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Posts posted by Gotabite

  1. No I can actually sleep at any old time, but I dont have a tv in my bedroom, I practice "good sleep hygiene" I can sleep in a football stadium, or anywhere I don't catch any Zzzzz at dinner tonight.. I'm hungry :bow: he he he

    :bow:I am very famiiar with sleep disorders, manyof which can be difficult to manage, and even dangerous. I had a friend who walked in her sleep, walked outside her house and was almost hit by a car. Sleep disorders can be challenging to live with.

  2. :bow: This is a very interesting topic for discussion. And I have enjoyed reading the responses. As for me I am a believer in a God who has never wanted us to kill each other. I believe hHE is deeply sadened by all of the taking of life that we have done, and are still doing through wars, because of anger, vengence,. abuse, hate, etc. The God that I know and try to serve would never ask me to do such a thing. And being the mental health professional that I am; if I heard a voice tell me it was God, I believe that I had suddenly become deluisonal; and that I was having hallucinations;......I'd call one of my psychiatrists friends and ask them to commit me to the closest mental hospital in order to protect my loved one. :bow:

  3. I am a Star Trek fan to the core. :bow: MY favorite is Voyager, second favorite is TNG. I like looking back at the original series too, and recall watching it before it ever became reruns( yes, I'm probably older than most on this website). I've never gotten into the movies much. So there's not a lot I can say about them. My least favorite series are DS9 and Enterprise. But I support them and do watch, because they are part of the whole legacy. :bow:

  4. :bow: Can not wait myself for the book to read what they (the writers) have come up with.  :bow: Much better to SEE it in a movie though. :bow:
    Yes, it would be so cool to see a movie about it all........have never quite understood why Voyager wasn't as popular as other series.........I loved it. But I've been told it wasn't a popular series, and won't have a movie of its own :

  5. :bow: I'm with you guys on this. They need something. I was left hanging.  :bow:  :bow: I get to see reruns Monday thru Friday. 12:00 midnight till 1:00 on the FOX Channel (21) here. Hate to stay up late but I like my VOY. :bow:  :bow:

    Yes, I like my Voyager too. I have several volumes of Voyager VHS tapes that I've made so that I can watch favorite episodes whenever I want to. But I do agree with most who have commented here that we fans were kind of left hanging with questions regarding the Federation's reactions to the Ma Quis aboard Voyager.....their reaction toTom, and their reaction to Seven......But as one fan mentioned, I'll just have to read the new book that's come out, to get the scope. :)

  6. Poor Harry never got a break either way.  I'm sure he was sort of envious of Paris's relationship with Be'Lanna.

    :bow: Great point!!! I too questioned from time to time whether he was envious of his best friends' relationship with B'Elanna. Several here have also mentioned his relationship with Libby.....Guess I'd not considered that as a significant factor in his life. And perhaps I should look into it. :bow:



    Thank you.  It just made me think about it, because I went through a phase like that after my last major relationship.

    For better or worse, our past always impacts our present and our future. The key is not to let the past run tapes that cloud our vision to the point that we don't realize the present and the future do not have to turn out like the past. :)

  8. B) In my area Voyager comes on every night at 10:00pm. So I watch episodes every night of the week. I don't know if the crew would agree to come back to do a Voyager movie...... :) . But if they did, I'd be right there in front of the TV for every second of it. B)

  9. :) Well, I'll preface my remarks by saying I didn't LIKE this episode. It may not have been the worst plot wise. But I just didnot like Fury. I even thought the plot was ridiculous. Next in line would be the episode where the Doctor was doing all of these singing performances for an alien culture.. He'd even decided to leave Voyager to be with this alien culture. He thought they appreciated him more. And even thought he was in love with one on the aliens, and she with him........until she "cloned" him, and the cloned Doctor was able to achieve a singing range that the Doctor could not reach........don't recall the name of that episode. But for me it was quite weak. B)

  10. But I was thinking.  Maybe he kept going for women that he found unobtainable because he did not want to get hurt.  I know several people that do that because they know deep down that it is not going to happen, so they do not get hurt as bad when it does not work out.

