A l t e r E g o

Federation Vice President
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Posts posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. I agree when you said I should not have posted my "past experrience" with the previous board.  That makes logical sense.  But, Henry comes and attacks me, and the moderrator just magically jumps on his side and assumes I'm bad news.  That was my reason for deciding to leave.  I am no trouble maker, just someone who wants to have a good discussion.  Good-bye.

    I was not magically jumping on his side. My response (which another mod has since deleted) was based SOLEY on the fact the conversation had started in the first place.


    You, having been a mod before should be able to understand where I am coming from on this.


    There were NO side's taken, I only wanted it to STOP. I hope that is clear.

  2. I'm sorry, I meant no disrespect to you. I meant if Picard can just let things go and start over, there will be no problems. I'm not looking for trouble, just another great message board

    I’m sorry but your post I quoted here assumes to me that unless the captain does something you want him to do there is going to be trouble here.


    Please clarify your position in regards to causing trouble or not on these boards.

  3. Indeed, this looks to be a very good site. If we can let bygones be bygones things will work fine.

    Your beef is with the Captain. "bygones be bygones"? Are you talking to me? There is nothing between this site and you for there to be any "bygones" about.

  4. I have been holding off buying the 2 episode volumes of TOS in the hope season box-sets would be become available soon but I think I am going to give up, break down and just buy what I can while I still can.


    Ktrek, it is because of your gushing testimonial I have made this choice! :devil: :bow:

  5. All mods have the ability (and responsibility) to delete and/or edit posts.


    Yesterday I edited two words from a post I felt might lead to an argument also, yesterday I edited post's which had open code tags, I closed the tags as a courtesy to the poster and for the over all clean appearance of the thread.


    I (and I would hope the other mods) would never change the meaning of any post I/we edit, (unless it is spam) like I said [so far] all of my interference has been minimal and always for the good of this site and it's members.


    We all understand the need for Mods here, NOT having working mods was what drove us all away from st.com.

  6. I do not know if they did it or not but I was wondering if anyone had seen it or heard a rumor there is a Data FC Playmate Action Figure displaying Data in his Ahem...birthday suit?


    Truth be told I know it is more than a rumor, I saw (long time ago) an advertisement for the figure. It must have FLOWN off of the shelves cause I never saw it anywhere except in the ad. CALM DOWN! :wow:

  7. OK he didnt kill anybody but he didnt keep his followers clean, who knows what all they might have done....

    Oh but he did kill someone... remember the line during the battle in the city when Chekov was distracting him, "Do you realise what you've done?!... it wasn't bloodshed that I wanted!" He may not have pulled the triggers but it was his gun, he tried to bend the law and it snapped back right in his face.

  8. That's right Lessa, if it were not for novels there would be Hugh gaps of Trek history in my mind. If something does come along which contradicts canon, I chose which version works best for me and that becomes my official canon version (hey, it's more personal that way :wow:.)


    Unless I am really desperate for Trek reading I try to stick to only reading HARDCOVERS. Seems to me Paramount must think rather highly of those stories to be chosen as hard covers in the first place so even less chance of future contradictions to occur than with paperbacks.

  9. :wow: Great episode! I love the theory about the wisps being the same as in TNG (what was the title of that onedunno.gif) Also, the Calamarian<(SP) could be suspect’s.


    When that maw opened to suck the ship in my mind raced with memories of TOS The Doomsday Machine, I know the two stories are not related but I like it when any Trek reminds me of the OS and especially if it happens on ENT. What else can I say, this one had a little bit of everything good about Trek I loved it!

  10. Now that I'm catching up on my future history, I gotta ask, what the hell's going on on Romulus these days? Whatever happened to Commander Sela? Was it ever explained? Did I miss a TNG episode somewhere? And what about Spock? Is he still on Romulus trying to convince dissidents to support unification with Vulcan? And then there's the whole Shinzon mess. Has anyone mentioned this yet? Or did I miss a TNG episode which Spock died or fell into a Nexus or something? Maybe Leonard can still salvage the movie franchise and come back in Star Trek XI - The Fall of the Neutral Zone. Or did that happen at the end of Nemesis?

    Although not considered canon, the answers to these questions will in all likelihood eventually be found in novels. For me, this has always been the best thing about Trek novels; they OFTEN tie up loose ends left lying around.