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Posts posted by scaleman

  1. Personally, i'm glad they make movies of various games, saves you the time and trouble of going through all the crud of the games, if you know what i mean :picard-sith:. And some of those movies are pretty good: mortal combat; resident evil (great job on that genetic mess of a creature, really :wow:); haven't seen all of wing commander to be honest, i only caught what looked like to be the best parts (you gotta admit, the stunt by 2 of the pilots in the hanger was pretty neat).

  2. Skadoodles (yeah i know it's silly, but i don't want to say a certain other S-word). This whole month has seemed pretty much lousy so far, cept for tonight i haven't been allowed to get online and thus have not been able to chat with my love :). This month has been pretty screwy, i hate it. Me wants my good months back :flex:. *takes tina and the others who've had stinky days to a nice spa so we all can relax a while* :)

  3. Takara, first off if paramount had given Gene a DECENT way to pick a succesor and he STILL picked berman, i wouldn't be as iritated as i am. There's also the fact that as previously stated that berman picked a director who, basically, knew nothing about trek besides it was "some sorta sci-fi that takes place in space" etc.


    There are PLENTY of people out there right now that do a GREAT job with their own works. I'd like to point out the director of Hidden Frontier for 1 :laugh:. And the point you made about new channels is a good one.


    But besides the point, i guess after working for this many years as a director berman may be getting tired of it, to be frank. We may need some "new blood", regardless whether berman is "at fault". Trying to balance myself here guys, is it working? :laugh:

  4. Umm, guys, i've seen something like this before about a voyager movie (which obviously was wrong at the time cause we'd have it fairly soon by now). And i doubt they're going to make an Enterprise movie during 2006, they need to have one the explains what happens to the crews of DS9 and VOY first. Besides, that'd mean there'd be no more then 4 seasons according to them of Enterprise.

  5. I think they should turn the Tron:2.0 game into a movie instead of remaking the original. This way you get to know what happened after the fact and there's a correlation between the tron of the late 70's/early 80's and the tron of now, with modern tech :). Besides, i don't want there being a possibility of them ruining a good movie :laugh:.

  6. Wed May 26 14:11:00 2004 Pacific Time

    Michigan Tech Students Build Their Own 'TRIcorder'


    HOUGHTON, Mich., May 26 (AScribe Newswire) -- A team of students at Michigan Technological University has developed a new plug-and-play device that might someday do anything from track local weather to measure the gas mileage on your car. But for now, they think it could be a boon to science educators.


    Dubbed the TRIcorder for short in honor of Star Trek's universal diagnostic tool, the Transportable Research Instrument System has three parts: a Palm Pilot hand-held computer to process and display data, a cube to gather that data, and special docking device that electronically links the two other parts and lets them work together.


    The heart of the TRIcorder's power and versatility is the data cube. Because it can be fitted with any number of sensors, its applications could conceivably range from medicine to auto repair to meteorology. Its creators think a good place to begin exploring its capabilities is the high school science classroom.


    The TRIcorder has a number of qualities valued by K-12 districts, says Nathan Skalsky, president of Michigan Tech's Integrated Microsystems Enterprise, which developed the device. It's portable, versatile, and so simple a Tribble could use it. Plus, it's cheap-under $300 apiece. The estimated cost to equip a 30-student classroom with TRIcorders is $8,700, a fraction of the cost of a conventional classroom computer system.


    Here's how it works. The science student puts the appropriate sensor card in the two-inch plastic data cube, sets the cube in an experiment site, and then watches as the data pours into the Palm Pilot. Skalsky demonstrates, waving the cube it over his head. The Palm Pilot screen shows how fast his hand is accelerating and even registers the cube's temperature change from being held in Skalsky's warm hand.


    Admittedly, most high school students would consider that a pretty lame experiment. So, the students have developed alternatives.


    "You can put the data cube in the nose cone of a model rocket, fire it off, and it will send data wirelessly to the Tricorder, which can tell you how fast it's going, how high it gets, and show you if its about to crash into the ground."


    "[The TRIcorder] allows teachers to ignore the mechanics of a scientific concept and just teach the concept," Skalsky says. "You put the cube in a hamster wheel (minus the hamster) and roll it around, you can run around the track with it, you can just let it sit there, and you get real-time data."


    Because of the escalating cost of real science experiments, educators have seen a push toward using CD-based virtual experiments. "This is our minor attempt to slap the people behind that movement on the wrist and say, 'You don't need to do that,'" Skalsky said.


    This fall, the Integrated Microsystems Enterprise will bring the TRIcorder to local school districts to try out in science classrooms.


    "We want to see what features are used, and what people try to do with it and can't. You can learn a lot from that."


    Even without a field test, the TRIcorder is attracting attention.


    The idea and its projected cost caught visitors' eyes during a recent conference in Taiwan of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the leading professional organization of electrical engineers.


    "Eight people placed orders, or tried to, which is a bit premature but encouraging nonetheless," Skalsky laughed.


    Michigan Tech's Enterprise program brings together teams of students to solve industry problems, address engineering challenges, or, as in this case, to brainstorm and develop new technologies.


    Michigan Tech ( is ranked among the top 50 public universities in the country by U.S. News and World Report. The university has one of the largest engineering programs in the country and offers quality programs in the sciences, business, communications, forestry and environmental science.


  7. Even though i'm not in the military, i feel this is the least i can do *stands at attention and salutes those who have fallen*.


    Thank you to those who have fought and died for our country,

    who have sacrificed everything to protect those here at home,

    may we never forget that which they've done for us all,

    and shall we always pray they rest in peace and happiness forever. :blink:

  8. Well, it was officially admitted that the design was based on the akira, pretty much. But they said that was done because of how famous the akira class was and they hoped that fame would transfer to some extent. Still, it is a good idea and establishes some sort of design lineage that goes earlier then just 23rd-24th century lines. I'd like to see more of these 22nd-24th century lineage lines if you ask me <_<.

  9. Click for Spoiler:



    Click for Spoiler:




    Harry, that's not fair because when bernd made that they really hadn't explained a lot of which part did what. Such as: the "weapons pod" is a subspace governor that helps keep the warp bubble stable in the higher warp factors the enterprise utilizes; the shuttle bay is actually underneath and not "at the back" as it appears; those are struts that come off the saucer :hug:; the portion of the struts closest to the bridge, what the device is that (basically) was derived from the P-38 lightning (i know cause i'm a fan of the aircraft <_<) is the first stage plasma accelerator. I have more but i'm probably loosing people by now <_<.



    Ok, the spoiler i meant to use was the second 1 harry put up, not the first one. Sorry about that :hug:.

  10. Didn't care for it and still don't really care for it, the writers and the director could've done better (why weren't we allowed to see the new XO?!!!!! <_<). I'm not impressed by it because (A) it was a poor excuse for a tng TWOK, ( B ) because they didn't leave an out for data!!!! ( C ) the actors hearts just weren't really into it (plus they didn't even give the SLIGHTEST hint as to what class the Titan might be!!! <_<).