    You are correct. There are many people who are frightened of relationships because they are fearful of being hurt. Some of course have been through hurtful situations in the past and don't want to relive them. Harry did have his share of mishaps in love. And your theory is well founded. :)

  11. Once again I vote Janeway, but I was curious to see how this poll would do in the VOY boards vs the TNG boards...

    I really liked both Captains Picard and Janeway. I find it a difficult comparison, as the situations and circumstances they found themselves dealing with were so different. However, I give the edge to Janeway. :martok:

  12. CJLP, when you join the real world of the workplace I think you will be in for a shock.  Women are more likely to not be hired because they are a woman as compared to the other way round.  Same with visible minorities.  Affirmative action is meant to open doors that have been slammed shut and locked to people in the past.  You can count on one hand the number of women and minorities who are on the Board of Directors of major companies and it has more to do with the "old boys network" than merit.  Even when a woman or minority is hired they will likely get paid less than their white male counterpart who is less qualified.  :martok:

    "Affirmative action is meant to open doors that have been slammed shut and locked to people in the past."


    I find Affirmative Action to be extremely irritating. Someone should be hired based on their skills, not becuase they are a minority.

    :angry: I agree with you Captain, people SHOULD be hired on the basis of their skills, abilities, experiences, degrees, etc. HOWEVER, in reality what should happen is often what does not happen..........that is the main reason for affirmative action. :P

  13. I think if the book "Homecoming" is as good as it looks, Paramount should look into making a movie out of it. Or if not that book, just make a movie about what happens to Voyager once they return to earth. Track the characters for a little while, show what each did and how things were handled after being away so long. Then some form of "hysteria" breaks out, but thats for the writers to figure out. I just think it would be a good idea.

    :angry: This would be so cool....great movie material :martok:

  14. :laugh: Too bad the borg children did not stay any longer.  Naomi Wildman would have had others around her age to play with.  I think she needed someone other than Seven of Nine to converse and play games with.  I think the children made a great additin to Voyager's family. :)

    :) I too hated to see the younger kids go. I wanted to see them develop more. The older boy did remain on board and his relationship with Seven became quite eventful. In one episode, he actually saved her life......his name escapes me at the moment........Anyway, I also remember how the children being on board actually helped Seven to regain some of her own human qualities. :borg: :)

  15. I have the belief that the borg may have come about as military experiments.  Maybe they were trying to create the perfect soldier and the original soldiers turned against them and assimilated the population and then it went from there.

    :) :laugh: :) You know that really sounds possible. I too had considered some sort of experiment gone bad. :) :)

  16. You know Harry not only had problem of being promoted. He also seemed to have a lot of "LOVE" problems. He was constantly falling for the wrong woman. I mean I have never seen anyone make so many mistakes, in regards to falling in love. He even once fell in love with a HOLOGRAM. It's like he may have had the "smarts" to excel at the Academy. But when it came to common sense and making wise decisions about women, he often seemed to miss the boat. :)

  17. The closest explanation was in ST:FC.


    Borg Queen to Data, "Humans.  We used to be exactly like them.  Flawed, weak, organic.  Then we evolved to include the synthetic."

    :) Thanks for this info., because this question has racked my brain for years.. :borg: :laugh: :) :)

  18. Eh, I don't care if a woman's sexy.  I say that field should wait till after marriage.

    Just cause a guy tells me I'm sexy doesn't mean I'm going to jump into bed with him. :laugh:

    How did you come to that conclussion? I ment that I believe that the frame of mind associated with sexual thoughts should wait till marriage.

    :) As another female I guess I'd like to put my two cents in here. First I think most women find it a compliment to know that a man, especially if it's a man they are dating or married to finds them attractive. The term "sexy" in my opinion doesn't have to mean that one is lusting after a woman's body. In fact some women even use this term to describe other women, in a complimentary way. I also think that "the frame of mind associated with sexual thoughts waiting until marriage" is something that has to be an individual, and a personal matter.........and has to do with an individual's belief system. As for me personally, I see nothing wrong with sexual thoughts before marriage , or once two people are married. Even sexual thoughts before marriage aren't always acted on. Also with all due respects Captain, as a woman voting in this poll, I would vote for Seven. :)