He Who Shall Not Be Named

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Posts posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named

  1. Yet another "Where did those ridges come from?" Klingon.


    Come to think of it, the Klingons in that episode were rather effiminate. Even the one pretending to be human.

  2. Well I believe in evolution. To me it just makes more sense than creationism or natural selection, and... Sorry, thought this was Religion Talk.

  3. This is one of the few Enterprise episodes I liked, at least conceptually. Most of Trek seems to say "Earth had a lot of problems, then the Vulcans came, and *BANG* everything got better and we were part of a quadrant-sized community." It wasn't realistic. There were bound to be stumbling blocks and, yes, occasionally we would even loose ground. Enterprise as a series addressed this in a general sense but it still implied that all of humanity *wanted* to be part of this community. It was bullshit. Look at how many Americans want us to leave the UN (including me), and that is a real-life 65-year old organization that wouldn't even exist if it weren't for us. You think maybe we just might have similar feelings about surrendering our soverignity to space aliens? I think it likely. Now, for the first - and only - time in all of Trek we know that there was *internal* opposition to forming what would become the Federation as well.


    But this is Enterprise, which means they had to take a good idea and (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) it up somehow. They did that with Trip and T'Pol having a test-tube baby. It wasn't a necessary part of the story. "Look! A half-Human half-Vulcan baby!" Uh, yeah... What's your point?

  4. He also played a giant bunny in that episode where thoughts came to life.


    Too bad. You could tell DeLance was familiar with Trelane when he did Q.

  5. Maybe it is being so close to San Francisco but when I hear Niners I think 49ers and do a double take.


    BTW it's looking like the Giants might take it again this year. If so then this time I am getting my ass to a World Series home game! I had tickets for Game 6 but they won it in 5.

  6. Heck, the one convention I went to I didn't even pay for that. I snuck in while they were still getting organized. My dad wasn't as quick as I was and got ambushed by some guards dressed as Klingons demanding he pay full price. The most expensive items I bought that day were some nachos and a Coke that were even more expensive than the bumper sticker.

  7. I used to spend a lot more on Trek "stuff" than I do now, but most of that was drinking at Quarks. Other than visiting The Experience I probably spent less than $200 total, and that's counting movies and popcorn. The only actual merchandise was The Undiscovered Country, First Contact, Spock vs Q, and a Ferengi School of Business bumper sticker.