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Kor's Log

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Hey now! My arm has nothing to do with age. I tripped on my basement steps and landed on my arm. Thats how this happened!... :biggrin:


And that could count as being poor vision due to your age! :P You know that they say about sight going when people get older.


It is not like I can see perfectly well without my glasses either. :P

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Hey now! My arm has nothing to do with age. I tripped on my basement steps and landed on my arm. Thats how this happened!... :biggrin:


And that could count as being poor vision due to your age! :P You know that they say about sight going when people get older.


It is not like I can see perfectly well without my glasses either. :P



Actually, it probably had more to do with the 7 beers that I had just finished rather than poor vision..... :P

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Well, the pool people came and finished the pool. Its filling up with water now. It should be ready to go by tomorrow!

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Well, the pool people came and finished the pool. Its filling up with water now. It should be ready to go by tomorrow!

Your timing is excellent! Enjoy the 4th. Am I correct in assuming that you have to go to work for a few hours tomorrow?

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Well, the pool people came and finished the pool. Its filling up with water now. It should be ready to go by tomorrow!

Your timing is excellent! Enjoy the 4th. Am I correct in assuming that you have to go to work for a few hours tomorrow?

Yep. Gotta work for a few hours then in the afternoon we are going to some friends house for a cookout.

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Actually, it probably had more to do with the 7 beers that I had just finished rather than poor vision..... :P


Ahhh, the sacred power of beer. :biggrin:



Touche'............... :P

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Hey beer good

Falling means clumsy.

have a great 4th Walt.

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Well, the pool people came and finished the pool. Its filling up with water now. It should be ready to go by tomorrow!

Your timing is excellent! Enjoy the 4th. Am I correct in assuming that you have to go to work for a few hours tomorrow?

Yep. Gotta work for a few hours then in the afternoon we are going to some friends house for a cookout.

I had a feeling that you would be working today. Hopefully, you'll finish up quick and still get to enjoy the cookout. Hope the weather cooperates. So far, it's not cooperating here. It's a downpour up here. :biggrin:

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I was home from work around 5:00 am so I have plenty of time for the cookout. I just checked It looks like mostly cloudy here until about 8:00 pm. So it looks good for the cook-out!.. :biggrin:

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You're lucky. It's like the Monsoon Season here. And getting around on crutches isn't a lot of fun when it's raining. :biggrin:

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I wasn't surprised at all when I read your adventure down a flight of should take that as a lesson...don't use stairs after you've had 7 beers. Sorry to hear about the shoulder, man. Hope ya had a great 4th!

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We had a great time at the cook-out yesterday. My friend's wife cooked a ton of food and I ate my fair share of it. We also drank a ton of beer, finished off a bottle of Tuaca and a bottle of Capt. Morgan Spiced Rum. Needless to say, by the time I got home I was feeling PRETTY good... :biggrin:

The only bad thing was the weather. I checked (which normally is pretty reliable) and it called for cloudy with rain starting around 8:00 pm. No sooner than I got to the cook-out around 2:00 pm it started to rain. It rained on and off for the rest of the day. We still had a great time. Between showers, I managed to hold on to my horseshoes championship. I've been undefeated for the last 3 years and July 4th is the only time I ever play... :P


This Saturday I'm putting my car in a car show. We'll see how it does.


Eric and I went to see the Fantastic Four movie today. I thought it was great and better than the first one.

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I had fun at the cookout that I went to at my brother's house. I ate like a Viking and then was full for the rest of the night. The leftovers that they sent home with me were pretty good at lunchtime today too.

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-I entered the car in a car show yesterday and came away with a trophy.


- Already have a problem with the new pool. There is a continuous wet spot by the ground by one of the panels. I'm going to call the installation company out tomorrow so they can take a look at it. The last thing I need is another tidal wave coming into my house!


-I'm getting a bit pissed at my brothers and sisters in law. My father-in-law is home from the nursing home but he needs around the clock care as he is confined to his bed. When my mother-in-law goes to work,somebody has to be there to feed him and such. It seems like my wife is the ONLY one taking a turn. She has 4 brothers and they are all married. It seems to me that there should be enough people available so that my wife doesn't have to spend half her day off sitting with her Dad. I know that she doesn't mind but I DO.

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It seems like my wife is the ONLY one taking a turn. She has 4 brothers and they are all married. It seems to me that there should be enough people available so that my wife doesn't have to spend half her day off sitting with her Dad. I know that she doesn't mind but I DO.


Sadly, that seems to be the way it always works out

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-I entered the car in a car show yesterday and came away with a trophy.


- Already have a problem with the new pool. There is a continuous wet spot by the ground by one of the panels. I'm going to call the installation company out tomorrow so they can take a look at it. The last thing I need is another tidal wave coming into my house!


-I'm getting a bit pissed at my brothers and sisters in law. My father-in-law is home from the nursing home but he needs around the clock care as he is confined to his bed. When my mother-in-law goes to work,somebody has to be there to feed him and such. It seems like my wife is the ONLY one taking a turn. She has 4 brothers and they are all married. It seems to me that there should be enough people available so that my wife doesn't have to spend half her day off sitting with her Dad. I know that she doesn't mind but I DO.

