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Posts posted by Gotabite

  1. I don't know how many of you were fans of Ray Charles. But if you are interested in a very powerful, moving story, and an excellent that I would even recommend for a family........see "Ray." It is one of the best movie that I have ever seen. I sincerely hope that Jamie Fox will be nominated for his depiction of Ray Charles. The making of this movie began when Ray Charles was still alive. And he was very much involved in the casting and directing of the content...............I hope many of you will go to see it....... I would love to hear your comments afterwards.

  2. I voted for Kerry two weeks ago. My state had early voting. I went to bed last night, without watching any election results....I sort of figured that when I woke up this morning that I still won't know.............and I was right. I still don't know.

  3. It's really not the public school system my friend. We have some very disturbed people who live in our society. We also have some people who think it's funny and powerful to be able to close down a school or school system. All I can say is I am sorry this happened to you. I'm glad you see the seriousness of it. I also hope whoever did it will be caught and punished.

  4. Wishfire, I am a bird lover who has had many parakeets, cockatiels and parrots. A the present I own a small parrot, that I call Seven...........named of course after Seven of 9........Anyway, parakeets like most birds from the parrot family are very smart. They can be tamed, taught all kinds of tricks. The males can even learn to talk.....Their little voices are not strong like the larger birds........but they can be understood.......They are affectionate, and can become very attached to their owners...........They can live up to 10 years, if well taken care of. Baby parakeets can be tamed very easily.......But my advice to you, is to go to a large pet shop, where there is lots of information about pets, and get a book about parakeets.......Because, you also need to know about the kind of environment and foods to keep it healthy....If I can be of further help you can always send me a personal message.....Good luck :flex:

  5. I agree so much with what UH had to say about how to improve our schools...........child rearing is one of the key issues. I'm not labeling families, either. I'm only saying that the values and home environment are key to children's attitude towards learning and their respect for authority.

    I grew during the days of segregation in the south. My schools received very little in the way of funding, equipment, books, school renovations, etc..........Society at that time didn't encourage or even care whether we were educated or not. But at home, whether we came from single family or two family homes; we were taught the value of an education, and respect for authority. Our schools had the right to discipline us, without being threatened or intimidated by parents. Some behavior issues did exist back then, as they do now. But even after you were disciplined school, when you got home from school our parents would discipline us all over again about misbehaving at school. Right and wrong, respect, and values were key at home........There was very little, defiance at home. So there was very little at school. Parents were in charge at home and teachers were in charge at school. Teachers were creative and made do with whatever they had..........We learned at school, under some of the worst physcial deprivation you could imagine, because education was very important to us. Our parents ingrained in us the value of an education.........and from our poor, poverty strickened schools, we were still able to compete with students across town whose schools had most of the money.

  6. I'm glad in retrospect you view this kind of behavior, as not a smart thing to do. My next door neighbor's teenage son often did this. He thought it was funny to see cars full of people swerving to avoid hitting him, even though it was highly possible that those in the car could be seriously injured in the attempt to avoid causing him injury ...........It did not have to be Halloween for him to do this.....and he often did this to show off in front of his friends........Well, one day, his friends were available to see him killed right in front of their eyes.........the car couldn't brake in time...........How awful it was for his little brother and friends who saw it, those in the car who hit him, and for his mother waiting for him to come home from school that day.


    Jumping out in front of a car after dark wearing a hockey mask like Jason from the Friday the 13th movies is mine. In retrospect it was more stupid than anything else. :laugh:


  7. I took down my aquarium a few months ago. Although it was beautiful, and I'd had it for three years, I got tired of the maintenance. Most people don't realize that in order to keep fish healthy, there is monthly workto do. I still have my Yorkie, my parrot and my five box turtle, who live outside.......I'd love to have another Yorkie..........but the Yorkie I have now, gets very sad, even depressed with other dogs around...... :laugh:

  8. UA, I lost my mother back in February. So, I know there are no words that can truly provide the comfort that you seek, or take away your sorrow and your pain. Just know that many hearts are aching because of your lost. And many of us understand how hard it is. You will need a lot of time to heal from her passing.........But she will never leave you......she is still a part of you, and always will be.

  9. You know, I really think that fans series likes and dislikes, depend on their various reasons for watching Star Trek. Personally Voyager is my all time favorite, with TOS and TNG following in that order. After the original series, TOS was taken off the air, initially I could not get into TNG. I tried but to be honest I could not get into any of the characters. For years, I would not watch any Star Trek other than the TOS re runs. It was only when Voyager came on the air that I had a desire to see how the writers were handling a woman being captain of a Star Trek ship.............I truly loved the adventures of Voyager.......Sure there were some episodes that were poor, but there are weak episodes in all of the series. Overall I truly enjoyed the story lines and Voyager characters..........It was only after I got into Voyager that I could go back and try to get into theTNG re runs, which by the way, Now, I do enjoy. Deep Space 9, is not for me, no matter what, nor is Enterprise..........But I began this saying I do believe we are fans for different reasons, and this is why there are preferences[/size][/color]

  10. I thought this to be an interesting forum so I decided to check the test out to see what test results would come my way.....Well here are my results: Paranoid..................Low










  11. Jeanway, personally, I agree with much of the research you presented which suggests that the personality and behavior of children depends on family environmental circumstances......I am not an only child. But my son is......I was the oldest of three.

  12. I was wondering if anyone else saw Jeri Ryan last night in the hit series 2 1/2 men? While it was great to see Jeri on TV again' I personally did not like the role she played..........a woman who only wanted to have sex with the leading character. Jeri, is a very attractve and talented actress. And personally I'd prefer to see her in roles more fitting to her acting ability.

  13. :) Yep I must confess...I love Little Bill. The lessons for kids, the principles that are focused on in this cartoon are great.......Plus there is no violence. I think a lot of Bill Cosby's efforts to provide positive TV for children.........And I must say it has me hooked too. :(