Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Posts posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. Season 4: {DVD} Select Historical Data & Inside the Star Trek Archives (21 minutes)

    Season 5: {DVD} Intergalactic Guest Stars & Alien Speak (29 minutes)

    Season 6: {DVD} Select Historical Data Inside & The Starfleet Archives: Sets and Props (31 minutes)

    Season 7: {DVD} Special Profiles & Dressing The Future (27 minutes)

    These look like Special Features! Why are they not included in the season sets? I can't afford to spend $140 on a season set! That's why I lay them away at Wal-Mart for $100! And now they are EXCLUDING these "special features" to best buy customers? I AM NOT HAPPY!!!!

  2. A TNG movie would make more money? Didn't you notice that NEMESIS flopped? I highly doubt another TNG movie will happen. If it does, GREAT! If it doesn't, I'm happy with NEMESIS as an ending to TNG.


    Besides, just becuase the fans want it, doesn't mean it will be successful. Fans can keep a TV show going, as this was proven via ROSWELL The show ran 3 seasons, and was cancelled twice. The fans campaigned and brought it back twice.


    However, could the fans alone support a movie enough for it to be a huge success? I doubt it.

  3. I have the 40 DVD of TOS

    :) How on Earth did you afford that???


    TOS - 40 volumes - 3 seasons - $800

    TNG - 7 season sets - $700


    You got ripped off man! I'm waiting for TOS season sets, and that's A OK, becuase it's taking me forever to collect TNG & DS9 on DVD! :)

  4. Data is a machine, Data is a program. He may be sentient and so forth, but he's still that, a machine. However, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed the rights and respect of any organic being.


    He "could" have downloaded himself into the ship's computer or into B4 had he the time to do so, but he didn't. Instead, all that survived are his memories via the memory transfer into B4. Data's "memories" won't magically change B4 into a Data-clone. It just doesn't work that way.


    I say B4 will arrise to become his own individual being, with a hint of Data on occassion. That's my opinion anyway. :)

  5. Here's an idea...


    When Star Trek The Motion Picture came out, there was only the "original series" so obviously, the movies would be based on that tv series. Then they did the 6th and final movie durring TNG's 5th season.


    Star Trek The Next Generation comes to an end as DS9 concludes it's 2nd season. They want to make another set of Trek movies. Obviously, TNG is the next choice.


    Star Trek Nemesis was intended to "possibly" be the final TNG movie incase it bombed in theaters. It did, so TNG has ended. Now it's time to move on to a 3rd group of movies, only now we have 2 shows to pick from, except both shows were not successful enough to warrant a movie and everyone wants another TNG movie.


    So, the logical conclussion is to make a mixed cast movie! :)


    Instead of worrying if the "movies" will end... I think it should be looked under a different light.


    TOS movies

    The Motion Picture

    The Wrath of Kahn

    The Search for Spock

    The Voyage Home

    The Final Frontier

    The Undiscovered Country (final adventure)


    TNG movies


    First Contact


    Nemesis (final adventure)


    When looking at it like this, the movies have kinda ended twice! :)


    They managed to bring the movies back with TNG, I say they can do it again with a mixed cast of varrious characters. :)

  6. Here's how I see it.


    When Star Trek The Motion Picture came out, there was only the "original series" so obviously, the movies would be based on that tv series. Then they did the 6th and final movie durring TNG's 5th season.


    Star Trek The Next Generation comes to an end as DS9 concludes it's 2nd season. They want to make another set of Trek movies. Obviously, TNG is the next choice.


    Star Trek Nemesis was intended to "possibly" be the final TNG movie incase it bombed in theaters. It did, so TNG has ended. Now it's time to move on to a 3rd group of movies, only now we have 2 shows to pick from, except both shows were not successful enough to warrant a movie and everyone wants another TNG movie.


    So, the logical conclussion is to make a mixed cast movie! :)

  7. gul_nudrog,


    Maybe Worf reverted to his "TNG" self becuase STAR TREK NEMESIS was a TNG movie and the majority of the people seeing the movie would not of known about him being on DS9?


    The way I see it...


    GENERATIONS - Worf's a TNG character.

    FIRST CONTACT - Worf's a DS9 character, but returns for a 2nd TNG movie.

    INSURRECTION - Worf's still a DS9 character, but is back for a 3rd TNG movie!

    NEMESIS - Worf's left DS9, so he's back to being a TNG character.


    Think about it. In Generations and Nemesis he feels like a TNG character, but in First Contact and Insurrection he feels like a DS9 character. :)


    Hope that helps with people who think Worf wasn't written well for NEMESIS! :)

  8. My advice is this: Have your parents by season 1 of each tv series you want season sets for! Then work hard and earn the rest on your own, or have your parents lay them away at Wal-Mart (which is what I do! :) )


    In time, you will EVENTUALLY collect the season sets. The video & audio is EXCELLENT and the special features rock! There seams to be 4 or so per a season set, but they are excellent!