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Posts posted by Eratosthenes

  1. Thanks Cara!


    I still see plenty of posts here. I've never seen a post survive more than a day on the first page. Personally, the reason my posts have decreased is that I have made the decision not to post just for the sake of posting.

    This thread just stayed up for five days on the front, and several other posts that are older than this one have stayed as the most recent in some of the other forums on the main page. :-\

  2. Sorry but this isn't the Olympics, no prizes for placing.


    Everyone is gonna have an uphill battle coming back against GoMH's lead. Wow.

    Oh no, i was just kidding anyway. Even if I won (I won't) I wouldn't expect a thing...except a chocolate sundae (with Borg cherries on top).

  3. It WILL work, but here's a post I made on their website about the problems with it:


    I have Vista Ultimate x32 with dual 8800GTS cards, a 3.53ghz processor (2 cores and hyper-threading), 3gb of RAM, and plenty of everything else.



    I've had several problems so far:


    1.) The multiplayer does not work. Everytime I try to get on it tells me a patch is available. I download and install every time then restart Legacy, and nothing changes...same problem.


    2.) The camera goes absolutely nuts sometimes when trying to lock on to a spazzes out until I do something to correct try to lock on to another ship that's flying by.


    3.) On the 3rd mission (maybe 4th...the one where you have to destroy the Romulan processing plants) I've tried to play it twice, but both times something has happened out of the blue. The first time it said I failed the mission (without any warning...I was actually winning and racking up quite a good tally) and the second time it just plain froze my entire computer and I was forced to shut it down by holding the power button.


    4.) This is more minor, but every now and then the ships will stop dead then instantly resume their original speeds (no accelerating or slowing). This only happens in cut-scenes.


    5.) Every now and then a ship forgets where it's supposed to be going and just sits there. This is almost exclusively the USS Coto that has this problem.




    I just bought the game about 12 hours ago and have played it for a total of 2-3 hours, so that's the best I can give you so far.


    Go here for all Legacy technical support:


    Anything posted by Eratosthenes is me.

  4. Wow, I have to say that I liked almost all of the last season, but when it comes to Star Trek i love it all anyway.



    I have to say, possibly the best episode of this season was the Seige of AR-558. I just rewatched it yesterda and was VERY impressed about the way it was presented and how it showed the psychological effects of prolonged periods on the battlefield.

  5. There's a big difference between lacking knowledge and lacking intelligence. :superhappy:


    Every game does this differently, but from what it sounds like, they're going to follow the same financial formula as World of Warcraft, which is the most succesful game of its type (MMORPG*) on the market and has millions of daily users. This means that you have to buy the game (STO will only be for the PC) at a price lower than PC games usually debut, and then you will be charged a monthly fee for your subscription. They may give you the option to pay by the year or other amounts of time...I'm not sure.


    The reason they have to do this is that games such as this require the company that made the game to keep a central server online around the clock. Keeping it on costs enough in electricity, but having a full staff to maintain it and keep the game going costs even more. With games such as World of Warcraft and Star Trek Online, the content (story, items, statistics, missions, etc.) is constantly updated and tweaked by the staff, to keep the game interesting and fresh. This obviously costs a bit, as well.


    While some MMORPG-style games have opted to not charge for subscriptions, they have generally failed in the market, primarily because they couldn't afford to do what I mentioned above (keep it fresh, online, and so on.)


    On the Cryptic website, they're awarding 5 lifetime memberships in a sweepstakes they're holding (it ends soon). They estimated the value of a lifetime membership to be about $550 total, including the game. While a lifetime membership will obviously not expire, it's fair to extrapolate that out to about five years, in which case the monthly cost of playing the game would likely fall around $8.67 US per month, assuming the game costs $30.


    That help?




    *MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game

  6. If we're keeping with the political theme, Vader, Palpatine, Fett, and Grievous are evil, Skywalker, Obi-Wan, and Yoda are too humble, Anakin's too angsty, Solo and Chewy are mavericks, C-3P0 is way too anal and naive...


    I'm left with Leia and R2-D2. I think I'll pick Leia. :)


    R2-D2 probably has great thoughts on how to run things, but just because of his compulsive nature he might be too progressive for the population. :shocked:




    Obi-Wan is my favorite character, though.

  7. yep, definitely planning to get this and I would enjoy playing the game with you guys. The only downside I can see is that we all have different time schedules since we are all around the world. Someone take the nightshift! lol.


    I am definitely going to be the Federation

    Great! Glad to see people saying yes. We have 5 definites for buying and 6 for joining the fleet, and several more possibles already. (I'm Federation, too, by the way.)


    I'm on the fence - and boy does my butt hurt!


    I don't know much about it, bot it could be fun.

    You'll probably like it. I think any Trek fan will at least appreciate/enjoy it. Read what I said 2 posts ago to VBG. That'll give you a good summary. If you go to their website and watch the trailer for the game, the whole thing was made with in-game graphics (the developers played the game and recorded it directly, without any alterations other than the missing menu and display items), so that will give you an accurate idea of what the game will look like (minus the viedo compression. :-P)