A l t e r E g o

Federation Vice President
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Posts posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. <font  style='width=80%; filter:shadow(color=black)'><font  style='width=80%; filter:glow(color=blue)'>I've noticed a bit of a bug in the new features. If you quote someone that has some of the new features in their posting the code gets messed up in the quoted text. Also if you go back to edit a posting that has some of the new features it will do the same thing.


    For now we'll have to put up with the bug. But I'll be trying to kill that bug as soon as I can.


    This is a follow up to what VBG just said above to illustrate what he is talking about; I am doing this to show what the bug can do. Did the above quote have any of the problems he described? I will post this now to find out.


    EDIT: Yes they did.

  2. Shoot!


    I was hoping you were including INS in that post. I am looking for justifcations for both INS and NEM to be part of an altered timeline after First Contact. So far the only thing really out of place with INS is that dopey Admiral. O' well...


    I wonder about the war being a good excuse for the flopping of NEM but I do not have a better one.

  3. I agree Insurrection had something to do with it too.  The darkness of the film meant that it wasn't helped by the world situation being what it was at the time.  For the past few months people want to go to light comedies (except for LOTR).

    Takara, do you mean the darkness of INS or NEM?Sorry if it is a dumb question but the way it's worded,

    I want to make sure.

  4. :wow:Thanks, here it is again, thingys.


    I wonder if B'Elanna would have had to return to the Academy if she wanted to return to Starfleet.


    For VOY being the disappointment it turned out to be (for me) I never thought about it but I've got to admit you have me curios now... [Thinking Pause]........


    Naaaah. :wow:

  5. On different threads I have voted for DS9 and TNG but for me TOS is ALWAYS a given. TOS is the mother of them all and no series which comes after can ever again have the life altering (hehe, get it.) effect on my life as TOS did. :wow:

  6. Xenexian, myself, and I think I can safely say TM did not mean MONSTERS in the traditional sense. That is why in my post I italicized the word monster. I’m sure what we all meant on this thread so far was our agreeing it would be cool to see more species as portrayed in TOS, on ENT.

  7. Ohhh I was hoping to sneak around answering that question but you have pinned me down now so ok.... truth be told I CANNOT choose between TNG and DS9, I love them both EQUALLY, that’s the best I can say.

  8. Why was it that she vanished for a couple years there? She just wasn't on very much. I never have heard why though.

    Well we've heard every explanation except the kitchen sink and here it is; She was down on Bajor studying Botany.


    I loved the paranoia O’Brien had about Keiko and I really loved the way she seemed to know that about him and kept him dancing on his tippy toes around her. WHATTA WOMAN! :wow:

  9. All right on the money prometheus. Generously speaking, I would say there were perhaps 20 noteworthy episodes in all. Here is the stickler though, I will, most likely, buy every season! I'm insane for Trek! :wow:


    I'm hoping that when it's released on DVD that I will look at the show differently.


    ME TOO!

  10. A 10! Precisely one of the things I have been hoping for ENT to explore.


    I especially liked when it was said about there being "Different Classes" of Klingons! :wow: Talk about a foundation being laid to someday explain ridgeless Klingons and further, to explain why they are not ALL Warriors!


    I just want to go to st.com and smear it in all of their griping faces!


    YES! I am jazzed! ENT RULES!


    I would like to take this opportunity to recommend to all who loved this episode of ENT, start searching for a (originally hardcover but I'm sure there are paperbacks by now) copy of the novel "KAHLESS", I guarantee the writers of last night's episode have read this book. :wow:

  11. My fault! I should have done a better job editting the quote. I do agree with you TM, the Cat parts were cool, what I was laughing at was this;

    SHe claim that she could be all women to Kirk, and then she turns into three or four of the most hideous looking women there ever were.



    OH-NO! Here I go again! rofl2.gif