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Posts posted by Stardreamer

  1. This is a question which is easy to be answered: I have seen ALL episodes from every show.


    I have seen all episodes whiles they were aired and most of them a 2nd, 3rd time during re-run. But on tape I have


    TOS: 36 episodes (only German)

    TNG: 0 - only the movies

    DS9: 3 + season 3 on DVD (+ 99 % of the books)

    VOY: 36 (32 in German)

    ENT: ALL in English (thanks to the Internet) and the German ones which were aired (middle of seson2)

  2. To be honest I don't think it will end after Enterprise. It's too big of an industry now. They will do something to keep it going, there's too much money to be made to just let it sit idle. They may slow down a bit but they will continue.

    I fully agree with you, VBG. Since Paramount is making A LOT OF MONEY with Star Trek it will go on. Star Trek is business - no matter if we like that realistic approach or not.


    For me as a fan the important fact is that Star Trek will go on.


    I always have been a fan and I can not imagine that my love for Star Trek will ever stop. I've been always interested in SciFi and the Star Trek philosophy reflects my personal view on the way men should treat each other and the environment.


    As to me ENT is a thrilling show which I do love very much. I think the show will make the full 7 seasons - discussions about the ratings and the quality have always been and should not be overrated.

  3. I have just seen this fantastic ep from my new DVDset and I'm so excited about it. Kira did such a great acting job. Til the end I was not sure if Legate Ghemor was really believing that Kira was his daughter or if it was a trick.

    Click for Spoiler:

    Fortunately it was no trick and this likeable Cardie was honest.


    I had seen all DS9 eps while they were aired and caught all the reruns. But I never taped them (I really do not know why I hadn't). Obviously I forgot some of the eps. BUT HOW COULD I FORGOT THIS ONE???????


    Now I'm so happy with this DVDset from season 3 - hopefully I'll get them all at reasonable prices via Ebay.

  4. I got 2 fantastic things from good friends: an action toy and a self-made calendar for 2004. What action toy and what's on that calendar? You have 3 guess free


    Click for Spoiler:

    Jon Archer of course

  5. I'm a fan of "peaceful exploration". Therefore a go for science stories - but packed in thrilling stories as seen in "Similitude", "Extinction" or "Dear Doctor".


    I'd also like to see Shran back, get to know more about the TCW and I can't get enough of stories concerning the background of the main character and their friendship.