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Posts posted by trekz

  1. Agree with surprise at

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    Cochrane killing the Vulcan.
    Also on another thread, someone mentioned why Picard did not intervene in this timeline, which is a good question. I loved the uniforms, especially T'Pol's and Hoshis :dude: And is Hoshi's name in this universe just the first two letters of her first name, if you know what I mean? :dude: All the characters are wonderfully and evilly skewed. It was awesone to see the the TOS ship and see the bridge get lit up. Excellent 9.5. Can't wait to see what they do in part 2. Amazing work by the cast and fantastic sets. The opening blew me (and you know who) away. The theme was awesome! Encore! :dude::bow::bow::bow:

  2. What an awesome part one! The opening was shocking, the theme was great! It also must have cost a bundle. The TOS ship looks great. It was awesome when the lights came up on the bridge. I assume that Archer picks up the escape pods

    and kicks some Tholians butt in part 2. Can't wait to see it and to see the repeat of this episode. Whooo Hoooo! :dude::dude::bow::dude:

  3. My first thought is: well well well. Sorry. I couldn't resist!


    But seriously, this is very interesting. Perhaps other archaeologists should consider excavating into wells as a way to quickly go down through other layers to older more ancient layers. This article also begs the question, when will the next explosion of Vesuvius be, and will Pompeii be buried in lava again. If Pompeii was buried again, would it be reexcavated? Is there a way of protecting key sites in Pompeii against another volcanic erruption (I would assume not, but perhaps there is some new technology of which I am unaware.)

  4. There are lots of favorite things about TNG. The characteres were generally all very interesting and the seven seasons allowed a good deal of character development and exploration to take place. The stories were usually very interesting and thought provoking and the regular use of both an A and a B storyline gave more opportunity for different storylines. The use of two-part stories extended the depth of stories told. The special effects were very good. There were some great guests and some great recurring characters like Q, K'Elhelr, Gowron and Mrs. Troi. TNG was not just a great science fiction show, it was a great television show!

  5. I quote Trek a lot. Most people who are friends, relatives or department co-workers know I like Star Trek. I used to go to conventions in Chicago a lot and have a T-shirt and sweat shirt. I would not wear them to work cause it would not fit in with dress code. One of my favorite sayings is that I can relate everything to either Star Trek :nono: or the referendum (a library building referendum effort that took three tries to pass). :yahoo:

  6. Very interesting. I do not know much African history but this is fascinating. It is also interesting from the perspective of whether antiquities that were taken decades ago should be returned when they are a crucial part of a country or tribes history or. culture. The Field Museum in Chicago returned some time ago a number of Northwest coastal Totem poles to the tribes who originally owned them. The totems had been taken when the museum collectors assumed, wrongly that the villages where they were located were abandoned. They were villages that were populated in the summer but not at the time the collectors visited them. The tribes requested their cultural property back and eventually the totems were returned. The Greeks have requested that the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum be returned. The Brits argue that had they been left in Greece, they would have been stolen or destroyed and that the British have preserved them. Stay tuned to see who wins that argument.

  7. I prefer to chat online. That's what I did on and when that chatroom was pulled I came here and did not post for over a year. I am now posting, in part because I was called a newbie. That rankled me, as someone who has watched TOS in real time and all the other series, I hardly felt I was a Star Trek newbie. I have found I like some posting, but it has to be something I'm interested in or greeting new members so they will feel welcome.

  8. Data is Hot? Bridge to Engineering! Get LaForge up here immediately! Data may be overheating! Bridge to Dr. Crusher! Data's circuits may be overheating! Ten Forward send us ice immediately! Red Alert! Oh, what? That kind of hot! NVM.


    Sorry, couldn't resist. He is a great actor, though now possibly typecast. He plays a perfect android.

  9. My favorite DS9 seasoa 1 episodes:


    1. Emissary - great series introduction

    2. Past Prologue - Kira's underground past

    3. Dax - Curzon a murderer?

    4 In the Hands of the Prophets - 2 vedek's, more trouble

    5. Move Along Home - Quark messes up

    6. Q-less - Q and Vash

    7. Nagus - Quark as Nagus

  10. I picked The Jem'Hadar as my fave. Other faves were:


    Crossover - Return to the Mirror Universe!

