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Posts posted by BlueCrystal

  1. Yes. There are such things as cyber-stalkers. I've been stalked three times. Twice in real life and once on the computer which is just as bad if not worse. The M.O. on cyber-stalkers is this. My cyber-stalker was very creepy and is doing time in prison now for other things not related to his stalking of me. He was a hacker that hacked into the wrong computers. But that's not what happened to me. In real life he was a friend of someone that knew me in high-school (over 15 years ago) and obtained many private details about me including where I work, my name, my age, and details about my marriage. He sent me e-mails and eventually hacked my computer. At the time I would chat on the MIRC networks and he hunted me down and pulled me into a private chatroom and threatened me. He requested sex from me and when I refused him saying I didn't do cyber-sex he said no he wanted me in real life and endangered me and my family by telling me in that chatroom who I was, where I worked, my e-mail address, my real address, and where my step-children attended school. He told me I would give it up to him or I would live in fear that he could at anytime hurt my family.


    Shortly thereafter he was arrested for hacking into business computers, creating and releasing viruses, and theft. I was informed of this via the police that found a a file about me on his computer. I wasn't the only one he was doing this to either. It's scary but it happens. Crystal

  2. I'm always curious to see whose here and reading on the forum so I look at the nicknames at the bottom of my screen. My query is about the definition of the Broad Statistics. I can understand that Recruits as being guest. Members as being the people listed on the screen by nickname but who are the Cloaked Members, and why are they cloaked? Crystal

  3. Gee I think the only error that really causes a glitch for me is in the Original Series Episode 31, Metamorphosis where Zefram Cochrane is met, Spock says that Cochrane is from Alpha Centauri.


    In First Contact Zefram Cochrane is from good old planet earth.

  4. Wesley was found in the locker room of the Enterprise's Gym hanging by his own underwear on a locker door. The death was a painfully slow one as gaint space wedgies usually are but it seems someone sped up the process by putting Worf's jock strap on his head with his nose getting the full effect of the very sweaty Klingon's smelly strap. Funeral arrangements are pending...

  5. My bedroom floor when I was a little girl.


    Well, as a small child I well remember waking up in my bed during the night and having to go and pee but I was afraid to get out of bed. I would look to the floor in my room and wonder if by some chance a blackhole had openned up and I would be sucked into oblivion. I remember seeing whole galaxies disolve beneath the floor of my room. My Mother wouldn't let me watch horrior movies because my imagination was so vivid. In the end I would slowly step onto the floor and sigh with relief that I was on solid matter and awful looking dark red clumpy carpet. LOL. Carole/ Crystal

  6. I'm just curious about the subject. T'Pol seems to be a natural kisser. I have to wonder if the population on the planet Vulcan kiss and it's a in the closet private issue. I admit as a teenager, I dated older boys and learned the art of kissing, even french kissing. (Ugh) But here T'Pol comes with a hot kiss, look out Trip!!! I mean where did she obtain her knowledge about kissing short of learning CPR as a logical means to save someone's life? Crystal

  7. :laugh: I don't recall Trip and T'Pol *experimenting* with sex. I may have missed an episode on Wednesday but I usually catch the second airing here on Sunday. I recall T'Pol kissing Trip in a shower like scene but I thought she was having a dream. Crystal

  8. but can be grown into anything or anyone. Are they less valued as a creature just because it was determined that Phlox could inject it with Trip's DNA to make a copy/clone of him and have no regard for the creature just because it wouldn't live a normal *human* lifespan. Did the Lyssarrian Desert Larvae have a choice at all? It was taken of it's home world, kept in a jar on a alien doctor's shelf, and then injected with another creatures DNA. I scream foul, do you hear foul!!! Whoops, I have to check on my doggie, Travis Spencer. I had him taken from the only mother and family he knew. At ten weeks of age, shipped almost five hours from the only place he ever knew. I raised him to be a doggie child, rather than the birddog he was meant to be, and I tend to see human behaviors, (tricks preformed for treats) done by him to please a human creature that adopted him.

  9. Hey, why not? If I liked him, enjoyed his company and we had a good time. On planet earth, I've dated many different humans before falling in love with my husband, (several years after being married to him). Anyway, in my single life, I dated some of the most interesting people from different races and cultures. If you enjoy someone it doesn't matter where he's from and whose to say Klingons have ridges ONLY on their foreheads?

  10. I don't think of T'Pol as being frigid. She's the first vulcan ever to be on a ship with almost an all human crew. Perhaps the scent of human males turns her stomach an the idea of romance with one of them isn't what she wants. Also, as she is quite young, of another culture, and alien. Perhaps she has a pre-arranged mate back on Vulcan, or isn't physically sexually mature. Perhaps our T'Pol is a virgin.

  11. Yes!!! That would be a great birthday present! One of the best I could get except for Daniel...mmmm... not on this forum, I forget there are young'uns running around here. Anyway, to blow out my birthday cake candles and to see the crew of the Enterprise there and ready to defend Mother Earth. I'll be a very happy camper!!!

  12. She kisses Sim, and then almost ruled by emotion she runs to the shuttlepods to board and surrender to the Xindi in Azati Prime. Sure they may say that sector of space was affecting her but come on let's get real. I'm betting in a few more shows we'll be seeing her PMSing.

  13. I have to say spiritual, as when I was to marry Daniel I only seen him a few times, and didn't know him physically or sexually. Daniel says when he first saw me he had dreams of me and it was love at first sight.

  14. I'm going in a different direction as usual. I'm going to say I'm grateful for sight and sound. I love colors and music. Color is that which creates the pictures of life all around us, and sound is the music of life. :laugh:

  15. LOL, in my religious beliefs, we are taught that we choose when we will be born, our gender, and to whom we will be born. So my dear if that's true then for some reason you chose to be born into the day and age. Maybe you'll be abducted by aliens, put into stasis and awaked by The Doctor on Voyager. Afterall it happened to Amelia Earhart.

  16. I enjoyed North Star and would like to see Archer and the crew return to visit the planet again. Did anyone else think that there might be some sparks between Archer and Bethany flying around? Could be interesting to watch a romance develop too. Maybe that's what Enterprise needs alittle sex and heat between the crew and a alien or two.

  17. My husband whines and fusses about everything. I wish in my sick, very sick imagination I could just say, 'Daniel, shut up', and he would power down like Harry Mudd's wife in the orginal series when the Enterprise was taken to the planet of androids. :laugh:

  18. comments are welcome. I've thought a little about the *SHE* that may have help the Xindi time travel back in time to earth 2004. I can't help but wonder in some twisted plot of both time and space if the *SHE* would in fact T'Pol. That would and could be very interesting, afterall T'Pol is inflected with a disease from a mind meld that is ever so slowly causing her to go insane. Perhaps a future T'Pol blames her illness on Enterprise and humanity itself. It's just a thought. Crystal

  19. I have noticed that with Trip and was wondering if it had something to do with a later program. Perhaps there is a problem with Trip's graft from Sim and it may have sped up Trip's aging. Afterall, a operation of that sort has never been done and the side effect would certainly be unknown. Crystal