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Posts posted by ddillard
Even though I don't post as much as I used to because of college and work I have never really left. And as long as this site exists I will be here.
I watched it on the first Friday night that it was showing here. I admit that my opinion is probably due to being tired from not sleeping well the night before, but I was not a huge fan of the movie. I might watch it again at some point at home. After about the first fifteen minutes I just kept thinking "Fern Gully in Space"
You should be good to go now. I have you validated and set to the correct member group. Let me know if your still having a problem.
I am working on the issue with the validation emails. What username did you register with at SGF? I will go ahead and validate you from my end.
This is awesome!!!
I definitely liked The Intendant. For the most part I actually prefer her to the normal portrayal of Kira. I have always thought that it would have been great to see a series, or at least a movie based entirely on the mirror universe.
I am a big fan of B5 as well as DS9. I have always tried to avoid comparing the two series since the only thing that they really have in common is taking place on a space station. I believe that the two shows have a very different feel to them and to me it is like comparing apples and oranges.
He will definitely be missed. I send my best wishes to his family, I know that the loss of a loved one is always hard to deal with, especially someone that young.
I went to see the movie last night and while I have some mixed feelings about the movie I do believe that it is definitely worth seeing. I might try to go see it in IMAX after I get back from going out of state next week.
Click for Spoiler: -
I went to the 9pm showing last night which was not the first showing for the local theater. There were probably about 50 to 75 people in the theater with me. Part of this is because I did not spring for the IMAX version of the movie which is what most people in my area go to see because it has a much bigger screen and alot better quality. I did find out that both of the IMAX showings for the day had been sold out.
Do you believe that the current state of the economy will hurt Star Trek XI? With so many people out of work right now it could have a negative effect on the Box Office Revenue, which could be bad not only for the movie but for the franchise itself.
My question is if she was playing enough to cause this condition, Where were her parents and what were they doing that they did not notice the amount of time she was spending playing video games?
That is truly amazing, I can only hope that I can make it that long.
When I was in school in the late 80's and 90's I did receive free lunch until my Senior year (which I did not apply for since I was not at the school for lunch). The school system served both breakfast and lunch. The problem in this article is that the parents do not even appear to have considered that they could take the time to pack their children a lunch if they don't have the money and they don't want them to each cheese sandwiches. I am sorry but any good parent will find a way to provide food for their children, and the ones with low income are not effected by this program, so there is no reason that the parents cannot find a way to feed their children.
When I was in school, if you did not receive "free lunch", did not bring your lunch, or didn't have money, then guess what you didn't eat. I believe it is the parents responsibility to make sure their children have food, not the school system.
I have been addicted to these commercial for a while. I agree that they were annoying in the beginning, but now they are pretty much the only commercial that I will stop and watch when skipping through on my tivo.
It is always fascinating to hear about things that have been found in old homes. When I was young my family used to help a local contractor with tearing down old houses and it was amazing the things that we would find. There were never any hidden rooms, but I do remember them finding a rather substantial amount of cash hidden between the floors once.
One that I believe would be great for introducing someone to Trek is Trials and Tribble-ations. It incorporates DS9 with classic trek and has a good amount of humor mixed into it.
I don't think it would be called a snow day where I live, and I'm sure based on the photo's I've seen at other sites, the fall of the snow is greatly varied.It would seem that since snow fall is such a rarity in England that the country is no longer prepared to deal with it, meaning the investment in equipment to keep things cleared and safe so life continues on.
My girlfriend there had about 4 inches of snow and everything was closed. It reminds me of when my brother was stationed in the South for the Navy, they had about 2 inches of snow and the airports all closed and he couldn't come home for a family wedding.
Get out and enjoy that beautiful and magical snow!
I have seen stories about places closing because of a small (from my perspective) amount of snowfall and it never made a lot of sense to me. We had aproximately a foot of snow here, more in some areas, and the only thing that closed was schools. Businesses remained open for their normal hours and with their normal staffing. We are used to the snow and ice here in Ohio, although there are still a large amount of people that don't know how to properly drive in it, especially people that own SUV's and think they are therefore immune to the effects of anything, lol.
Ban the person above you!
in The Cotton Candy Factory
Your banned for accusing Corina of stalking