    Rules of Acquisition: A Ferengi female in disguise

    The Maquis - Federation rebels

    Blood Oath - Dax helps Older Klingons

    Necessary Evil - Odo investigates an old murder

  11. What You Leave Behind is my favorite and a great ending series episode.


    Other faves of this season are:

    Tacking Into the Wind - Martok becomes Klingon leader

    Til Death Do Us PArt - Dukat returns disguised as farmer

    Covenant - Dukat tries to recruit Kira

    Once More into the Breach - return of Kor

    Take Me out to the Holosuite - Baseball!

  12. Definitely Q Who with the introduction of the Borg,


    My other favorites of the season in order were:

    A Matter of Honor - with Riker aboard a Klingon ship

    Measure of a Man - Data threatened with being disassembled

    The Emissary - K'Ehleyr!

    Elementary Dear Data - the game's afoot!

    The Royale - trapped in casino

    Peak Performance - war games


    Good season that set up a great third season.

  13. Doesn't Matter To Me, it's the man not the hair.


    Agree. I voted I don't care. I liked him with or without hair.


    The bald and bearded look made him resemble Brook's earlier character Hawk from Spenser For Hire. Captain Hawk!


    That's what I always thought.


    When he shaved his head, it was like he went hard core on everything.  You knew not to mess with him before, but man, that was it.  The "Spencer for Hire" look I think.


    I didn't like the look inbetween though.  Where he got the beard and didn't shave the head.  That was weird!


    Tough guy captain! The in-between look did not bother me.

  14. This is very sad. I'm also torn on this since I have considered visiting it, I still want to visit it, but do not want to be part of the problem of overuse. Yet if I visit it, take pictures and slides and show it to others, I could inform them of the site and the problems and perhaps be part of the solution and not the problem. There is a big exhibit about Machu Piccu at the Field Museum in Chicago which is very interesting, and was jammed with people when we visited. You can hike a few days to the site visiting other sites on the way with guides.

  15. ARRRGGHHH - The title should say are NOT binding law


    Several times I have seen people quote a dictionary as support of their point of view = while that may be helpful - there are cases where that is irrelevant.


    And one of those situations is in deciding legal situations.  In legal matters written statutes and case law are the basis of definition - not a dictionary. 


    As for ongoing meaning of words I often see - you can always find a different dictionary that says what you want.  But I usually just shake my head at those because a term often has an implication that the dictionary text may not imply.  And, in interpersonal communication a dictionary term is irrelevant - if you both know what the other meant.




    You guys have totally missed the point of my post. <_<


    Again, you can't use a dictionary to clarify a legal term or situation.


    Two, you can't argue the "semantics" of a word when you and the person you're arguing with both really know what you meant. 


    At best words are only reprentations of ideas and also remember that communication actually consists of two parts:


    1.  the information (statement) you're conveying AND

    2.  how you feel about that information - this is often achieved with expression, tone of voice etc.  You can not resort to a dictionary to wiggle of this one.  If you yelled - you yelled - the dictionary wont' change that.


    I agree with you Unicorn Hunter. Written statutes and case law are the basis of a legal definition, not a dictionary. The way you say something is indeed important, and so is the fact that both parties understand and know what the other meant.

    Sorry if my comments on dictionaries led the discussion astray. :angry:

  16. 4th season of TNG was full of great episodes. I voted for Best of Both Worlds II

    my other favorites in rough order were:


    Family - we meet Picard's family as he works through guilt, and Worf's family

    Reunion - the death of K'Ehleyr, and Duras. Frakes directs beautifully.

    Drumhead - investigation becomes witchhunt. Jean Simmons great. Frakes directs

    Redemption part I - Duras family = trouble!

    Brothers - Lore!

    Data's Day - wonderful point of view episode.

    Q-Pid - Men in tights - LOL! Much needed humor for this season.

  17. Watched it once in theater, once on video. Did not care for it and geared it might kill the franchise with its low ratings and lower than usual profit. Did not like how it portrayed characters. It's my 2nd least favorite movie barely edged out by STV.