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Posts posted by ddillard

  1. Lives of Dax is such a good book. 


    Click for Spoiler:

    My favorite story was the one guy who is a serial killer.  It was so creapy at the end when they were in that back room! 

    I am going to try to get the book this weekend. It sounds great.

  2. This past weekend we went to see Dreamcatcher and in it, there is an organization called "Blue Squadron" or "Section" or something like that but the point was they seem to have been a real life version of Men in Black and they caused me to pay some consideration to the possibility it does ALREADY exist. :wow: wooooOOOOoooo :D

    Kind of makes you wonder doesn't it?

  3. I have to agree that it was probably the worst ST movie of them all. Yes, it had some good scenes, but not many. I just find that alot of the plot did not fit with the ST universe. And also, what about the side effects of the Great barrier that were experienced in TOS when the Enterprise went through. I have to admit the Scotty knocking himself out with the bulkhead after proclaiming to know the ship like the back of his hand was classic.

  4. I know this is not a major topic, but I figured if I could find help anywhere it would be here. Is there a site that has a listing of when Star Trek conventions are going to be held. I have been trying to find information about finding one in my area, but I always find out AFTER the convention is over.

  5. I would think that all the crew would clean up after themselves. It is a little different though if they are called to duty during their meal. But maybe the mess is their equivalent of going to a full service restaurant.

  6. I never really liked Kes. And I always found her relationship with Nelix to be a bit of a stretch. They just seemed to different to be together. Also, her character had to many mood swings. At one point she would be completely soft spoken in a stressful situation then she was yelling at someone in a general discussion. One word for her PROZAC.

  7. Like when they were trying to bargain for the transporter technology (some episode in the first season, don't remember wich) it was okey.. they even stole it.. hmm..

    If you rewatch that episode. Capt. Janeway was against taking the technology without the permission of the alien government. It was Tuvok and the other members of the crew that made the deal to acquire the technology, and Janeway reprimanded Tuvok for it afterwards.

  8. That is a very valid point. I had always just assumed that the First officers codes would become effective at that point for those systems, but now I am not sure. Maybe I am overthinking this whole situation. In a case where the ship was withing comm range of Starfleet the codes could be reset manually, but in cases like VOY they would be screwed.

  9. How much organ and tissue damage would occur between the time of death and the time of freezing.  Would the damage be reversible?  Is there any research on how brain cells would react to long term freezing and then being thawed?  I wouldn't to be thawed out and not have much brain function.

    Usually when someone has agreed to cryogenics the person is frozen immediately after death if not at the time of death so there is not much time for the body to degrade. As far as the research on the bodies reaction to freezing, they are still brying to correct one "small" problem, all of the cells burst when they are frozen.


    I myself would love to be frozen when I die, just for the remote possibility that I could be brought back later. I mean what would I have to lose, I would be dead anyway. I just think that the remote possibility that I could be revived in the future would be great. I think it would be great to see how everything turns out in the future.

  10. My most embarrassing Trek moment was in middle school. We were assigned to write a short story, of about ten to twenty pages long. I wrote a short TNG story that was about seventeen pages. Well, a week later my teacher told me that he had found the story to be so good that he had entered it into a writing contest. Well, it ended up winning so the teacher decided to recognize me by reading the story to the entire school at an assembly. Understand that in my school Trek was kind of Taboo...... It took me years to live that one down with my peers.............