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Posts posted by SuraksSoul

  1. Trinneergirl...nicely put. I think a moment like that (aliens questioning the different appearences of humans) and having a gracious and justified comment like you suggested (by Archer)....would really go for what Star Trek is really about. I hope the writers will take note of simple things like that....things that underline the values that we humans see to attain, but often take for granted.


    Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard - My apologies a second time. :P

  2. I only bring this subject up in regards to the context of the writers and the audience. I should have clarified this earlier. Sure, I hope Travis and Hoshi would not take offense to this, but I don't believe the writers were analytically thinking about this in the same way that it is being discussed now. It was simply terminology that the writers wanted to convey to the audience and I think it was an interesting choice.


    Perhaps a big reason for that is because the "BIG 3" get all the screentime. Mayweather...hardly gets a "conn" shot. Therefore, it is easier for the writers to not keep his character in mind when writing scripts.

  3. Besides the obvious, " the pink skins" is Shran's nickname for the humans.

    Has anyone ever taken sight of the fact that Mayweather (being black) really doesn't fit this category? Perhaps I am overlooking something here.  If so, fill me in please.

    It's no more racist than when someone calls an African or African-American "black".

    I apologize if you thought my description was racially suggestive...however..

    African-American is a PC term. Not every "black" person has ancestry or origin in Africa, just as not every "white" has ties to Europe.

  4. Excellent Mr. Combs....excellent as usual.

    Click for Spoiler:

    Andorians really dislike Vulcans, eh? To the point of betraying the humans without doubt. Good thing Shran likes Archer....or else I just don't think I could bare it. (obscure movie reference) least there is a shimmer of hope still left in Andorian/Human relations.


    The one thing that I thought was odd in the episode was when Degra saw that Enterprise was in range and approaching the weapon. He didn't seem to taken aback by the fact that Archer has made so much progress in the Expanse and that the humans were upon them already.


    I loved the scene with Trip and Shran talking about Earth. Part of the reason why Shran can't bring himself to betray the humans.


    Good episode. 9.0/10

  5. SuraksSoul Posted on Jan 17 2004, 01:04 PM

    As for the religous/terrorist mumbo jumbo and Archer's preaching...I don't feel that it was extreme. Archer needs to be allowed to make points that the audience disagree with. That's the beauty of storyline creation.


    Under basic ideals of free speech that is true but just how much latitude would you give him. Would you be as supportive if he made a racist or sexist comment? How about if T'Pol snubbed an abortion or gay rights activist? Would that be as acceptable?


    Basically the plot was too contrived for it to be a useful analogy

    D'Jamat was so narrow-minded and set in his ways that Archer was just fed up with the arrogance that accompanies that thinking. The entire civilization was wiped out because of blindness.


    The Crusades (+ other religious wars) are a remarkable historical example of the way this kind of thinking operates. People think they have some divine providence to go wipe others out over something that's not worth the cost of the bloodshed. Just a historical regurgitation that I got out of the episode.


    Some people are "religious extremists." They give religion a bad name because they think that only their views matter and are willing to use violent methods to coerce people into the same faith. D'Jamat falls into this category (as do both of the two religious sects of the planet). I don't think that anyone would agree that killing someone in the name of religion is good thing. Therefore, I believe Archer was correct in using the form of language that he did. It would have been different if he had said it to someone of a "peaceful faith" who didn't want to annihalate anyone who disagreed with him/her.

  6. Archer and Crew have been in the Expanse how long now?? A pretty good time has gone by. Archer is bound to make common sense mistakes. He is probably under a lot of stress (i imagine). The entire database fiasco was more than a common sense error. They should have had that puppy security patched! many times have they been boarded easily and undetected by groups like the Suliban?? As was forementioned...I agree that Archer blew this one big time -- however, he needs to make some serious mistakes in order to make his character realistic in any sense. It's part of the journey.


    As for the religous/terrorist mumbo jumbo and Archer's preaching...I don't feel that it was extreme. Archer needs to be allowed to make points that the audience disagree with. That's the beauty of storyline creation.


    Overall...6.5/10. Not one of my favorities of course. I think it is on par with the episode "The Seventh" from season 2. Blah blah.

  7. Click for Spoiler:

    The episode is not I will not comment on it other than to say that the religious leader used a very "familiar" analogy. One of the troops and the village and the little boy that discovers them and they must kill him to secure their mission. We discussed this very same analogy for another episode. Just thought that was interesting to see...

  8. How I hate winter breaks. But now SEASON 3 RETURNS with "Chosen Realm." I can't say that I'm actually thrilled about this episode. It seems (the storyline) to remind me of the Voyager episode where the people immitated Tuvac, Janeway, etc. And they pretended to be religous monks also or something and they get hold of the database. Sorry my memory is bad and I forgot the episode name.