When my sister was sick about five years ago, I was the only one of all of my brothers and other sister to volunteer to take care of her. My family seemed to think that I didn't have a life, so it was OK for me to be the primary caregiver. I haven't forgotten this. And I never will. :biggrin:

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Congrats on the trophy.

As for the other you know how i feel.

As having two sisters and one brother

who did nothing to help me take care of our brother for 3 years.

Actively or offering a couple of bucks. did it alone.

Even his own kids did not help.

my life was on hold for 3 years.( See my log)

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Wow. I've been posting everywhere EXCEPT IN MY OWN LOG!...go figure.


- My heel spur seems to be healed now. I went to the foot doctor yesterday and he said everything looked fine.


- My arm, on the other hand, is constantly throbbing. I can't wait to schedule the surgery needed to fix it.


- They put my father-in-law back in the hospital last week. He was home for about a week. His doctor told us that he could have a very little amount of food. So the very first bit of food he eats went down the wrong way again and got stuck in his lungs! Obviously, he can't get any other food except for his feeding tube. I wonder where some of these doctors get their degrees?.. :biggrin:


- I had my annual company crab feast for my employees this past Sunday. It went great. About 60 people showed up. I gave out t-shirts and raffled off $10 WalMart gift cards.


- My father left yesterday to go to Germany. He goes there about once a year to visit his relatives. He's going to stay there for about a month. One of my sisters is also flying over there to join him in about a week. That leaves me to watch out for my Mom and their house. In about 2 weeks, my Mom will be flying to Minnesota to stay with one of my other sisters for about a month.


- My poor wife had a root canal done on Friday and she is in a lot of pain from it.

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SHEESH! What a day this is turning out to be!


I'm driving home from the bank in my wife's new Mustang. I'm waiting at a red light when all of a sudden.....WHAM!.......someone plows into the back of me pushing me into the car in front of me! The impact is so great that the driver's seat breaks from me being slammed back into it! I get out full of piss and vinegar expecting to see the Mustang smashed. I first go to the front where the only damage I see is a bent license plate. I go to the back and see no apparent damage. I was shocked! the vehicle that plowed into me was a Baltimore County dump truck with a trailer with two of those huge grass cutting machines on it! It was raining a bit and apparently he started sliding and couldn't stop. I'm just amazed that the Mustang is still in one piece. Talk about Ford Tough! I really believe it now. I'm still getting both the front and the back bumper checked for any unseen damage. Plus, even though I feel ok now, I just know that I'm going to be hurting tomorrow. It snapped my head back pretty good.

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Sorry to here about your recent troubles.

as for the mustang cool.

as for your father in law have they done a swollowing eval.

maybe thickened liquids and pureed food could do the trick.

the thicker the food the less likely he is to asperate.

As always good luck my friend.

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Today is my long day at work. Probably won't get home until at least 5:00 pm.


- My neck is still stiff from the accident. I'm considering the moral implications of getting one of those sleazy TV lawyers and going after a big payday.


- The insurance adjuster is supposed to come over to my warehouse today to look at the Mustang. We'll see where it goes from there.


- We're going up to PA this Saturday for my nephew's High School graduation party so I won't be able to take the car out this weekend.

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have fun at work


soz about the accident. Remember could be worse.



MESSAGE FROM CAM: Don't go after the t.v lawyer, you have to be able to live with yourself. Those t.v lawyers are the reason that insurance premiums are so high!!!

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Well, they sent over the appraiser today to look at the Mustang. It was some pimply faced kid that looked like he was about 16 years old. I showed him the damage but he didn't seem to know too much. Now I have to wait for the claims department from Baltimore county to call me next week. Its looking more and more like I'm going to have to lawyer up..... :biggrin:

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Kor, you actually expect the insurance company give you a check for your wife's car without any problems. They are after all company that has to think about their bottom line.

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Kor, you actually expect the insurance company give you a check for your wife's car without any problems. They are after all company that has to think about their bottom line.


The car does have damage. The left side of the rear bumper is pushed in. The problem is that in order to see the extent of the damage, you have to take the bumper off. Today's car bumpers are much more sophisticated than in the past. It is no longer just a thick piece of metal going across the back of the car. Today's car bumpers have several layers to them as well as internal shock absorbers. The outside of the bumper is nothing more than a flexible piece of plastic. I'm not asking for anything special. I just want an honest appraisal of the real damage. In addition, even though my neck hurt and was very stiff for two days following the accident, I didn't even go to the doctor. I could have made a big deal about it if I had wanted to.

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Quiet day today.


- It is my wife's actual birthday today so we had a small family celebration.


- This weekend we'll be going to Atlantic City. We'll check out the beach and the casinos. On Saturday night, we have tickets to see "Rain", the Beatles band that I have reported on in the past. My birthday is this weekend so that will be my present to myself.

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