Unnited Federation of Planets. Enterprise was launched in 2151. The Federation is founded in 2161. I think Berman and Braga planned it this way. If the series runs 7 years, then in 3 years a movie would fit right into that plot. Of course, they could have the founding of the Federation as well as the conclusion to the Romulan war. But frankly, I have a feeling that the Romulan war thing isn't going to be touched upon. Although, I do hope that is not the case.

  15. Ok, here is the stuff on Daniels...

    Click for Spoiler:

    We know that the Xindi attack earth because they were told that they would be destroyed by the federation in the future. So season 3 has an element of the cold war to it. It was suggested on that later during the season the show will probably deal with the temporal cold war plot as well as the Xindi thing. So it is rather likely that we will see Daniels again. And I think we will.

  16. Yes I was thinking about this the other day. Someone made a comment about how ships do not need to be aerodynamic in space becuase there is no atmosphere. This got me to thinking that they would need to be aerodynamic when landing on taking off from a planet. While I don't know which ships can land in specific, I would suggest by logic that the ships with good aerodynamics are probably designed to land in the same fashion as Voyager.

  17. I like cliffhangers and here's why: When you watch an episode that doesn't arc to another episode you see the characters get into trouble and 10 minutes later everything is all peachy again. With a cliffhanger you get to think about the problem before seeing how it's resolved. It gives you time to think of what you would do in the same situation. And I do like to think about ST afterall!

  18. I would prefer that Enterprise does not get destroyed during any part of the series. First off, Enterprise doesn't even have a self destruct system. I would like them to be forced to invent one with the plan of using it, but decide not to at the last moment like all other trek shows. I have a feeling that an Enterprise movie will be made. Afterall, the UFP is formed only ten years (2161) after the lauch of Enterprise (this is canon) in 2151. Thus, assuming the show makes a 7 year run, they could do a movie invloving the Enterprises role in the creation of the Federation. I would not mind if the had to self destruct in the movie if there happens to be one. My reason being is that I think it deserves one movie, and one movie alone.

  19. While Voyagers warp core actually looked like warp plasma was flowing through it, it didn't have the pulse that made the other engines seem so cool. I think a combination of Voyager's engine look plus a pulse would make it much better. I never really liked how the other engines used neon lights. You could see that they are lights and not plasma. I could never understand why Star Trek has to use so many blinking lights that have no purpose. Hello tricorder!

  20. Jean-Luc, the Enterprise 1701 was commisioned in 2245 and destroyed in 2285 giving it a lifespan of 40 years. The Enterpise-A was built in 2286; one year after the original Enterprise was destroyed. When McCoy states that the Enterprise is 20 years old in Star Trek III he is refering to the Enterprise 1701-A. However, the statement still would not make sense; twenty years did not go by between ST:TMP and ST:TSFS. Also, some say that the Enterprise-A is a refitted Enterprise, but I'm certain that the original Enterprise was destroyed before A's construction. I think we just have to keep in mind that dates given in Star Trek rarely add up properly. Never put too much faith in them.

  21. I choose transporters for one reason: they would be most benificial to our planet and our productivity. We would not need cars; therefore, we would not waste irreplacable oil, we would not polute nearly as much, we would not need to waste space with roads or even elevators (I'd still like to see stairs and hallways tho... I like exercise). There would be less noise outside, there would be room for grass in cities, Police and Firemen could get to an emergency in a flash (pun not intended) Heck we could even beam ourselves to the space station making shuttles useless and space travel possible for anyone. Furthermore, since Holodecks are based on the transporter we might even be able to make one of those... then if Quark could finally get that holographic image of Kira... jk. I think you see my point though. And I'm sure I missed many of the positive reasons for having them. I'm sure there are negatives ones too, but I think in the end they would FAR outway the positve.