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Posts posted by Theunicornhunter

  1. First of all, let me say that as to T'Pol everyone better read between the lines of Berman's latest interview. He makes a statement that T'pol will have to "decide" whether she will join the "new" mission. In other words, unless they can get Jolene to continue to play T'pol the character of T'pol is FINISHED!. This is alright by me as she is the most boring character on the show. So, everyone be prepared to see Jolene leave and maybe only guest appear. Ktrek

    Interesting, what different messages we get when we read between the lines. First of all I think it is pretty standard to have the entire cast sign a seven year contract. They may be able to get out of it but they can't bargain for more money to stay in it. Secondly, when I hear this "T'Pol will have to decide..." I think "Oh great, another boring let's concentrate on T'Pol's inner conflict episode." They could get rid of Hoshi and T'Pol and I wouldn't care...I really would like to see a new female cast member but then I've said that a few times already. As long as Trip and Archer come back I'll be happy.

  2. T'Pol can't join Starfleet!  It's been well established that Spock was the first Vulcan in Starfleet.  Perhaps she could wear a Starfleet-looking uniform like Wesley did in TNG's 2nd season?

    I don't want her in a Star Fleet uniform - just dressed like all other members of the Vulcan High Command - none of the rest of them wear catsuits. Basically I want them to lose the catsuit

  3. My major complaint in the beginning was that everyone was too whiney - particularly Archer. He's been terrific. My other complaint was their depiction of female characters. I'm actually starting to like T'Pol but I still want her to get a real uniform. (Hoshi still needs work)

  4. Have you ever had jalapeno jelly? Yes, real jelly made from jalapeno's. I don't care for the store bought stuff but homemade from jalapeno's that I grew myself. Cream cheese and jalapeno jelly on a Ritz cracker - ooh yum.


    As for salsa, I roomed with someone once who made it fresh; it would be so hot I'd think my tongue would come off but I kept eating. The bottled stuff just isn't the same anymore.

  5. ... I always associate people with their avatars.   :D  :D

    How I wish...



    I don't remember the Prometheus from Star Trek but isn't Prometheus the name they used for the ship in Stargate-SG1 or at least the code name for the project?


    This is an interesting thread...

  6. I tried to think of something that was relevant to me - and although I am an avid Star Trek fan, a unicorn theme seemed more representative. I've had a unicorn collection for years and I like that mythical appeal that unicorns have. As for the Hunter part; l love Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter; I respect his love for nature and his work to preserve it. So I combined the two ideas and became the Unicorn Hunter.


    The other day my sister told me her grand-daughter asked for a horse; she told her they were too expensive - she'd have to think of something else. The child thought for a moment and asked if she couldn't have a horse could she have a unicorn. I loved that story.

  7. Plus, T'Pol should really be left on the ship in command when Archer's not there and she does do that very well so she is best of being left there sometimes rather than covering Archer's back otherwise Trippy gets left in command, which seems to stress him out: ''I'll get back to ya!'' springs to mind!! :D  lol

    Oooh, but remember Cease Fire when Trip was left on the bridge, OMG - that was the real Trip...he's so cool I melt.


    I voted Archer/Tucker - agreed they don't leave anyone behind and they can both be tricky. There's no question of Reed's and Mayweather's bravery but I am afraid Reed might be too quick to fire weapons and Mayweather doesn't seem experienced enough to be sly like Archer/Tucker can be.



    From the registry number, you can gather that Enterprise is the first ship.  There are 3 more under construction.  They've made better relations with the Vulcans which were rocky at the start along with first contact with Klingons, Andorrians, and other popular aliens.  We also have the Temporal Cold War.


    ENTERPRISE is currently my favorite TV show, so if you got any questions, I'm your man! :D  :D

    If Enterprise is the first Star Ship does that preclude other smaller ships - like research vessels.

  9. Thanks for all the thoughts...I know I'll survive....I'm even hoping to find something closer - I hated spending almost 2 1/2 hrs a day commuting. I have actually been working on my dream which is my teaching certificate. I am getting close but it was easier to pay tuition when I had a job.

  10. It keep's getting better and better.


    Click for Spoiler:

    Before the show, I was thinking The Breach was gonna be about Phlox refusing to follow orders to treat an enemy, big deal, dullsville. :D


    I thought it might be good for maybe a 5 then, seeing the Tribble up’td the score to 6. :D  Then there was a time when the show seemed to be falling apart before my eye's and I might've groaned inwardly with disappointment  :oops: and my rating of it began to plumment but then the pieces began falling into place, ;)  The brilliance of this masterfully crafted rehash began to shine through, I realized the title "The Breach" was not about Phlox disobeying an order from the Captain to disobey his Denobulan Ethic, it was about Phlox's decision TO OBEY IT! ;)

    I began to sing praises to ENT again and by the time it was over, I rated it a Strong 8. ;)


    This morning I am greeted by this wonderful thread filled with the most heartfelt responses for an ENT episode I have ever read.




    My finale analysis for The Breach: 10!sun_smiley.gif


    What an experience! Long Live ENTERPRISE!

    I was confused by one thing.


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    I thought current medical practice (at least in the US) was that you couldn't force treatment on a patient (unless you have a court order - I guess the Captain's order would be the same thing?). Phlox seemed to indicate this was Denoblian ethics but not the human standard. Any medical professionals out there?

