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Posts posted by scaleman

  1. I heard night before last a guest on Coast to Coast AM talk about acidity vs alkaline and he said basically that there are too many people whose levels of acidity are excessively high (this is the same person who wrote the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus books), and basically reinforced something i've felt and believed to be true for some time.


    That is the fact that we must eat and drink items which are more on the base side to become healthier/REALLY healthy. But one thing he did mention is that a lot of these tests that "show" the ph balance are misleading, if not false. Basically, just eat and drink those items that are base until you fill you've gotten to the right level.


    What happens is fat people tend to store the acid producing "toxins" in the fat cells when there's too many of these particles, but with thin people these toxins can't be stored and so the calcium in your bones is forced to balance as best it can the difference in your body, thus why more lean people have osteoporosis then do fat people.

  2. High risk just because of asthma? Well, i think that's a load of bull, but then i don't get sick from the flu anymore (i do have asthma, but ever since i stoped taking the flu shot i've done BETTER when dealing with the flu).


    Anyways, i'm in no frickin way taking another flu shot for as long as i live, unless i ACTUALLY need it :laugh:.

  3. Plotlines that should be dropped.


    Tripp/T'pol: I think this is one of the worst subplot ideas that I've seen in Star Trek.  The physical relationship is  completely inappropriate and I think it hurts the show overall. I had hoped it would have been dropped by the 4th season but recent reports don't indicate this.


    Temporal coldwar: I'm honestly tired of all the time travel. I don't mind a little time travel but to have a whole ongoing story arc centered around it is a bit much, I hope it is concluded soon.


    Klingons: I like the Klingons but I think they should be used more sparingly.


    Suliban. Please.... No more


    Plotlines that should be added (imo)


    I would like to see  more interaction with the Tellarites. I would also like to see Gorns, Orions and a Romulan vessel minus the cloaking device.  Maybe we should go deeper into Vulcan society?  Or amaybe... perhaps they should get back to exporing the galaxy.



    T'Pols drug use:  T'Pol through her actions got several people killed and should not be 2nd in command of the ship. Her actions should be revealed in some way and she should face punishment. Phlox should face some consequences for  covering it up also.  You have noticed that I'm not a T'Pol fan... Maybe her character should... expire.


    What are your opinions?



    On the issue of the Trip/T'Pol relationship, i think it never should've happened myself. Why? Because, in the first season they focused more on there being a relationship between T'Pol and ARCHER, not T'Pol and Trip, it seems like they droped a more likely connection for 1 less likely (Archer is closer to T'Pol's age then Trip is, heck, Trip wasn't even born when T'Pol and Archer met!!).


    The TCW issue? Well, i'd like to at the very least know who/what future guy is. Besides, the Suliban haven't been THAT prevalent in the episodes, but a lack of good writing about them has :lol:.


    As per the issue of the Klingons, i'm GLAD they've been used in the series like they have. The show actually recognizes the likelyhood of a klingon vessel encountering Terrans in a way i'd expect (almost), and i think if Enterprise or another ship was out exploring there would've been a conflict long before 2219 :laugh:.


    They're going to have Orions in this new season of Enterprise so cool your jets!! :clap:

    Now the Gorn, they were an unknown until Kirk met that one in TOS, so we can't go there until maybe a Star Trek: Excelsior series is born. The Tellarites are bound to reappear in a bigger way also, and i think we will see more on the vulcans (perhaps we'll get to see that ship that only appeared as a holo-image in an earlier season?) As far as the Romulan Cloaking thing goes, i think you should check this webpage out: .


    Now, lighten up on the T'Pol drug issue, i'm sure she's going to get thrown in the brig for a while as punishment (that or she'll be scrubbing the warp conduits, or both :clap: ).


    Another thing i'd like to see is that they drop these stupid "photonic torpedoes." i mean sheesh, just a few episodes prior Hoshi finds info mentioning photon torpedoes and the best the writers can come up with as name for the new torpedoes is "photonic"?!!! They need to bring back the original weapons and give a reason like "we had to drop them because they are excessively draining on resources, resources we no longer need to waste since we've solved the xindi issue." Besides, they can come up with a new torpedoe design for the spatial torpedoes, one that is supposed to increase the yield in some way that doesn't use up materials like the "photonic" ones do.

  4. post-897-1096654634.jpg



    Hehehe, i love that one jeanway, wish we had one here :lol:. :)


    But no one has answered:  how do you feel about kids that trash a house if the person doesn't give out candy?



    TUH, realistically i don't think that happens too much, it's most likely these events are overblown by the media like they used to scare people about certain unsavory particles being in candy. And like has been mentioned, why would those kids bother when they can spend that time just getting more candy?


    I've never actually seen any houses that got trashed because they didn't give out candy. Those kids can't stay focused. The goal is the acquisition of candy, any time spent on vandalism is taking away from your total candy time. It also helps to make a note of the houses that give out the good candy (full size candybars, chocolate, caramel) and those that give out "healthy alternatives" like carrot sticks  :laugh: so you can visit the former on your second and third laps and avoid the latter like stinky sacks of durf. It's also good to scope out the houses of the bachelors in the neighborhood because Halloween always catches them completely by surprise so they have to hand out cash in lieu of candy. (This doesn't always work because sometimes they give out whatever they can find in their house, canned beans, lightbulbs, ramen noodles. :clap: )



    Canned beans, lightulbs, and ramen noodles? :P That's a joke, right? Although, if you think about it the lightbulb idea might be a good one, just so long as you don't forget the candy :P (if people gave out these new energy efficient lightbulbs, think of how much people would save in the long run :clap: ).

