Yillara Skye

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Posts posted by Yillara Skye

  1. Voted Autumn for the cooler temperatures and the changing colors, but I also like Spring too for the transition of the desolation of winter to the abundance of new life in nature. And in either case, I like the mild temperatures. Definately better than the heat in the summer and the cold of the winter. All seasons have their ups and downs,but I feel that Autumn & Spring have the least IMO.

  2. Never had it, so I cannot really say I hate it. But I do not like the smell of Champagne, nor the taste (just like pretty much ANY alcoholic beverage, I dislike all of them and the fact that they make me have a headache and sick to my stomach). So, I really do not know if I would ever try it.


    Outside of that I only drink Sierra Mist now, and an occasional Sprite or 7-Up(which in truth I really don't like much), because it so far is the only soda that doesn't bug my stomach.

  3. I still to this day would vote Krispy Kreme. Dunkin Donuts has two stores in this town, but thankfully you can still get boxes of K.K. donuts at the grocery stores(not as good as the fresh ones right off the line at a K.K. store).


    My granfather's bakery also had some of the best donuts around, even though the bakery is not around anymore and really it was never the same after my grandfather died in 1994. He would be tied with Krispy Kremes IMHO.


    Growing up, I always looked forward to the drive to my gymnastics meets or my sister's cheerleading events or pageants because there was a good chance that we'd stop at the nearest Krispy Kreme. Most often it would be during trips to the Gainesville area. I liked going to competitions but I thought it was a cool treat to go and get donuts afterwards.

  4. I try never to let my tank get too close to the E.


    When I filled back up during one of my competition trips, the odometer was:


    298 miles


    I had filled up to about 11.5 gallons, which equals to just shy of 26mpg. This was just under 1/8th of a tank of gas though when I stopped tracking it (also was a little under an 1/8th when I had filled it with the 11.5 to begin the trip).



    oh, BTW this is with a 1993 Ford Escort LX

  5. THis is ridiculous! What is next, no contact sports in school at all? I think this is really going too far, so kids are now not allowed to be kids anymore.


    Bumps, bruises, scrapes and cuts are all part of growing up and getting accustomed to the world we live in. If they are soooo afraid that a game of tag is going to POSSIBLY hurt someone, why do they not supply the children a bubble to walk around in or at least wrap the kids in pillows and duct tape them on like a suit of fluffy, downy armor? :P :P


    You know what this does to me? It makes me ABSOLUTELY glad I lived in the time I did. I am glad I grew up in the 80's where it was still ok to play like a normal child.


    And I (outside of gymnastics, that is) had the common injuries of a kid. Fell backside first out of a tree, spun out on my bike and took a ton of skin off my hip and thigh, bicycling again my sister bumped into me and we crashed into opposite ditches (she with her injuries, me with a patch of skin gone off mt hand & knee), etc. etc. etc. Got my hairclip embedded into my head, because I forgot it was there(thought I had a regular hair band in) and attempted to bounce a playground ball off my head. That happened at home, but it just as easily could have happened at school. Slid down a dirt mound, but did not see the sharp piece of mud covered branch in it... when I tried to stand up I was in pain, I had a huge & wide cut from my hip down to nearly my ankle.


    I jammed my finger when I ran into a pole in school, I was running in the playground and tripped. Did my parents sue? NO, and why did they not do that? Because I was playing a game and like kids do, I was clumsy. And what I listed is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my childhood accidents.


    Yes, a lot of what I used as examples were outside of the school. But any of those could happen on a field trip or on a school playground. And at the rate they are going it seems like soon there will be NO kids playing on playgrounds in towns, because after all they might fall down and sue the city or the county for putting a playground up.


    Now I can see trouble being stirred up if one child forces an injury on another...but that does not sound like why they are taking kids games away.


    I could rant on like this for a while, but I will leave it at this. I have seen my share of playground accidents, both growing up & as a gymnastics coach, including ones that left bloody noses, cuts, black eyes and welts. But unless one kid deliberately injured another, I at no time saw it as a reason for a parent to sue.


    Oh, and...............






    Tag YOU'RE it :P :P


    What the heck are they going to do during P.E.? Sewing?


    If the school is worried about unsupervised games then why not HIRE MORE SUPERVISORS?

    uhhh, NOOOO can't do that Lt Van Roy!!! THey might accidentally stab their fingers on the needles and might have their parents sue the school

  6. :) Sometimes I reallllly wonder about people, celebrity or not.



    I can get people naming children after a famous sports figure (like Montana, I did not mind that part), and depending on the name of the town, island or city that might not be so bad (like part of my screenname is also a part of the Isle of Skye, that can also be doubled as a name so it is not too bad, IMO. And I would name a daughter of mine Skye, or at least as a middle name....that is if I ever do have kids.)


    I mean, I live in NE Florida... and I would totally feel bad for a child if their parents decided to name him or her after a certain town. THink of it, a child named "Spuds". There are quite a few cities and towns and islands that all should probably NOT be used as names, but people still press on and have it added to a birth certificate.


    But some of these really need to have been thought about more before committing to a name like these, or even a few appearing in baby name books.



