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Posts posted by deagletime
i dont suppose anyone has seen episode 2.5 (no joke)
they are available on suprnova.. theyre called the clone wars and were a miniseries done on cartoon network thats authorized by lucasfilms that explains what happens between epsidoes 2 and 3
i kid u not, episode 2.5 is for real and is canon.
its actually quite simplesince Data backed himself up on B4, all u got to do is get Lore, reformat him, reinstall his OS and then get a parallel cable and hook up the two.. and then cut and paste Data-data files from B4 to Lore
and whoila youve got Data back again
i do it all the time.. it will probably take geordi about 3 hours as long as he doesnt reverse the polarity on the parallel cable when he hooks the two up
Slight problem: Data didn't back himself up, he only uploaded his memories to B4 so his developement would be speadier than his own. Data's programming, what made him unique, was lost when the Schimitar exploded.
it was a joke
its actually quite simple
since Data backed himself up on B4, all u got to do is get Lore, reformat him, reinstall his OS and then get a parallel cable and hook up the two.. and then cut and paste Data-data files from B4 to Lore
and whoila youve got Data back again
i do it all the time.. it will probably take geordi about 3 hours as long as he doesnt reverse the polarity on the parallel cable when he hooks the two up
Here is how I see it, in the series, during duty shifts Geordie and Data were (almost) always working together and their friendship was more 'informal', a "just hanging out" sort of relationship. Picard's and Data's relationship was different, it had more 'formal' tone to it, Picard was always teaching Data something. That setup did seem to change when the movies started except for Generations, after that I would say some as yet unknown to us event changed the dynamics of Geordie’s and Data’s relationship, perhaps Geordie hooked up with a steady, causing Data to spend more time with Picard (?)maybe geordi didnt like data as much after he wussed out and let geordi be tortured by soran
man i just finished it and all i can say is wow.....the dedication it took to replicate all the sets was just impresive on its own.. the visual effect were awesome too
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the future scenes taken from the movies was cool...the tie in with Q and the borg...lols
ya i didnt like it when the D blew up..i was teary eyed
i was like.."damnit geordi!! just reverse the polarity of the warp field and it will be alright"
Stardate:21456.3I hate Bill Gates so much because he has a unfair monopoly of computers and hes a dictator of the computer world.
I criticise windows because of the horrible instability that it has.You are always hearing about all these virus and worm attacks that happen to microsoft.Its so easy to hack windows its not even funny.
Also name one thing Windows can do that Linux can't do.
run your
getting back to the original point of the thread...when the cube at w 359 assimilated fed captains...their consciousness were interconnected and probed by the entire collective regardsless of whether they were in the alpha or delta quadrant... so in essence..the even thought the cube was in the alpha quadrant, the collective is still interconnected (ie drones in alpha and delta quad) which would explain how the queens "essencse" could have been "downloaded" to another body in the delta quadrant
an example of such is in the unimatrix zero episode where seven and her boyfriend are still able to meet in the unimatrix though their physical bodies are in different quadrants.. her boyfriends was stationed on a scout ship in the gamma quadrant if i recall.. in FC...a cube does need to be present to serve as a borg "modem" and thats why the seperated drones tried to set up a signal beacon on the 1701-e deflector array and therefore that is also why the 21st century borgs in ENT were unable to contact the 21st century does make sense that a signal sent with 21t century technology could take oh say 300 years to reach the delta quadrant..and that would explain why the borgs intrest in earth in the 24th century
TOS all
TAS none
TNG all
Ds9 all
Voy all
ENt all
dont have the time to download the animated series...but the rest i downloaded and watched at my computer
thats a no brainer... cabin boy with woogie from somthing bout mary... i got mad at myself for watching half the movie before i stormed off for a refund..
I found it interesting that the references have all been to men of colour. Do you think a woman will ever be elected President? Or what about a woman of colour?I'm don't think there have been very many women who have been elected Govenor. I don't know a lot about State politics so other than former Texas Governor Ann Richards I don't know of any other women who held the position of Govenor.
Women are still vastly under-represented in almost all levels of government and I don't mean just in the States when I say that.
i had a feeling that the issue of women in the highest office would come up...and yes traditionally the presidency has been a job held by men..not to say that woman arent equally qualified... but i believe that for a man of color and a caucausian woman must overcome the same prejudices and sterotypes before they are elected into office...
i think that the united states has come a long way in a matter of 50 years in terms of tolerance and equality for different nationalities, orientations, and religions...but still in this day and age do u think it would ever be possible for a person of an ethnicity other than caucausian could ever hold the highest and most prestigious job in the nation? i mean, here in california, we have a celebrity governor, there have been pro wrestlers as governors, black men, asian men, hispanic men...all senators and governors..but still could a black man ever become president?
i think that if there was ever a minority candidate that had a chance at becoming president it would have to be colin powell...dont get me wrong, its not because hes black that i want to see him president, but his resume alone if he were caucausian would be reason enough to get him a nomination for the presidency.. ex-4 star army general, hero of persian gulf war, moderate republican, experienced negotiator, a representative of the united states who is trusted to lead peace talks...and on and on and on...
i guess im not trying to push on anyone Pro-Powell propaganda...but my question is this day and u think it would be possible to have a person as qualified as Powell, who is also black, to become president of the united states... or do we still have a great deal more time before the general public could except a black man as president?
new car
burnt toast or cold coffee
For the third the earth shakesso the beginning of the 3rd war starts with nuclear weapons?
The throat of the Gaul is ravagedwestern europe is the center of the attack
Many die fleeing from the awful windsnuclear fallout kills many
The sun halts in its path in the heavencant see the sun because of the fallout
Well, here's how I see it:Typically, you have a great concept for a TV show, it runs a long time, then comes to an end. Maybe you get a spin-off with one of the characters or a few movies, but after that, time to find something new to watch.
