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Posts posted by SuraksSoul

  1. // wipes sweat from the brow


    Season 3!! Season 3!! Season 3!! Ok .... I'll stop now:


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    Wow...what a good episode. It had everything...emotion, action, and drama! Oops...guess the Klingons didn't anticipate upgrades to the weapons/hull plating :) It seems that earth vessels can pose quite a threat to Klingons. Nice save there when Enterprise reached Earth. It wasn't looking good for a second. So...the NX-02 is only 14 months away from completion?? Does anyone venture to say that we will be seeing some of it in the future (seasons to come that is). I hope this doesn't mean NX-01 is going to bite the dust anytime soon. Hopefully she will last all of the seasons.


    So Mr. Shadow has other intentions for the humans. Interesting. Glad to see him/her make his/her cameo again.


    Now.... on to the Delphic Expanse in 4 months!!





    Overall.........9.5/10. Just because it flew by so fast!

  2. After feeling "sorta-sorta" on the theme song...after 2 seasons...Its stuck with me. I like the Generations' theme...and have actually hoped that they would use it for a series theme song. However...I think we should keep the Enterprise theme the way it is.


    I bet the producers are thinking "how ironic." So much gripe about the theme everyone wants to keep it. Try to appease the crowd and they only turn against you. :wow:


    Not that I really care what the producers think on this matter....

    This show belongs to the fans and they should treat it as such.

  3. Heres the dig on Bounty.


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    From the previews of this episode, I could already tell that I would not like the majority of it. This is a "filler" episode no doubt. Even though it ties in with "Judgement" (Which was a great episode!), I did not find this one to be thrilling at all. The only good part was at the very end on the Klingon ship! The introduction of the Tellarites was one of the only positive aspects of the episode. The whole T'Pol bit was humorous...but obviously had no plot. Not that I dislike seeing Jolene in hardly any clothing... :look:


  barely scores a 6/10.

  4. I also like this episode more than "Bounty." Good backhistory... 8 out of 10!


    Click for Spoiler:

    So Archer owes Trip his captains chair in an indirect fashion! Interesting. I liked Admiral Forrest's guest role and Robinson was cool too. To mention some more, the bar scenes and the launch of the second NX prototype were both awesome. This episode was an excellent tie-in to "Cogenitor" because it shows the depth of the Trip/Archer relationship. Very nice indeed. Did anyone notice how big those beer cups were? Where can I get one of those! :look:

  5. [..] the cogenitor Asked for asylum, and it should have been granted.  What if she had returned to her home planet and shared the views and teachings of Trip with her fellow cogenitors, it could have lead to a catastrophe, maybe even a civil war.  Depending on how many were injured or killed in the war or conflict it could have led to the eventual extinction of the race if the cogenitors were killed off.

    An interesting point, but I think that Archer had to contemplate what would happen if he did not grant asylum. Also a point that has not been brought up. What if the Vissians had used the 'cogenitor' to have the baby and then killed it off afterwards because of its new-found enlightenment? Did Archer take this into account? (probably not b/c the writers don't really go this deep and leave black holes like this to form debates -- woo hoo) Obviously had he granted asylum, it would have strained relations (but hopefully not beyond repair). Even though I can see this view point of granting asylum, I must say that Archer did the right thing regardless. It was appropriate of him not to assert human "morals" or "ethics" as superior to the Vissians....granting asylum would have done just that.

    It was Trip's fault for breaking the natural mentality of the cogenitor, not Archers. did not originally ask for help -- only after human interference did it become aware.

  6. Click for Spoiler:

    This was interesting to say the least. I liked the dialouge between the researchers in the beginning. It seemed very natural and unscripted (if such a thing exists). Lots of action in this one, as it was to be expected. I also agree with everyone about the transporter -- it's becoming a more natural method of transportation for the crew.


    Overall...I can say that this was a good episode. However, I think that I liked the drama in "Cogenitor" a little more than this episode, so I give it a 7.0/10


    Sometimes you have to trade of drama for action :o

  7. I completely concur with the non-war approach to Enterprise. Although I like lots of action (and asserting battles into episodes makes that happen), I hope the writers can find the right balance of drama and action to keep things interesting.

  8. Regeneration. It might be one of the last episodes before the (for me uncertain) "New Direction" begins. I think ENT was beginning to really hit it's stride and I fear the New Direction might represent a return to square one.

    Let's hope that it doesn't return to that Alterego ;)

    I'm excited about "Regeneration" ...however "The Expanse" still has a bit of mystery surrounding it and I love mystery!

  9. After viewing this episode for the second time, I concur with Archer's choice. Guess I wasn't paying much attention to his reprimand to Trip the first time, but it just made more sense this time through.

    As for Trip saying that he was doing what Archer would have done....Archer responded that he did not know what he would have done -- in this particular situation, not generally. Also Archer got put in the hot seat for Trip's actions, so his frustration is understandable.

  10. IF someone on Enterprise were to be a spy....

    my vote would go to Mr. Reed!

    He is afterall, in charge of security. Also, have you noticed that evil grin of his.

    He could easily be a traitor because he is so perfectly positioned for it.



    Ahh...but that plot twist has been done before. Next!!

  11. Click for Spoiler:

    Ok...I really like the idea of a 'steady' mission. It seems like season 3 will be awesome. I hope that they don't change the theme song. I've been acustomed to hearing it while getting my popcorn out of the microwave and searching for that last coke in the fridge. :laugh:

  12. I really like the outfit she wears now. And I have noticed that her wig is different this season. Looks better. Her first season looks were a little shaggy, just look at my avatar! Hopefully they don't make her look bad in season three.