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Posts posted by Eratosthenes

  1. Putting Kirk into this one would simply be pandering to Trekkies...especially those who are members of groups like Bring Back Kirk (dot com). They're going to have Nimoy in it, yes, but it's already been established that vulcans live far longer than humans, and if they had spock (at this point) aged as much as Kirk, it would either mean that Kirk had an incredibly long longevity, or that Spock had pathetic longevity. Besides, we already know how and when Kirk dies (both the official and unofficial times as seen in Genereations) and it just simply wouldn't work. :Hmmm...: I love Shatner, but his return would just be out of place.


    I see everyone agrees so far! Yay!

  2. I read the entire article - I still find it disturbing. Beauty contests are worldy and if you're worldly that might not be a bad thing - but nuns aren't supposed to be worldly.


    Well, just to play Devil's Advocate ( :Hmmm...: ), what better way to get the attention (and maybe change the minds of a few) of those who focus on the worldly? It's a publicity stunt. They want to get people's attention, and this most certainly will do the trick.

    It actually reminds me a bit of Calendar Girls (a movie based on a true story about retired women in the UK that posed nude with household objects covering their points of interest and made it into a calendar for a fundraiser). Now THAT was a great publicity stunt (and really cute).

  3. I recieved a PM from a member once who was obessed with Geordi. It was a little disturbing. The kind where if I was LeVar Burton I'd worry about finding a bunny boiling on the stove. :Hmmm...:



    My girlfriend becomes alarmingly obsessed with actors/actresses sometimes. Her newest one is Robert Downing, Jr.


    It's lasted all summer and is still going strong...I'm beginning to feel like the third wheel in her gushfest. :Hmmm...:

  4. If the idea is to show that nuns are more modern than the past stereotypes, I think this could be a good idea. Being a librarian, I am very familiar with the stereotypes people have about various professions. And I agree with Van Roy. Read the whole article, don't just comment on the title and subtitles.
    I have problems with beauty pageants to begin with, so when I hear that nuns are participating in something so superficial, I have to do a double-take. Personally I'm an atheist (I used to be Catholic) but that doesn't mean that I think anything specific about nuns other than the required devotion to God.


    I've never thought of nuns as ugly or attractive as a whole (I'm sure Trekkies have a false unattractive stereotype in pop culture, too) and I'm surprised that the nuns that suggested this had such strong feelings about what the public thought of their physical beauty. Certainly if they were seen in public their physical appearance would be 'judged' on a nun-to-nun basis, rather than as a whole...and if it's the worldwide stereotype of nuns' appearances they're worried about, why does it matter?


    Personally I'd MUCH rather see a nun water skiing contest, or a nun musical, or a nuns-in-the-world-solving-problems TV series (for charity) or something else along those lines...not nuns (of all people) posing and looking pretty. It's just not a talent...and ANYBODY can be born with good looks, nuns included. I know that's what they're trying to convey, but again...


    Why does it matter?

  5. That being said, in all the years of being a Trek fan, it's only within the last 3 that I've seen some seriously unstable people who happen to also like Trek. I think it's unfair to generalize one group as such.
    You've been a member of this forum for three years... :Hmmm...:

  6. I know that I belong to a totally different age class than you, but at my high school I was known almost universally as "Trekkie." Everyone that knew me knew I was a Trek fanatic. I would hear it shouted out in the hallways "Hey Trekkie" and so on...and there was one constant through all of it:


    They loved me for it.


    Seriously, not a single person saw any problem with my fandom, and they got a BIG kick out of hearing me speak Klingon or list off all of the ship classes or jump out of my seat at the first Star Trek reference of the week in our textbook. My girlfriend and I (we've been dating almost 2 years now) were actually voted cutest couple of our senior class. :blink:


    I can count on one finger the amount of times I've been ridiculed for being a trekkie, and at the same time I've gotten jobs because I mentioned I was a Trekkie, I've furthered relationships with my girlfriend, and get compliments all the time. My friends always refer to me first for anything Star Trek. :blink:




    So is it weird? Not in the least. It's all in how you carry it. :blink:

  7. Has anyone seen this...


    This is NOT, I repeat, NOT official in any way. Gabe Koerner created this interpretation of what he saw in the teaser and/or read on MBs. It is NOT official!


    I only post this here for the sake of something to talk about while we wait for the film.


    Personally, I don't like bulbous nacelles. (Again: it is only artwork, it is NOT an official picture!)




    Someone somewhere said of the trailer that one particular view is of a nacelle around the intercoolers looking forward, (an opinion I do not share, I think the view in question is from the top of the main hull looking aft) leading to the idea they were HUGH! That is why they look so big in this interpretation, the artist agreed with the the above.

    Regardless of how ridiculous that ship may appear in comparison with canon, and how false I believe it to be, you still have to give the artist's a pretty d*mn impressive mock-up. :blink: