Captain Bolivar

The Founders
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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. Picard was not just the most cerebral of the Enterprises crew, he was the most cerebral of any crew! It is his uncanny ability to avoid physical conflict by using words and common grounds to solve differences between peoples. It seems that that as of late, this trait is diminishing in the shows. Well, I guess a saga has to evolve some how.

  2. I knew it, blue is everyones favorite choice! Actually I read an article in National Geographic about how blue is preffered by most people and why. Did you know that most kids go thru a phase in which red is their fav!

  3. note: some spoilers.

    Well Q seemed concerned that humans would one day evolve into something more powerful than a Q in one episode... so according to him, we will surely be telepathic at one point in our evolution. But maybe Q is wrong. After all we did see Tom Paris live out the evolution of the human species after his warp 10 flight and he was never telepathic or omnipotent.

  4. I feel that Shinzons death was gruesome. Not it a gory kind of way, but it an chilling sense when he pulls himself along the object that is impaling him. As for the grusome, I like a little in Star Trek... but not too much. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing.

  5. Theme parks I think ususally should have variety to them so that anyone can have fun at them. But if a Star Trek one were made alot of people would refuse to go. You know how some Startrek-phobic some people can be.

  6. VaBeachGuy posted the meanings of different starfleet insignia, but did you also know that the arrow shape of the insignia itself was only that shape for Enterprise crew. Watch TAS and you'll see some different ones. I think that you also get to see some others in TOS as well. I"m not sure what the different ones are, but I know this is true.

  7. I certainly think they made the right decision. Look how far Star Trek has come. If TOS was different there is a good chance that ST may not have gone this far.

  8. Yeah the observation lounge is a good scene. I also love the interactions with Data and the Queen. Especially when he says resistance is futile. Excellent! The only thing I don't like about First Contact is that it seems to be missing the cerebral element. Just my opinion... still one of my fav ST movies.

  9. NOTE: this is one serious ramble!


    Yeah the episode didn't make sense. But for some reason I didn't nitpik it like I ususally do... I ended up enjoying it regardless. Seriously tho, Enterprise needs a self destruct system.. if it was activated the non coproreal beings would have left their bodies and would have returned to their ship. They wouldn't bother coming back cause all Archer would have to do is reactivate it. Self Destruct is that answer to most solutions! So is the deflector dish in TNG. Ever notice that in the last 4 movies Picard has tried to activate the self destruct system! Fortunately, it was inoperable in Nemesis, or Date would be the only one dead. As for the deflector dish, even the borg realize the usefulness of a dish... they tried to use it in insurrection...

  10. Ds9 truely was a great show. Like TOS and TNG, it was unique and special in its own way. The problem with VOY and ENT is that they are too much like the 1st too series (like a combination) and this aren't as unique. I think they need to scrap the starship thing again and go for something different. Perhaps a planet base... maybe even earth. I just would like to see a fresh setting. Enterprise accomplished this so some extent as it's in the past.

  11. Yeah, you gotta love how the can remember everything again in a weej... just in time for the next episode. Just like "The doctor" did after they had to return him to his original programing. lol.

  12. I think its believable that there could be a world out there that is just like our Earth under one condidion... that the universe is infinate. But lets say there was another earth out there in that infinite universe... what would be the chances that we'd stumble upon it so easily. Still, an interesting episode.