The real reason why STAR TREK has lasted so long is simple. A crew on a starship, explorring space and going where no one has gone before. The possibilities are endless. All you need is a ship, a crew, and an imagination. Yes, I think the franchise might take a rest after ENT, sticking to just movies. However, I think Trek will allways be arround.
Here's the big question:
What happens when our science advances so far that the science in Trek becomes laughable? What happens when we go to Mars and such and our own timeline severely differentiates from the Trek timeline?
I'd have to say that if our science advances to the point where Trek seems silly, just advance the science on the show, just like the Borg got a "new look" for the 8th movie. As for our own timeline not matching the Trek timeline? I say this has allready begun to happen. It's fiction, not reallity, so why should it match our timeline? B)
im sure that in the future...well look at star trek the same way we look at westerns and little house on the praire... like whoa that was interesting
Actually, Voyager had room to cary at least 5 shuttles, including the Delta Flyer. Also, Voyager did indeed have 2 shuttlebays. Here's where #2 is: You fly your shuttle to the aft of the ship, through the atmospheric field after the door opens, then land in the bay. You could then open a large door at the back wall, leading to shuttlebay 2 further inside the ship. This is official as it was publicated in Star Trek: The Magazine. The big question is: How did the Delta Flyer fit through the door seperating the two shuttlebays when it was made for normal-sized shuttles? B)another thing u have to keep in mind is that the whole time throught the delta quadrant..they were lugging around nelix's ship .... i never understood how a ship the size of voyagers could manage to hold the flyer..several shuttles...and nelix's ship...i just seemed like it was impossible
btw his ship was used in nelixs last epsiode when he dropped torpedoes onto the asteroid to put up some shield grid...
electro magnetic pulse
what you are saying is true if only a constant force is applied... acceleration is inversly proportional to mass only when under a constant force... not sure how u were applying that statement to this post but if i were to take a guess... your saying that under constant thrust (force), mass and acceleration would remain the same...but when acceleration approaches the speed of light and force is constant , mass would decrease?? doesnt really make sense.Well, I was just speculating and trying to get a semi-plausible answer for you. I don't know that much about near light speed travel. But what I was trying to say is that mass increases when you get close to the speed of light. And that's why it's hard to get to the speed of light, mass would become infinite and acceleration decreases. I wasn't saying that mass decreases, I was saying that acceleration decreases.
again your assuming that the force is constant
both are very similar is for force, the other is for energy...
basically for a body where the mass is constant...mass does not change with increase in acceleration... basically they are saying that light speed is impossible because it is directly proportional to energy and force...thus light speed is not attainable for a constant mass without tremendous resources to generate force/energy
I was just thinking about an episode of Voyager (can't remember the name or the season). Janeway and Company encounter a species with the technology to get Voyager out of the Delta Quadrant and back home (or at least within spitting distance). The species want to make a trade for some type of technology that Voyager has, but Janeway won't do it ... I guess because of the prime directive or some other such nonsense.Now, if Benjamin Sisko had been commanding Voyager and was presented with the same opportunity, I don't think he'd have let a little thing like the prime directive get in his way. He would have done what he had to do to get his crew back home and dealt with his conscience later.
Personally, I'm with Sisko on this. I liked Janeway o.k., but she was more than a little self-righteous and too much by the book. Sisko was more in the mold of Kirk and Picard ... there are times when you have to sleep with the devil and the ends DO justify the means.
i think your referring to the void where they are stuck in a sublayer of subspace...the trade is for weapons for food and deuterium... but still idont think sisko would have done it...after all its only food and power vs other lives...
Here's another thing to chew on:A few people in this topic have said that impulse is very close to the speed of light. If that is so, then Newtonian mechanics no longer works. At such high speeds, time slows down, length contracts in the direction of motion, and mass increases. If impulse really is close to the speed of light, then the "normal" physics you and I would think of no longer apply.
For example, if mass increases, would you agree that acceleration decreases? Because acceleration is inversely proportional to mass? You have to take into account these new things. Now, I don't know if you would still have to keep your engines on, but this could certainly change things.
I also agree with VBG, that it's for the drama, but if you're looking for a scientific explanation, this could be it.
what you are saying is true if only a constant force is applied... acceleration is inversly proportional to mass only when under a constant force... not sure how u were applying that statement to this post but if i were to take a guess... your saying that under constant thrust (force), mass and acceleration would remain the same...but when acceleration approaches the speed of light and force is constant , mass would decrease?? doesnt really make sense.
Star Trek 5 (groan): while blasting up the turbo shaft, McCoy and Kirk LIGHTLY hold onto Spock yet when we see their feet they are dangling from him in mid bout this...when they start climbing the first deck we see is 13 and as they shoot up the last deck they are about to hit is 78... now correct me if im wrong but dont they count downward usually.. deck one being the bridge. .deck 50ish being the bottom
Warp 10 Theory
in Ten Forward
welll supposedly warp 10 is the fastest that u can travel in warp theory... it will take an infinite ammount of energy so that u can be in infinite places at the same time because u are traveling that fast.....
now regarding warp 13 in the tng episode...i suppose that it can be explained that with transwarp technology...the warp scale had to be readjusted...i mean the max speed of galaxy class ships with standard warp drive is like 9.9 or with transwarp drive it may seem rediculous to say that the ship is traveling at transwarp 9.999999 or such.. so to me it seems reasonable that they rescaled the warp increments in the late 24th/25th century... so that warp 13 is the old 9.99999