    Parents also need to really think about their kids' initials too... At the risk of getting this thread thrown into Kronos, I will not elaborate. But, I am sure many of you can bring certain phrases down to initials(that could get this thread into Kronos) and then really begin to feel for these kids.


    Nicknames, well those are a WHOLE different subject and those often ARE meant to either build a reputation or really destroy one. So can't really put those on the same level as given names.



    On a few occasions people around me (in class, at work, etc) got to discussing strange names and these come up a lot it seems: Orange Jello & Lemon Jello (yes as in the gelatin, but pronounced a bit differently).


    Then there are the weather kids: Breezy, Rainy, Windy. Wendy I can see, but Windy?

  7. <- A Clue to my vote, would be my current avatar :) Even though I chose Medusa as my Halloween avatar






    I voted Ancient Greece, although I love reading or watching things about Ancient Egypt. I really like studying the mythology of all three that were listed, too. Since I was little, I think what started my interest was the mythology and that remains the biggest pull for me. Rome is somewhat interesting, but is nowhere as intersting as Egypt or Greece.


    My sister... now she is a BIG fan of Ancient Egypt. Anything and everything Egypt, is a big deal to her. To the point she wishes she could go there and study firsthand.



    Of course, I am interested in many facets of my ancestral backgrounds... especially: Scandinavian, Celtic (Scotland, Ireland & Wales), and Native American. I include these because I like reading and watching things about their histories (and of course mythology). The "ancient" forms of these cultures hold just about as much facination to me as the culture I voted for.

  8. I voted no, since I already have a 14 yr old cat. And if I got another cat, the poor thing might not be in one piece at the end of the day. Crystal is very VERY VERY territorial, regardless of her age. She, and two of our other cats (Boo and Taz who have both passed on back a few years ago) really tore into this little stray that we once brought home.




    If I was not living here at home, and got a kitten, there would not be a big push to get one of these specially bred kittens. Unless they were sweet, picked me out and were not very expensive. Gotta let the kitten pick you out, seems to be best for the pet/owner relationship :nono:

  9. In my case, I still use Firefox when visiting the site. I know certain features do not show up and that the links are basically sitting over the banner... however I am just very used to it now. I had gotten into a habit of just using Firefox, because my IE did not work properly. But, I just did a complete reinstall of Windows a little while back and IE works fine now; I just still like FF better.

  10. Just finished dinner, and now I am getting ready to continue doing my homework. Well, actually it is homework that will be due later this month, since our professor has allowed us to work as far ahead as we want to. *Shrug* Works for me, I like to be ahead of the game whenever possible. And besides, it makes it so I do not have to worry about it during this weekend's dance competition.

  11. My brother sent me this, LOL



    Top 45 Oxymorons

    Here you will find the top 45 oxymorons.

    An oxymoron is a combination of two words that are completely opposite in meaning. In the dictionary you'll find: "A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist."

    You've probably heard many of these before but didn't realize that they fall within this category.


    45. Act naturally

    44. Found missing

    43. Resident alien

    42. Advanced BASIC

    41. Genuine imitation

    40. Airline Food

    39. Good grief

    38. Same difference

    37. Almost exactly

    36. Government organization

    35. Sanitary landfill

    34. Alone together

    33. Legally drunk

    32. Silent scream

    31. Living dead

    30. Small crowd

    29. Business ethics

    28. Soft rock

    27. Butt head

    26. Military intelligence

    25. Software documentation

    24. New classic

    23. Sweet sorrow

    22. Child Proof

    21. "Now, then ..."

    20. Synthetic natural gas

    19. Passive aggression

    18. Taped live

    17. Clearly misunderstood

    16. Peace force

    15. Extinct life

    14. Temporary tax increase

    13. Computer jock

    12. Plastic glasses

    11. Terribly pleased

    10. Computer security

    9. Political science

    8. Tight slacks

    7. Definite maybe

    6. Pretty ugly

    5. Twelve-ounce pound cake

    4. Diet ice cream

    3. Working vacation

    2. Exact estimate


    ...And the number 1 oxymoron is..

    1. Microsoft Works

  12. There's a thread like this at another message board I visit, and when I didn't see one here I thought I'd start one.


    Right now I'm using one that's basically a mini guide to grammer :clap:

    I love the grammar avatar!



    As for my avatar, well, it was just that I was being kind of silly one night and took a picture of my tv screen(while I was playing Super Smash Bros. Melee). This was from the trophy room screen; which allows you to zoom in on the particular picture. I find this hilarious, however I still do not know the complete reason as to why :tribble::spock:

  13. The Natural Leader


    If you want to move up the ranks, you probably have what it takes to make that climb! You're creative, assertive, and empathetic. You easily draw groups together and enjoy heading them up. Most promissing, you enjoy bringing out the best in others. You have high expectations of them - possibly higher than they have of themselves - and you're prepared to do what it takes to help them realize that potential. Just be mindful not to let more superficially forceful characters push you out of the way.



    Another leader here :laugh: Actually I was a bit surprised to end up with this result, and surprised in a good way too.