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Posts posted by deagletime

  1. ok so here is the big sack of potatoes...


    plot 1


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    as i have explained earlier...voyagers homecoming was less than fact there is an ongoing conspiract within the upper level of star fleet command where classified federation technology is being given to the orion syndicate..... several starfleet inteligence agents have been placed to watch the voyager crew and the people interacting with them because voyagers borg modifications are the hottest technology in the quadrant. one agent in particular is Libby, harrys fiance...



    plot 2


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    insipired by the doctor's novel Photons be free, a human, oliver baines, has led a holo stike through out the federation essentially cripling the civillian sector... Baines, having met the doctor through false pretenses, has caused the doctor being arrested for treason for being guilty by association...



    plot 3.


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    a strange outbreak of flu like symptoms...nausea, fatigue, pale skin, and hysteria has spread accross earth following the arrival of voyager and is leading to the quartine of all individuals related to the is later revealed that this outbreak is the borgification of individuals through a virus...people are literally catching a cold that is turning them into borg... naturally seven and icheb are thrown into prison and have been treated very poorly by star fleet security.... as the epidemic gets worse...eventually all the crew is hauled in to a facility to be examined and probed for the virus but are later released...





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    so by the end of the book...heres the and icheb are in prison and are not doing well becaue they have been denied the ability to regenerate...(we have seen that seven can talk to the queen while regenerating) the doctor , also in prison, is to be made an example to quell the holostrike and is scheduled to be "lobotomized" and have his programming simplified so that he is no longer self aware...the borg infection is projected to overtake the globe within days...while senior staff is essentially put under house arrest until a punishment can be dealt....the book closes with Admiral Janeway conspiring with her senior staff on a plan "just might work"....oh yes janeway calls picard and asks him to loan him a very special officer of his for a covert operation...(it be nice to see u know who in action one last time)


    so just like all the great finales in star trek....we are to wait until the homecoming II is released in july of 2003 to see what awaits our valiant but mistreated crew of the uss voyager

  2. ok so here is the jist of it so far




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    im serious dont read this if theres a chance that youll read the book



    re the homecoming


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    the dominion war has had major casualties on the federation...and as such..the arrival of voyager is less stelar than we had all antimatter parades.... most of the crew were debriefed in less than half an hour after almost a decade in a uncharted quadrant... dont get me wrong...its really cool when the crew get reunited with their families...almost brings a tear to your eye when the paris men squash their alpha male differences and hug....



    Janeway and Chakotay


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    After protecting the crew for 7 years...our great captain and her no 1, have how can we put it...."empty nest syndrome"... also, we have seen the admirals put janeway back in her place after

    having near god-like status aboard her ship..... now dumped by seven because she needed to find out who she really is (YAY!!) you know what that means right kids?... voyager's "#1" bachelor (excuse the pun) is available to a woman whom he was once denied because she was his superior...



    Paris and Torres


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    now the biggest surprise to me so far is that our former bad boy has been domesticated to a 24th century Mr. Mom... where is torres u ask, well following the plot of the episode "barge of the dead" where b'lana has dreams of her mother,Miral, in klingon hell, it seems that Miral was indeed on a spiritual mission where she may or may not have been killed...and now torres has traveled to the spiritual center of the kliingon empire to find what has happened to her mother



    Tuvok and Harry


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    throught voyager..we have always seen tuvok as a stoic indiviual...unable to hear the processes going about in his head...but in literary format, however, we are able to and we get a great insight into what he is thinking and is at times hilarious... example, after surviving pon farr with only a simulated wife...lets just say Mr. Vulcan was a little overdue for some nookie... Harry on the other hand...has his handsfull with his exfiance Libby for getting a little too much nookie in the delta quadrant... needless to say... harry has been working on rekindling a relationship with his ex...






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    regarding seven icheb and the wildmans...they are ingrained into the plot and ive got a few more chapters before i can summarize the entire book so more to come

  3. Ive just purchased the new book "homecoming" by christie golden, which is set after the uss voyager arrives at earth imediately following Endgame.... i wont devulge any spoilers until more people have read it...but it does tie up a lot of loose ends...granted its not canon, but its as close as any we are gonna get to answering some great debates Voyagenarians have had for the last 8 years..golden does a great job in incorporating tv canon, the books Mosiac and Pathways (semi-voyager canon) it or go to a library and borrow it..but so far its been good reading


    ok i got to give away at least one spoiler that made me jump for joy.. B)



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    Seven kicks Chakotays *buttocks* to the curb

  4. hmmm RB has a tough job....i mean he has to balance what the fans want , with the flashy action sequences that make movies so popular today.... but in my opinion...the downfall in popularity in star trek in because current star trek had strayed sooo far from the days of Big Gene's feel-good trek... remeber how sttng's first few seasons touched on drug addiction, civil rights, environment, male/female almost seems that the early days of st had a secret commentary on life and the science, ships, aliens, were all secondary....

  5. wow....well i think it ws just a way to set up the is not gone...he will be resurrected like spock.... i mean in all good things..we see that there is an old we must assume that b4 becomes data or somethinfg of the sort

  6. pcs..all the way... laptops are all proprietary and if something breaks your pretty much screwed...with a pc..everypart you can replace from frys...most of all u dont have to type like a giant on a 8 x 10 keyboard...