
The Founders
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Posts posted by SuraksSoul

  1. I thought it was a fairly good episode, I would give it about an 8 out of ten.


    Something that hit a cord with me was when Phlox was talking about his grandmother's prejudice.  It sort of reminded my grandmother's (and to certain extent mother's) prejudice against Japanese people.  My entire family are of korean ethnicty so the oldest generation in our family have this sort of "bad blood" against japanese people during their occupation of Korea.  Some of them go to the extent of hating all japanese products such as automobles, cameras and my PS2 (although my mom doesn't like video games in general.)  I feel like Phlox on the importance forgetting old wounds and trying to open more I really like my PS2

    I can really relate to this. My grandparents (both sets) live in the rural Southern US. Like your grandparents' relation to prejudice against Japanese people, obviously my grandparents (not so much as they use too, but still today) have prejudice against black Americans and that is disturbing to me. Phlox is a good example of how to NOT follow a previous set prejudice. It is something that we should all strive for.

  2. The UPN affiliate in my home town reaired both parts of "Caretaker" not to long ago. It was awesome to see it from the beginning again. I thought the concept of the "Caretaker" was cool too. I need to download this again! Thanks.

  3. Did you see the Tribble at the very beginning of the Enterprise episode The Breach tonight.


    Click for Spoiler:

    Hoshi thought it was cute and then Phlox fed it to one of the creatures he keeps in his lab. ;) 

    Why yes I did! I immediately had flashbacks to Trials and Tribble-ations! Great to see such a reference on Enterprise. The writers and Robert Duncan McNeil did a great job.

  4. So what did you think of this 23.4.03 episode?!


    Personally, I thought it was average. Learned more about Dr. Phlox however!


    Lets rate this episode from 1 to 10.


    I'll give it a 6.


    Click for Spoiler:

    "MOVE or I'll shoot in you in the *buttocks* with my phase pistol!" -- classic.

  5. I agree that Reed acts a little flaky sometimes, however, I don't think that he is the right candidate for the first gay crewman. Also, in the book "What Price Honor?", Reed falls in love with a lower-class crewwoman named Alana. But then of course she dies. ;)

  6. I mean if we saw neanderthol man lauching an aircraft carrier wouldn't we expect them to fail?  I think that this is how the Vulcans see humanity at this point.

    Great analogy. Archer's gung-ho/cowboy style isn't exactly the smoothest approach either and I can see why the Vulcans have their aprehensions about him. I guess that we'll have to wait to see if the answer to this question will be fufilled in later seasons!

  7. I'll vote for a new cast! Also...I throw an idea on the table.

    Maybe they should go ahead and cast a new series...however, instead

    of jumping right into the series, open the series with a movie. It would be

    different wouldn't it? It would also be very risky. Anyhow, it would be one

    hell of a way start a new branch of ST.

  8. Hmm...interesting.

    No one was in the chat room labeled "Ten Forward."

    Except this one person with "FSF" in front of their screenname.

    They were waiting for a swim team meeting or something.

    And...they had never heard of

    so I did a little soliciation and quickly exited the room.

  9. I am in full support of an EVENT Wednesday! I do agree that we should try to gather after the show. However, not all of us live on the East the chat will probably be divided by time zone!

    I'm an East coaster myself, so see all of the 8pm crew there!

  10. We all know how Archer feels about Vulcans. The whole backstory of how they withheld vital information from Henry Archer. We can see that from the beginning of season 1, things were tense between Archer and especially the Vulcan ambassador. However, "Cease Fire" seemed to bring better relations about. Or did it? Is there a conspiracy going on to prevent Enterprise's success and will it become a story arc in the future? I feel that there is still something fishy going on with the Vulcans. Thoughts please!

  11. Now I have to ask, why does everyone feel that there should be a death, and please I know about the "it was the next logical step" and "it brought him full circle".To write the final pages of the story of life is a eventuality for us all(irregardless of species). What I mean, is I have heard people (not just around here, but elsewhere-mainly elsewhere) say that his death was necessary, that he NEEDED to die.That is what I will never understand. People seemed (in some places) to really have it in for him(as if they hated him, or he did something cruel to them. Some people got so vicious that I left that site in tears!).


    This confuses me and well, mainly angers me. (Don't worry, I am not going around telling people that THEY need to die). So, dsbs you are definately not alone in this.

    For some reason, the writers chose Data instead of anyone else. What was their reasoning behind this? Who knows. For androids, deactivation is the closest thing to a real death. And how many times had Data been deactivated or put back together!? Maybe the writers chose to kill him off because you can't reactivate or reassemble a human. :wow:


    I don't believe that there are large factions of people that wanted Data to kick the bucket,

    since he is one of the most popular characters. :D

  12. A DS9 movie would really be great. I concur with the mixed cast idea as well.

    I'd like to see some more Orb action or the return of Sisko.


    While the dedicated fans of Star Trek are all up for a DS9 movie (including myself!), Paramount would

    more than likely not risk its production, because it would not go over well with the "general"

    movie-going audience. This is an unfortunate reality.


    I'll keep my hope up though :wow:

  13. I voted for "Poor", but I'd give them another chance. However, that chance is not likely to come about since that was probably the last movie. I left the theatre really disappointed. They rushed the ending and it just came off really bad. I didn't mind Data's death because it was about time someone bit the bullet (i mean phaser explosion).


    // looks for flying projectiles from angry Data fans! :wow:


    Moreover, I was not really impressed with Tom Hardy... Ahhhhhhhggg....


    I think I'll stop right here. :D

  14. Out of curiosity....has anyone read the book "Lives of Dax"?

    Who wrote that? I am a big Dax fan and I would love to get hold of that book.

    It is an anthology of different authors. It was edited by Marco Palmieri.

    Yes, its a great read because each story has its own style.

  15. Hmm...I guess I'll comment on this. Seems fitting and all. I happen to work at a bookstore (yes..that very large chain bookstore). I picked this book up and read it in 4 hours. Even though it was not the smoothest read ever, I did like the themes, you mentioned, in it. It was very elementary're right! If you liked this book, you should read "What Price Honor." if you have not already. Good book too. I rate Surak's Soul a 6 out of 10 on the book list. :blink:

  16. yes, it was a great episode. i especially loved the musical score. it was the best one i have heard on the show yet. i kind of reminded me at some parts of the khan theme in the wrath of khan.

    Click for Spoiler:

    Ok lets begin a long and ranting post. Yes I agree the musical score was very well done. It was especially awesome when the cargo ship and the pursing ship dropped out of warp. Story wise, it was kind of what I had expected. Very emotional in the beginning (which I actually liked for a change). Predictable that Travis would have to prove himself. I think the actor that played Paul did a good job and his mother was well played too. Oh yea, lets not forget that Anthony Montgomery did a decent job also. I am semi-impressed with this episode. Could have been better....could have been worse. Hard to follow up on an episode like "Judgement." However, there was enough Archer/T'Pol action to feed a thread for a week on Archer's "dating" inference. Geezz...why oh why?!



    Overall.....I'll rate this episode a 6 out of 10.