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Posts posted by scaleman

  1. No, hollywood's exploited it too many dang times already. It was bad enough when USA decided to broadcast their remake, but then hearing yet ANOTHER cinema remake is coming out was just, well, i can't put it into words right now. If they were to remake The Oddessy, it might be another matter, as the original movie kinda lacked in adequate special effects in relation to the story (reading the story was more interesting then watching the movie, the effects i visualized were far and away better then what were used in the movie) :blink: .

  2. Daedalus-class has never been seen on screen.  The picture you provided is a rejected design of the TOS Enterprise and will likely never be seen on screen.  If it is, however, expect a complete revamp like what the Enterprise got for the movies.

    Umm, cap, did you forget about the model they had in Sisko's office? <_< I think that makes it pretty official.

  3. 1. The ship was launched in 1996, according to "Space Seed" and The Wrath of Kahn, so changing the date to 2046 throws off continuity really bad.  How does it fix the Trek timeline? :wub:


    2. If the NX-01 had run into Khan, wouldn't Kirk's Enterprise have those records, and as a result, ignore the Botonay Bay?


    3. It's a cool concept, but I just don't see how it would work.[/color]

    (1) Cap, i think by "fixes" headborg means it'd place it during a time where it's more likely to occur, as the Cryosat and mars mission episodes show space craft which, despite "supposedly" coming around after the DY-100 is made, they are less advanced, and the fact no mention of a war was included in the episode of Voyager where (when? :wub: ) they are on earth during 1996.


    (2) Not necessarily, due to all the temporal cold war stuff that's going on during Enterprise's journeys, starfleet may decide they're better off putting jonathan archer's adventures under Top Secret, so as not to possibly ruin the future as it's supposed to happen (this would also explain a lack of the ship being mentioned on later Starships named Enterprise/ et al).


    (3) I just gave reasons why it could work, nyah <_< .

  4. Headborg, (1) already has been done with TOS and kirk.

    (2) Umm, a little clarity please?

    (3) GREAT IDEA!!!! You should recommend that to B&B!!!


    The crew discovers a genetic equivalent to Noah's Ark on an ice planet, which is a radically different type of "space shuttle" design made specifically for travel to mars, but got detoured somehow (thinking an alpha quadrant equivalent of the device that dragged Voyager to the Delta Quadrant).

    ok-but does it have to be a earth designed ship-meant for mars? Right there you run into alot of Star Trek Canon- historical space-flight chronology problems. how about an alien ark?

    Not really, cause i figure that something like that would've been done. All that would be required is extending/enlarging the fuselage. I was thinking something along the lines of this being a safety measure some scientists make for in case earth is wiped out, thus the use of an earth designed ship, not an alien ark <_< . Besides, i can imagine the vulcans throwing a fit over finding some other alien group entering the terran "sphere of influence".

  5. Uh oh, i hope you guys are making the tos portions before TOS starts :wub: . As TOS is pretty much set and the years between TOS and ST:TMP has been filled twice over, reference The Animated Series and the fan series Star Trek: New Voyages. As for TNG, you guys have more lee-way there <_< . I don't think The movie portion will be a problem as anything in between the first 6 movies is pretty much still open for "filler".

  6. Headborg, (1) already has been done with TOS and kirk.

    (2) Umm, a little clarity please?

    (3) GREAT IDEA!!!! You should recommend that to B&B!!!


    The crew discovers a genetic equivalent to Noah's Ark on an ice planet, which is a radically different type of "space shuttle" design made specifically for travel to mars, but got detoured somehow (thinking an alpha quadrant equivalent of the device that dragged Voyager to the Delta Quadrant).

  7. You want to hear a bad eating experience? Once when my family was out at a mcdonalds we happened to get a burger (or 2) that had a "you won a free burger" sticker on it. Well, it was shown as expired but we thought, "hey, it's on the burger so not our fault" and went to get one anyways (actually, my dad did). Anyways, when he went up to the counter they said "oh sorry, but that is expired" and you know what? They were putting more stickers on more burgers!!! After that i've been pretty much boycotting mcdonalds. <_<

  8. If this is off topic, i apologize ahead of time. If you know trek well enough you'll know this isn't the first time a ship from the 22nd century is used, though updated, in the 24th century. Another case is the Daedalus - Olympic Class lineage, and i find it iritating that people refuse to accept the Olympic Class as a descendant of the Daedalus Class while they clearly accept the akira as a descendant of the NX-01 Enterprise. I have included a file which shows both vessels for comparison, looking at it how can 1 NOT think they're connected?


  9. I guess, in the general sense of the word, yes. I used one at the wichita river festival sometimes and at other places, and no, they are not pleasent to utilize. But then again those were usually hot sweaty days, i'm just glad my nose can barely smell worth a flip.

  10. Yes, just because... It's really pathetic to think we're it, that we're the only sentient humanoid species in the whole galaxy, if not the universe. And mjham, if there were aliens most likely they were created by God just like we were. But anyways, i have an open mind about this, it could be true or not (and if it is, look out for mikey the illegal alien!!! :unsure: ).