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Posts posted by Gotabite

  1. The Caretaker felt guilty about the predicament he had put the Ocampa in. He was dying and felt they would not be able to survive without him....Of course his thinking was not logical...and it was he that had made the Ocampa so dependent. Still the Caretaker considered himself their protector. Over the course of our own history, there are leaders/dictators that we could compare him to.....think about it.

  2. I work at a very large medical center, where I have also been a patient many times. I think that hospitals can be very scary places. And ER's are especially scary. For patient's and their families are dealing with an unknown about a loved one. There are several things that bother me about these settings. First there is the waiting time for both the patient and the family. While I do understand that information must be taken regarding finances and insurance. But when a loved one is ill, that is the last thing on one's mind........Sometimes in a rush to get to the hospital, people don't even think about their insurance cards. Again, I realize financial information is needed. But at the same time, medical records staff need to be more sensitive to the situation, and in the way they approach people during stressful times. Another thing that bothers me is that when people are waiting for long periods; I wish there were staff who were trained to come out; sit and provide comfort to family members during their stressful waiting periods. I too think it would be nice if in the waiting rooms there was fresh coffee, water, soft drinks, magazines and books that reflected different age and ethnic groups. Televisions should be a given....I just feel that comfort and sensitivity to people's stress levels as they wait, should be taken more seriously....It has gotten better. But still needs improvement.

  3. You could not have said it better. Ossie was such a fine actor and role model for many reasons. He and Ruby Dee had been married for 56 years. Whenever you saw them together, either in character or out; you could see the deep love they held for each other. My prayers are with her..........Ossie's passing is a tremendous loss, in so many aspects. :) :)



    My prayers are with Ruby Dee and the rest of his family. He was a wonderful actor who played all kinds of roles and he and his wife were wonderful role models and articulate spokepersons for the many causes they stood for in their private lives.


  4. I live in North Carolina. I remember when this situation happened, a little more than a week ago. And though to me, the whole thing was ridiculous; you must understand that there are certain parts of North Carolina that are used to dealing with snow and some areas that are not.......Now I personally did not hear anything about Raleigh being declared a disaster area. What I know about the incident is this: First, Raleigh is in the eastern part of NC. They are not used to dealing with this kind of weather, and were not expecting snow that day. When the snow came it caught everyone off guard. Businesses began to shut down, as people were trying to get away from work to get home. With no salt or sand on the roads......and people in the area not used to driving in snow.........all kinds of Serious Traffic accidents occurred that day, which shut down city streets and highways in that area. Automobiles and trucks were even falling from over passes down onto highways below. Children spent the night in schools because, the school buses were not allowed to take the home, and parents couldn't get there, to pick them up. City, state officials, and law officers, were not communicating, about how to deal with the street and road chaos that was taking place. It took 5-6 hours for some people to get home.....And these people actually lived in Raleigh. Raleigh being the capitol city......the Governor has ordered an investigation. But the city wasn't I don't understand it being declared a disaster area.

  5. What's your favorite episode featuring Tom and B'Elanna. I must say that whenever Voyager focused on the dynamics of this twosome, "sparks" were definitely going to fly, and memorable lessons were learned.........There are many great episodes to chose from. So I was wondering what you could tell me about your favorite Tom and B'Elanna episode, or episodes.........For me there are two "Day Of Honor," and "Drive."


    "Day of Honor", because B'Elanna finally stopped fighting and faced up to her feelings about Tom.........And "Drive," because they finally made the commitment.

  6. This is a great question. When I first started dating my significant other, I wondered whether my interest in Star Trek would be viewed as something "weird." But as we have grown together, it has become something that is simply accepted. I have even been able to show some of my favorite episodes.........and there have been lots of questions asked.(smiles) I guess my point is this. My significant other will never be a Trek person. But as long as the differences and different interests that we have are respected between us, and not looked upon as "odd'.......then I'm okay. In fact it adds variety to the relationship.

  7. You put a lot of thought into your response, Prometheus, and bought out some excellent points. Sometimes differences in couples is part of what makes a relationship work, because what the one partner lacks the other partner brings to the other words, they compliment each other. B'Elanna and Tom took the time to work out their insecurities, and other issues over time. They may not have been the most outwardly loveable couple. But I felt that their passion for each other and their commitment was very deep. This is what is lacking with many"real" couples.


    I thought that it was nice that two regular crewmembers finally got married in a Star Trek series. It is nice to know that so far into the future the institution of marriage, which in my mind is a very special and treasured thing, is alive and well. Especially in light of the way in which nowadays it has lost a lot of it's sanctity through the ease of divorce and people just not being bothered any more.

    As for Tom and B'Ellanna... well, it's a tricky one. There are a lot of successful relationships that stem from differences. Often we see different personalities marry each other and the two mellow together to each become a sort of a hybrid character akin to each other. The laid back ness of Tom mellowed out B'Ellanna, and her passionate nature perhaps spiced him up a bit, who knows. They were both rebellious to begin with and got into a lot of trouble so i suppose they did have a good few things in common.

    I would never have called them loveable though. A better match than Seven and Chakotay !!!! any day!


  8. I feel the same way.


    I often read a thread but do not respond to it.  I may find the topic interesting but if I do not have anything of substance to add to the conversation I will not post just for the sake of posting.
