Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. My Series Six Idea


    I have several ideas. Tonight I will share one of them.


    For some unknown reason space becomes fragmented. In other words, the galaxy becomes rearranged in a random fashion - sections of space are transposed leaving Earth next to regions of space that were once part of a completely different region of the galaxy.


    The reason I think this would work is because Earth and Starfleet are much too comfy in the future. They have assembled a mighty "Federation" but now that some worlds and species are in different areas and new unknown ones have taken their place, Earth and Starfleet would have new first contacts, new threats, and new allies.


    Of course not everything is completely changed so that we would still get to see some of the core aliens.


    Another aspect that would be interesting with this show is that people would have to deal with that fact that certain things are gone, such as the unlucky federation ships that got moved with a sector. It would add to the drama appeal.


    It would also give everyone a common goal: figure out what happened and find out if there is a way to return things to normal.


    Also, in the later years of the series perhaps they could get close to finding a solution to returning the arrangement of space back to normal. But then they would have to grapple with the fact that people have taken up new lives and friendships etc. since everything was changed. Would it be right to move everything back?


    So, what do you think?


    Here is what the newly arranged galaxy might look like in the series. Just to clear up the confusion as to what I mean by a fragmented galaxy. Because I could not seem to get an image to appear in the post even though the link was correct I will just give you the address.


    Series Six Fragmented Galaxy Diagram

  2. First off, he is completely right about "Marauders"; It had no depth! I thought that was one of THE worst Star Trek episodes ever written. I glad to see that Braga thought "Carbon Creek" and "Judgement". I felt that those episodes had more depth than most of the other episodes. If he can realize this, there may be hope for Enterprise yet. I am somewhat concerned with what he had to say about "Expanse". I feel that the Romulans would have been a great idea. The Romulans have always been a core species of Star Trek, but there is alot of room them still. The Klingons have had many more roles and episodes that the Romulans ever have. I feel that since this is a prequel show it would be interesting to see what the Romulans were like. As for the Xindi, they might turn out to be new and interesting, but I am guessing that they will have very little depth. There is a reason why the characters in Star Trek are humanoid. It is because they can be played by REAL actors. But I digress. The thrid season could turn out well. And I sincerely hope it does. I now cross my fingers until season 3 ends.

  3. Yes, have you tried going to Romulus?


    I hear their weather is great this time of year. A googolplex of air miles should get you most of the way there.

  4. Yes I would rather have an explorer but I'd want one with some punch in case the baddies arive. The Enterprise is a good example. Small science vessels are not ships that I would want to command. If one of those ended up in the Delta quad like Voy they would have no chance. In fact I think the Equinox was a small science vessel. They didn't do so well compared to Voyager. They didn't even last 7 years let alone 23 that Voyager initially managed... and tehy never had to deal with the borg.

  5. Sure things change, and they would change again. You would become used to a different routine. Besides most of the people on Voyager are Starfleet officers. Their purpose is to do what their superiors tell them. And their goal is to succede at those tasks. I can image the Maquis have some trouble though. Seven of Nine would probably become some kind of celebrity. lol. The Doctor would fight for holographic rights. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  6. VaBeachGuy, I really hope you can make it so that we can play as a certain character without have to register new ones. If you make it possible, I suggest you leave a caption that displays the posters regualr name as well... just so we know Harry Kim is being played by member so and so. I was also thinking that it would be a good idea to have a base of pictures to use that would indicate where your character is... like a pic of the bridge for example. So when oyu post, you just click a picture option like we already do with emoticons. Might be to hard to do, but it's just a thought.

  7. I like the way Gene saw it; actors make better aliens, not because they look like us, but because they act like us. We can relate to them. Species 8472 can't even speak. CGI characters that speak tend to look ridiculous. Also, they just don't look as real as other characters. It reminds me that I'm watching a fake show. Boo to the Xindi!

  8. Yes, the female villians on Star Trek have been good. My personal favorite was Sela, Tasha Yar's half Romulan daughter. I was actaully hoping to see her in Nemesis. I never watched the commercials or read anything before seeing the movie. My dreams were crushed, but I ended up liking Shinzon better.

  9. I remember watching an episode of TNG where they created a soliton wave that could carry a ship at warp with without warp engines. The wave is created by a machine on a planet surface and then picks up a ship and carries it. A second machine is used to dissapate the wave but it doesn't work. The wave grows very powerful and is very difficult to stop. It basically detroys anything in its path. If they built a large ship that could generate the wave you could take out alot of ships on one shot. This could have been very useful in DS9 when they approached Cardassia in the last episode. It would do a profound amount of damage. What do you think?

  10. The Prometheus's architecture could be altered to make it a science ship. Imagine, you could have 3 deflector dishes going at one time from different angles for a scientific purpose.


    As for fighting purposes it is a great idea. In "Best of Both Worlds" it worked fantastic against the Borg with the stardrive (a.k.a. battle section) and the saucer section. Sometimes fighting is the only logical course of action. There is nothing wrong with self-defense.


    I also liked how two sections had warp capability. Image if saucer sections had those. Additionally, it would be wise for ships to have secondary warp cores, in case something happens to the main one. They always lose it in Voyager.


    As for the Alien-ish design kTrek. I don't think it is very alien. Besides, thats a matter of perspective. Kirk would have thought the Enterprise-E looked alien. And I'm sure we'd all agree that the Federation Timeship Relativity is very alien like. But designs evolve.


    In the spoiler below are pictures of the Enterprise, the Enterprise-E, and the Relativity respectively, for reference purposes.


    Click for Spoiler:


  11. Yep, it is a little over done. Um, just to let you know, I didn't choose the "federation" or the "borg" because I don't consider them a particular race. They Federation is multi-culture, multi-race social group. As for the borg, they are made up of many races as well. Of the remaining I choose the Klingons because I think they are interesting and well developed. Romulans would be my next choice.

  12. Thank you! Someone that finally agrees that Janeway is a hypocrite. Sure, Voyager is a "fun" show, but TNG will forever hold the prize for having the ethical captain. It's poetic that Janeway is an admiral because in Star Trek the admirals are always the least ethical. For example... Dourghty, Pressman, alternate reality Janeway etc.