  11. It's not an alternate intro...  It's just the opening sequence with the Generations theme instead of the short version of "Where My Heart Will Take Me"

    You mean the music is from the movie Generations? I still think the combination of this music and the opening scenes are more effective than the current intro. The TNG theme is from Star Trek the Motion Picture so it's a common practice.

  12. I had just come out of a meeting and one of my co-workers kept the news channel on his radio. He told us about it and I thought it was a small plane; then people started getting into the internet and the scope of the disaster became evident. It was a somber day- poeple had the option of going home.


    I remember the day Elvis died too but the celebrity death that got me was John Denver.


    I do remember the start of the first Gulf War - I was in class and one of the other professors came in and made an announcement. They let us out early for the evening. I lived in DC at the time so it was really tense around there.

  13. Laws are introduced to control the population of a society and to make them adhere to a set of principles to curb criminal and potential damaging behaviour. Without laws there would most certainly be anarchy and society would crumble. None of us would enjoy the happy state of living which we exist in. Now I know that that sounds all a bit obvious, but hold on. The laws on polygamy are there to prevent a person from having multiple marriages and having lots of children. Even though people do have sex with each other and have children anyway. You cannot prevent people from having sex as this would be a breach of their human rights. If children result (which is not always the case) then they result. To allow polygamy. however, would bring down a barrier that is there for a lot of people - ie a lot of people will not have sex without marriage. To allow multiple marriages would certainly ENCOURAGE people to marry lots of people and have more children, therefore ADDIDNG to the overall numbers of children being born. Often such marriages will stretch finances along the way causing problems. The law is a general one that works out best overall as it acts as a lack of incentive to have lots of families and so forth. In other words it makes for good public policy. As is often the case, the law may seem absurd in specific examples but overall is usually effective.

    There is a legal standard by which laws are enacted; in general it is to protect the public good; the right of procreation (married or not) is considered a fundamental right and thereby can only be proscribed (forbidden) if there is a compelling state interest to be served. The Supreme Court found a compelling state interest in proscribing polygamy in the late 1800/ early 1900. (I don't remember the date). It wasn't to limit population but reflected on the moral harm of the practice to society at large. (I don't think people would be rushing out to have multiple marriages if it suddenly became legal because to most people it is repugnant. ) My question was what moral harm does polygamy do that mulitple illegitimacies doesn't do?


    There has to be a bad act. What is it?


    The truth is illegitimacy presents a genuine threat to the public good. Not only does the child often end up on the welfare rolls; the consequences of increased rates of delinquincy, poor school performance and higher drop out rates will drain social programs throughout the child's life. I'm sorry but I get really upset about this; you need a license to drive, hunt, get married, practice certain professions etc.; but the right to truly ruin another human being's life is a constitutional quarantee. It doesn't make sense; the same compelling state interest we have in proscribing polygamy should also apply to "serial procreators." (IMO)

  14. I read somewhere that Connor Trinneer had done Much Ado About Nothing for the Utah Shakespeare Festival. I'm sure that was one of the plays I saw in when I was there around 1987/88. I wonder when he was there? For once I regret not keeping all my programs.

  15. For some reason the poll thinks I already voted and wouldn't let me vote. Anyway, I'd have to say T'Pol. I realize she's a favorite to many, and maybe her acting is improving a bit, but to me she's simply not what a Vulcan should be. She looks so ridiculous in that outfit, and her various implants just distract. I can't take her seriously and it angers me that the producers are using such a cheap gag to attract teenage male viewers. It just confirms the worst stereotypes of Hollywood producers and degrades the show. Maybe if they dressed her down and gave her a less-revealing jumpsuit it would be better.

    I agree it was a lapse in logic to make a Vulcan the character they chose as a sex toy - not that I think they should have any - but it certainly shouldn't be a Vulcan. I really couldn't stand her at first; but in truth if they gave her a real uniform and got rid of the "switching chromosome" banter between her and Archer I think I could like her as a character. I think it has helped that she and Trip had a couple of scenes last week. They have a sort of friendly antagonism that is great to watch. I liked the line in Horzizon where she suggested he could use the free time practicing his harmonica - she obviously didn't think too highly of harmonicas.

  16. I enjoyed - not ground breaking drama but good. I'd give it a 7


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    The Phlox part was predictable - not like the ep of TNG where Worf let an alien die rather than give a transfusion. Anyway - Trip had some great lines. I like the part about the last cave he was in had a snack bar. I wonder how they filmed the crawling scenes - one side had to be cut away for the camera but they sure looked like they were in a narrow cave.



    Have you ever been in a cave? I've been on guided tours - no spelunking. I got claustophobic just watching this.

  17. My first Trek episode was the first Trek episode in 1966.  I believe it was The Man Trap.  Little did I know back then that Trek would have such a huge impact.

    Me too, it was about the salt eating creature that looked like McCoy's old love; I think the name of the planet even had 13 in it. I even remember the promos they ran before the season started. (Now if I could just remember what I need to remember today) I was a kid but I made sure I was at the tv when it started. Gosh, that was a long time ago. I have watched the premier of every other series since then and have seen all the TOS, TNG, VOY and ENT to date; I missed a few DS9.