    Anyways...Hopefully "Chosen Realm" will prove itself otherwise and be a great second half opener. I'll be looking for more story arc details, yes I will. :unsure:

  9. As we have seen this poll several times...I'm glad to see it back again.

    After some time has gone by, my favorite episode of Season 3 THUS,


    is "Similitude." What a touching episode. The ending was just spectacular. I think the prior episodes (which were all excellent) really helped build this one up.


    Awaiting the return of season 3 TOMORROW!!!

  10. This question of "how long will it last" is a very valid one. Even the life expectancy of Voyager (which a lot of people down right hated... and it still lasted to season 7 on UPN) was never brought to this much attention. Perhaps Enterprise gains more attention because it is the "prequel."


    I think that it is important to stop worrying about this matter because "Enterprise" belongs to Star Trek. If sci-fans can bring back "Farscape".... then I'm none to worried that "Enterprise" will at least make it to season 6...even if it isn't with UPN.


    I don't know about 7 seasons for "Enterprise." I love the show to death...but I would honestly still be happy if they ended it on season 6.

  11. I read several things about "the darkness of Archer." Now I like Archer's ethical intents. I'm glad he started off good-hearted and now, how he's getting a bit of a darker edge to him. I sincerely don't think that he makes enough mistakes however. He always seems to have the right answer (well most of the time) and this makes him unrealistic. I want to see him make a "Trip" error sometime. One that would lead the crew to question his "leadership" and for him to somehow find a way to redeem himself.

  12. First Flight also stands out, because I love seeing members of the crew at younger stages in their life, plus we got a bar fight with Archer.

    I love bar scenes in Star Trek. I was glad to see "First Flight" had one. The bar scenes in TNG with Riker and Picard and DS9's episodes were always part of my favorites ;)



    -- Yes...If I remember correctly...I think "Cogenitor" brought on the best debate on this board during season 2 ;)

  13. I have read every one of the few Enterprise novels written...

    I liked "What Price Honor?" by Dave Stern...where Malcom was the main character. I thought it was decently written. However, "Daedalus" has an ok story...but the writing just seemed to ruin it for me.


    It seemed like every spot that Dave lost train of thought for Trip...he would have him say some kind of "earth idiom" that the space aliens don't understand...

    Of course I see Trip easily doing that...but not over and over again as portrayed by Stern.


    The prior Enterprise novel "SuraksSoul" by Dillard was almost equally as bad...

    Yes, I took the name before the book was released -- "slaps self in head." :dude:


    We'll just have to see if Daedalus' Children is the same way. I like the story, but I think it could have been told better.

  14. Terrible long time til next year!!!! :blink:


    But I've still Similitude and Carpenter Street to watch. I'll get both epis this week-end. I can't hardly wait to see them!!!

    OH my....

    Whatever you have to do to get to a television screen...

    whether it is avoid an important meeting, you have to skip work, miss your grandmother's funeral (eh...maybe not the last one -- if you have TIVO :lol:

    you must watch "Similitude."


    It was one of the best if NOT the best.

  15. This was the great episode with Archer studying the Xindi database at the end. Intense ending...


    One thing that I noticed during this rewatch, was that at the beginning...when the anomaly is going through the ship and hits the mess the reaction on the faces of the people as it rips through the mess hall. The last people to get hit by it are acting like nothing is happening before it hitsl...even though trays are flying through the air and people are yelling before they actually get hit next...funny..


    just one of those nit-picky direction issues. :biggrin:

  16. LOL, I would never be able to accept the fact that the writers killed off the "real" Trip in season 3 only to be replaced by a clone. I think it would show a massive lack of creativity on their part.


    I'm glad this episode has created this much discussion. The sign of a truly great story is one that gets talked about.


    Final word...I wouldn't accept "Sim" as a replacement to Trip, nor would many other fans.

  17. Click for Spoiler:

    First off...even though he is "Trip", he is not...because Sim knows that he is a copy and that those memories never really happened to him. That could cause a breakdown in a stressful situation where Sim is needed to come through. someone else pointed out (I think it was Captain Bolivar) -- Sim may have been caught up in the moment when he admitted feelings for T'Pol....because he knew he wasn't going to live. The real Trip would not have done this -- because he was not under pressure to relase his emotions like Sim. (However, I think it is a really odd situation now...because will T'Pol tell Trip everything that Sim admitted to her?)In acordance...Archer was correct to force Sim into the operation, simply because Sim's strange experience of reality could have affected the crew in the wrong manner. Only the real Trip could be counted on 110%and Archer knew this.