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Posts posted by BlueCrystal

  1. I had a Great Aunt that would outright insult you. It was funny in a way too because she was so old and she meant well.


    When visiting this old Aunt she would look you over and say something like this. "You're getting fat" then she would add, "God bless ya". She was a southern lady and would also say "Bless your heart, you still walk funny."


    Once my mother asked her why she insulted other people and Great Aint Boo said "Honey, when ya bless someone it ain't a insult."

  2. Okay I don't know if this game has been played here before but it can be fun if you use your imagination. Here how it works. In the vast years that Star Trek has been enjoyed there has been quite a number of crew members, ships, and places. The object of the game is to take the name of the character, or object and replace it with another for example.


    Example No 1. : Porthos with Ren TinTin


    Example No 2. : Hyperspray with a blow gun dart.



    Lets see how imaginative you folks can be.




    My subject or object is Scotty


    Now it's up to the next player to substitute Scotty with another character and then name there subject or object.

  3. Sometimes problems aren't easy to deal with. Some problems can ruin your life if you don't make changes in your life to deal with them. I know it's hard but you must hit your problem straight on and deal with it. No one said the problems in life were going to be easy to overcome but have faith in yourself, you're stronger than you think you are.


    I'm clueless to what your problem is honestly, but I am a problem survivor. I hope this helped. Crystal :grin:

  4. :grin: Here's the story. Usually my husband calls me from his cell phone as he is over the roading it with a consignment for his company.He called earlier than usual and I was laying in bed preparing to read the second chapter of Spock's World. All of a sudden I hear a strange whining on the phone and a dialing noise. The only other phone is in the home office. My husband's cell phone drops the call and I am alone listening to the strange noise on the phone. When I hear again the sound of touch tones like someone is dialing the phone it really unnerved me as I'm alone in the house. My sons by marriage live in their own homes. I grabbed my .22 thinking that my phone is useless if someone is in the house and go to the home office. We don't have doors to any other rooms of our house besides on the bathroom. I flip on the lights and no one is there.


    I wonder if I imagined it all when my phone rings again and it's my husband, he tells me that his phone flashed a series of notices to him informing him that there was a loss of privacy. He told me that he thought someone has attempted to *clone* his phone. I inturn tell of what happened on my end.


    The story doesn't end there, I was in the home office and again I hear the dialing and the thought occurred to me perhaps someone was trying to dial into my computer. We hang up and I unplug the cordless phone thinking that someone has breached it afterall it is several years old and you could probably hear the chat through a baby monitor.


    My husband calls me back and I answered him on the word-sender phone without any problem. After hanging up I did check the fax machine, no faxes received. So what happened does anyone know or has experienced something like this before?

  5. Well, I'll probably spring a long weekend to Gatlinburg Tennessee on my husband soon. I've been having my cravings to see Tennessee again. In a couple weeks I may fly to Florida and see my parents and brother. My husband and mother can't get along with each other so I'll visit alone. I miss my little brother so and I haven't seen him in years.

  6. Thanks Nik. I read Spock's World years ago and I'll re-read it and see if my ideas change. When I first read it I was a teenager and I tended to have to keep my science fiction books hidden as my mother didn't approve of what she called non-sense reading. I lost many a book to a bon fire at the church she attended. :) Spock's World has escaped my mother's grasp as did some others. So I'll check the *plumbing* out and see what I may have missed the first time. :laugh:

  7. Well as I understand it most *cult* followings involve movies like the Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Posiedian Adverture but then if Trek has a cult following being both a series on t.v. and movies at least it's harmless and no one gets hurt by flying toast or sea sick.





  8. I would say my wedding night was a scary event but my mother acting like a she-ape the next day when I told her I married a stranger was far scarier and definitely more dangerous. It's been 16 years and I stilll get the shakes thinking about it.