Admiral Kirk

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Posts posted by Admiral Kirk

  1. I liked Blood fever a lot. They certainly handled the Pon Farr subject better than what Enterprise did with it. No one ran half naked through the corridors.

  2. I"ve been thinking about this throughout the week.  I was a serious trekkie from day one (Sept 8, 1966).  I was beyond ecstatic when TNG premiered and while DS9 wasn't my favorite in retrospect I believe they had some of the best writing and most complex plots.  I was a little put off by the "prophets" and the lengthy war but I have enjoyed reviewing old episodes on Spike.


    When people made fun of me for being a trekkie I took it to heart and tried to explain.  Star Trek wasn't a show about wierd looking aliens.  It was about being the best humanity could strive for - it was about people living lives commited to principle.  It was about people that loved science and sought out the wonder of the universe.  It was as a guest character described Mr. Paris "you're different than other guys, you care about something other than your own little life".


    But Star Trek has changed, there is no "one way" that it "should" be - and change is a part of life.  However, it no longer contains the essence of what endeared it to me.  So while it may now be more appealing to newer audiences it has managed to lose me altogether.  Oddly, I don't feel as sad about that as I thought I might.  I'll still love TOS and its wonder and ideals. But ENT is obviously a show designed for a different demographic than myself.  And the plans for movie 11 sound even more distant  - a movie about a bunch of college kids definitely sounds designed for younger viewers.

    I've had some of the same thoughts. I"ve been a fan since 1986 and my enthusiasm for the whole franchise is at a low ebb right now. Maybe my tastes have changed or perhaps I dont quite believe in Roddenberry's vision of a great future? It's a nice vision but is it a pratical one? Enterprise is really a victim of it's time. TV has changed a bit since the debut of STNG and I dont think it's for the best. I think ENT still has promise but I think (I know many disagree) that certain technical/continuity gaffs and certian plotlines (T'pol and Trip) have turned a lot of old time fans off. I'm still watching and hoping but my attraction to Star Trek is not what it was in the late 80's.

  3. People that don't discipline their children and allow them to run wild in public places.

    I can not agree with you more. Espically my parents, heck when I was five and I said god in the wrong way I got grounded but now my younger ciblings swear and do other bad things and I get blamed for it. :assimilated: man it ticks me off.

    I agree! Unattended children really bother me. I've seen a few almost get run over by cars.