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Posts posted by Stardreamer

  1. There's nothing to wary about, KayTroi.


    I do appreciate the respectful way the members here treat each other.


    Yesterday I spoke in the chat about the war in Iraq. Normally I do avoid political topics because they are the easiest way to have an unpleasant discussion. But here it was a respectful conversation which I enjoyed very much.

  2. Jon Archer - anyone expected another answer from me? :dude:


    TOS: Scotty - and a funny evening is guaranteed

    TNG: Picard - would be interesting to talk to him

    DS9: Miles O'Brian + family - I always liked him

    VOY: 7of9, actually I would have prefered the Doctor - but does he eat???? :eek:

  3. I voted 9.5. I was touched very much by Similitude. It caught me right from the start. I deeply felt with Sim, Jon and Trip. If you could have seen me watching the epi you would have spotted a wet face from all the tears.


    I rated only 9.5 instead of 10 because

    Click For Spoiler
    I didn't like the harsh reaction of Jon when it came to the point that Sim had to die. As to me a more sensitive reaction would have been more appropriate. I thought a lot about that during the week-end. Eventually I came to the conclusion that harsh words may be a way to mask guilty feeling about convicting a person to death. Or a way to deal with this hard decision.


    Yes, I agree with Jon that it was necessary to create Sim. Enterprise needs Trip to succeed it's mission, Jon needs his friend. But Sim developed and became a human with an own identity. And his wish to live is more than understandable.


    As a human - and the way his life did start makes no differance to me - he has gained rights. My point is that Sim is the only one who could make the decision to sacrifice his life for the welfare of humanity. No one else.

  4. You were sooooo right, SuraksSoul - I L O V E D Similitude!!!!!!!! I'll post about it on that threat.


    The reason I had to wait to see both epis is that I am dependant on a friend who gets me copies. Here in Germany we are far away from season 3. Future Tense was the latest aired epi last Friday.

  5. A hard decision between the Doctor and Seven. But I voted Seven, but the Doctor very very close to her.


    If you'd asked me that question 1 1/2 year ago my answer would have been Chakotay. But after I saw Beltran at the con in Germany and experienced this attitude towards the fans he lost all my sympathy. I can't tell you how deeply disappointed I was that day. If he showed the same attitude towards the producers I can fully understand why his role didn't expand.

  6. TOS will always be special to me. It was where this whole Star Trek journey began. It will always be my favorite series. All the other series are very well done but they don't have the feel of TOS in my opinion. Why is that? Perhaps it is the classic crew in those shows. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov. They almost become American Icons and practically become a cult following. If it wasn't for those classic characters there would have been no movies and no subsequent Trek series. Or perhaps it was the very well done stories. They didn't have todays cool special effects but they wonderful stories and plots. As a teenager I will never forget begging my parents to watch Trek. At that time they were on at the same time as the News. A lot of times they let me. Eventually they bought me a Black and White TV for my room so I could watch them everyday. Sure, it was Black and White but I was happy to have it for times when my parents wanted to watch the news on the color set. I am very anxious to see what the TOS DVD Season sets will be like next year. Very excited about that.

    I go with you, Spacetigger.


    The only thing I can't fully agree with is about the other shows. I do like them too. I'm not a hot TNG fan, never been. But I like it and watched every epi 2-3 time when they were aired. I do like DS9 and VOY - and I'm nuts about ENT!!


    Lucky you Spacetigger you finally got a TV set. I always had to fight with my father. TOS was aired end of the 60ies during the same time like the sport show on the soccer games of the day. Here in Germany soccer is the no. 1 sport - so can you imagine how hard I had to fight? *sigh* But my father worked night shift each second week so I could watch TOS at least then.


    What counted and still counts for me are the well written stories. And I'm a great fan of the so called Star Trek Philosophy - it has had a great influence on me. You could say it formed my way of thinking.