A l t e r E g o

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Posts posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. Alterego, you may make me turn in my communicator badge after seeing this question but...I have to ask...who is Zimmerman?






    That was the name it was touted from before VOY started was going to be the Dr.s name, I believe there was one episode, the Dr. asked someone what they "thought about the name "Zimmerman" then nothing more was ever said, (VOY had a LOT of problems, IMO)

  2. ... does anyone have a little tip where I can find the episodes?

    Sorry, There has been another asking the same question, after much searching I can tell you if it ain't on Kazza lite it ain't on.banghead.gif Your local UPN is not playing any reruns?

  3. Actually Archer needs a few years to have a fair chance at this poll.


    I disagree,lol.gif Archer is the best "out of the gate" character they have ever created. I feel I understand Archer after a season and two-thirds, better than I understand Picard after all this time. No, Archer qualifies NOW!

  4. IMHO,  the most irritating Star Trek character ever was Neelix.  He had no business being on any starship.  I know he supposedly "knew his way around" the Delta quadrant because of his former occupation, but he was never any help.  All he did was whine alot and stick his nose where it didn't belong.  No wonder Kes dumped him!


    I stand corrected! Neelix and Zimmerman, an irritating combination!banghead.gif

  5. I was watching some of FP today and I must say there are some striking similarities between the two, the look, the feel, the way it causes you to think about things behind what is being shown on the screen, all very reminiscent of Trek. I was most awed by the technology of the planet and how resembling to the Borg it is. Another factor was the Id and how a parallel could be drawn between how FP and many Trek episodes explore the "Enemy Within". Very interesting.

  6. ------------------paste----------------------------------------------------------------

    An old man lived alone in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, Bubba, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.


    Dear Bubba,


    I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me.


    Love, Dad



    A few days later he received a letter from his son.



    Dear Dad,


    For heaven's sake, dad, don't dig up that garden, that's where I buried the BODIES.


    Love, Bubba


    At 4A.M. the next morning, F.B.I. agents and local police showed up and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.


    Dear Dad,


    Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances.


    Love, Bubba ________________/paste_______________________________________


    It is ok if you need to think about it for a minute.......


    ps... lol

  7. That’s right here you are, links to every story remaining this season, some of the information may be incomplete but will be added to as information becomes available and there could be spoilers, enjoy at your own risk.


























    BOUNTY and THE EXPANSE are going to be a doubleheader on season finale night!

  8. About Regeneration from trekwebs




    Posted: 18:41:20 on March 18 2003

    By: Steve Krutzler

    Dept: Enterprise | stenterprise.com

    ENTERPRISE consulting producer David A. Goodman has popped up online to reassure STAR TREK fans that the appearance of the Borg in the upcoming episode "Regeneration" will not be as disastrous as some have predicted.

    "Everything you're worried about, regarding the Borg and Enterprise, will not happen," he wrote to fans at Trek BBS. "This episode doesn't violate continuity. In fact... it serves it."


    "Regeneration" follows up on the events of STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT (1996), with fragments of the destroyed Borg Sphere uncovered in the Arctic Circle. The installment is penned by Mike Sussman and Phyllis Strong.


    "They have done a great job with 'Regeneration'," Goodman said, praising the team that most recently wrote the teleplay for "Future Tense."


    Viewers will have to wait until May 7th to find out for themselves



    Sound very good to me!

  9. Read the following paragraph carefully and count how many "F"'s are present; The answer is below but DONT CHEAT! ok?












    So what do you think? 3? 4 maybe?


    Go back and read it again, CAREFULLY!;


    Answer below





















    Suspenseful huh?






















    There are six.


    The brain cannot easily process the word "OF."


    Incredible or what?


    Anyone who counts all six F's on the first go is a genius


    Three is normal.


    How did you do?