A l t e r E g o

Federation Vice President
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Posts posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. Minutes ago, (10:48am EST,4/09/03) Marines pulled down the largest statue of saddam in the heart of the city of Baghdad!


    Scores of Iraqi civilians stood by, cheering and throwing their shoes (Showing the soles of your shoes is considered the greatest insult to an enemy in the Arab world.) at the fallen statue while as many as could fit atop the effigy of the fallen dictator, danced merrily.



    I am thrilled! Oppression is ending. God Bless the Iraqi people!


    Here are links to your favorite news teams for up to the minute details...







  2. Agreed, the Simpson’s are becoming tired and Futurama did rock! I have not seen it for sale on DVD here in the States yet but fortunately, I recorded every episode when they were first-run.


    Oh yeah, I also have every episode of Fox's "The Tick". There was another one to fall before its time; it was really starting to shape-up.

    I missed out on recording The Family Guy from the beginning though. :)

  3. TUVIX :)


    Now there was an interesting everything VOY episode which falls into every "my favorite" category about VOY. :)


    However, (sigh) as good as this one was, the ball was ultimately dropped again with the decision to resolve it by the end of only one episode, this character would have been good for at least 2 or 3 shows. :oops:

  4. Speaking of men screaming, you should have been in the waiting room of the Dr.’s office I was at getting the remainder of a toenail I had stubbed the crap out of, removed! :) I still go into a light level of shock whenever I remember back to that dark day.

  5. Was Birthright the one where Data had his first dream? I think it was and that is my second choice behind Time's Arrow in the #1 spot.


    Talk about killer cliffhanger.... of all the cliffhangers in TNG, TA was the keenest for picking up the ball in part two with the same sprit with which part one ended with; it's just the best!

  6. ST3: TSFS. I missed seeing it at the theater for some reason which escapes me now :) but when I seen it was being played on Showtime (this was a LONG time ago) I walked to a payphone, (we could not afford a phone then) called the cable company (Hey! Priority’s!) and ordered Showtime because I had to see the resurrection of Spock. This is my most watched ST film of all time at about 50 viewings.

  7. Data. Because he was the next Spock type character.

    and shouldn't your vote count extra towards Data because of Jem_Soong??? :) :) :)

    I thought of that and decided it would not be fair unless she had an account of her own here and could cast her vote independently of mine.


    That day may come soon; we are considering adding an Internet connection to her pc in her room for her 10th birthday (5/2).


    We receive all of our lifeline services from one provider (except G&E) and they offer tempting discounts for additional services. :)

  8. I vote no because there is not enough evidence to support it's existence as a true planet.


    If it were a Gas Dwarf then it would fit in with other planets in that area of the Solar System but being a solid object, suggests to me it was captured. I could be wrong though; stranger things have been discovered out there.


    I wonder if we will ever see a mission to explore it in our lifetimes, Has NASA been dragging their feet on this, or does anyone know of a mission being planned?

  9. Hi ~Crims~. You know I had a little trouble accepting Archer as a good Captain too. I have come to understand that that is exactly the point of him.


    See I believe, based on things we have been shown about him, there is a part of him which, has never grown since the death of his dad, (like Sikso and his pain over the loss of Jennifer but in a paternal way instead of spousal.) some part of him exists elsewhere.


    His dad was his whole world (remember something happened and his mom was never around for whatever reason) and everything he does is somehow influenced by memories of dad's loss.


    I further believe Admiral Forrester gave Archer the Ent as a means to try and snap him out of his driving depression and bring forth the good man hidden under years of pain, imo.

  10. or should this question be in a different forum?

    You were not the first one on this thread to go off topic Trance, I have been watching it and since 8247 doesn’t seem to mind and has been responding in kind to the off topic statements made here, I say fine.


    For the benefit of anyone reading this who has a thread anywhere at this site and there are off topic post's on it you do consider spam, PM me (or the Mod of that forum) with the details and I/we will clean em up.