  5. You mean i need to think about that? :P I understand the issue of a whole town or whatnot coming to 1 neighborhood, but come on; one of the few times (if not the ONLY time) that kids get to dress up and enjoy being up at night doing all kinds of games, and we're DEBATING this?


    As has been mentioned already, when halloween was originally created it was known as a non-christian holiday (originally called All Hollows Eve i think) and the people really had no concept of a devil et cetera.


    And no offense, but the only time i went to a mall for halloween the treats SUCKED. Thus why the family only went the 1 time (i don't know if it's any better now, but i doubt it). Just be glad you can see the kids out having so much fun instead of staying home watching mindless tv, or playing some stupid video game or causing some REAL violent chaos.

  6. i heard UPN is picking up the cold and flu series, now in its 4 millionth plus season.  But with the UPN treats programs no doubt the cold and flu season will finish early and be cancelled, and we'll never see or hear or feel it again.




    What? :) :(



    :P That's a good one trekzone :). Anyways, my immune system is pretty good, minus my allergies to pollen, ragweed, etc. I can't even remember the last time i had a shot for the flu nor the last time i got it, the worst i have been sick in the past few years was kinda puking 1 or 2 days, and i was only sick 3 days so that was pretty good for me.


    Last year my family all got a flu shot (except for me, of course, they were really iritated about me saying no to getting one too :( ), and you know what? They were the only ones to get sick, and i was just fine, so go ahead and tell me i'm better off getting one, i won't listen :).

  7. Umm, things have changed slightly since i last replied :P. What changed was how much info i've heard regarding Mad Cow Disease!!! :) I swear, if it comes to it i may end up being a vegetarian for a decade or so :(.


    I'm serious, i heard one show of Coast to Coast AM and if you heard what i did you'd have thrown up (well, some of you would've, anyways) :).

  8. First we have the X Prize, now the O (Orbital) Prize? A clip from the story on the recent launch by spaceshipone:


    Robert Bigelow, billionaire hotel magnate and space tourism promoter, said this about SpaceShipOne this morning: "I'm impressed with the sheer speed of the vehicle." It goes over Mach 3 (Mach 1 is the speed of sound) and is privately built. "That's an accomplishment in itself besides all the other things it'll do today."


    Bigelow this week announced a new prize of $50 million for the first private group that can build an orbiting, passenger-carrying spacecraft.

  9. Whoa :(, i saw this a while back on PBS and completely forgot about it (and never knew of it's hidden meaning either :( ). I was rather surprised to see it back then because it had a fair amount of nudity in it (although it WAS on during the midnight kinda time, this was STILL PBS).


    Nice to get a reminder of it, it was a neat movie (even if i didn't know nor get the meaning).

  10. :(, Krispy Kremes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe, i love krispy kreme, :blush 2:. My mom, having been basically raised on their food (it's sometimes called "her other mother's milk" :( ), and with a couple of stores located in wichita, we MUST have something krispy kreme once a month.


    Speaking of which, in 1 episode of SG1 Gen O'Neil asks to one of the "yeomans" on the regard of a couple ambassadors locked in a room together: "You made sure to put Krispy Kremes in there, didn't you?" :laugh:

  11. I've had twinkies and zingers, but never a chocodile (never heard of, let alone knew anything about chocodiles).


    I prefer zingers over twinkies, but i'm curious as to what a chocodile tastes like (if only i could FIND any :().


    Oh btw, i decided not to vote cause i thought it'd be unfair to the chocodiles :laugh:. :(

  12. *sigh* You know, just recently i started a thread talking about something supremely scary Bush said, but then it got stoped shortly afterward.


    I understand the will to stop mudslinging, but why do we have to sign up on yet ANOTHER site just for the sole purpose of being able to trade political views?


    I hate it myself, it makes little sense. :(

  13. Hehehe, i know this would be supremely ironic, but wouldn't it be funny if someone made a Deanna Troi shaped chocolate treat? :lol: Sorry, couldn't resist, she IS the only self described choco-holic in star trek (canondom) history.

  14. I think it's something more like only 5 to 10% are unexplained, and there are a couple of cases where they weren't crop circles, but PORTRAITS!! :lol:


    These were done in less time then anyone could naturally do them, and these are the most complex designs ever seen to date.


    Just for a bit of fun i'd like to see a crop maze created though, cause it'd show the aliens had a sense of humor :hug:.

  15. Emmmmmm, chocolate fountain, :drools: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hehehe, tis good that's for sure, just, i don't care for dark chocolate (unless it's a mounds candy bar, otherwise i'm not interested). Btw, if you ever make a Junior Mints Brownie, be careful how many you add and in what consistency, otherwise it'll be a bit tough, especially the end sections :hug:.


    Why do people like troufles btw? I don't really get it, isn't chocolate in and of itself good enough (unless it's fudge, uh oh said too much now :lol:).


    Has anyone made anything from star trek outta chocolate?

  16. So-called "academic instruction." It seems more and more though that it's more about getting kids ready for college as stated before and indoctrinating them. Not to mention teaching them "valueless knowledge". Of course there's also the fact people are making courses more to test good then anything else, regardless of how absurd these tests are.