A l t e r E g o

Federation Vice President
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Posts posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. While I would not try to pretend for a moment I understand most of what yawl say here, having dabbled in some amateur astronomy, I feel confident enough to say I too would choose the Big Fizzle, more chance at life continuing in that scenario.

  2. Anyone know the name of the actor who has played 1. The Romulan defector (TNG) 2. Grown-up Alexander (TNG) 3. Odo's teacher/tomenter (DS9) 4. He also might have played a Vorta but I can't be sure.

    If u are talking about the Federation Guy who defected to the Romulans its Berry Lynch in *Face of an Enemy* in TNG.. I got no clue about the Others...


    ~Lauren :)

    Thanks that was helpful info (sorry for taking so long to respond, I "forgot where I parked") but I am talking about the ROMULAN DEFECTOR in The Defector you know, that actor whom was the defector.

  3. The writers may still be able to pull a rabbit out of their hat (or a boner) on this subject, we'll see.


    About the TCW being "tacked on", I disagree. While it is true it appears a cheap device created for the intention of glazing over the issue of ENT doing something constructive in the area of being a prequel to TOS, I think it does add to saga. Brannon has scored before with individual time travel stories ( I believe he has written every single one of them starting with TNG so if anyone is well equipped to pull it off, it's him and I maintain my faith in his ability to make this story-arc memorable.

  4. Beware however! I am constantly on the roam police.gif looking for post's which have no substance and if a post appears to have been created only to raise post counts  It might be considered spam...smash.gif

    Alterego, what exactly do you mean by no substance? :)


    Posted: Mar 24 2003, 06:16 PM by Alterego

    :) thumbup.gif


    thats a good question, wish i asked first :D    :)    :lol:


    I see your point.


    However my post included content to the subject of this board in a quick and easy way, Being Global Moderator, every post at this site is my responsibility to oversee, I do not always have the time to spell out what I mean to say and that post was an example of the pressure I was under to;


    1. Post a response acknowledging the Honoree.

    2. Hurrying to resume my duties.


    I hope this has cleared up any misunderstanding and now, if you will please excuse me, I still have a page and a half of new post's I must screen before I can settle down and enjoy the boards as just a visitor. Any other questions? :)

  5. My Dad hates ENT, he says they are making big mistakes well, you know all of the complaints so I will skip to the meat.


    Yesterday our family spent the day over at my folks house and as luck would have it, my tape collection of this season's ENT found it's way along with us :dude:


    We started with Shockwave and watched/argued

    banghead.gif our way through every episode and by the time we reached Canamar guess what?

    He finally listened bigear.gif A former ENT basher has been converted into a new ENT fan.


    While there are still issues we both agree hold room for improvements, I was successful in putting down many of his perceived problems with ENT! :blink:

    and he promise's to watch ENT with a more friendly attitude in the future! One down, 10 million to go!hoppy.gif

  6. He made this site all by himself?  :blink:

    Yes, (although there is a silent partner on the Members List) I have watched this site go from ordinary to extraordinary and it was always VBG asking me how I liked the upgrades, I like em alot! :dude: