Yillara Skye

The Founders
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Posts posted by Yillara Skye

  1. *eats a 12 peice chicken nuggets from McDonald's, drinks another beer, and then jams a cigar down the throat. Chunky vomit flies everywhere*



    uhh, did you need to go and vomit???? :clap::clap: Ok, gonna go stand somewhere else where I do not have to see that.


    If you have ever watched the movie The Replacements, and remember the huddle scene where the one upchucks and sets a couple others off. Well there ya go, if I am around and see/smell/hear somebody blow chow then I more than likely will too. So to avoid turning green.... :blink:

  2. *In an American Friend's Joey voice*

    No chocolate or peanut butter? I'm a designer, I love that stuff! :clap:

    Yep.. I have not had peanut butter since early December. I tried eating a bite of a peanut butter cup, and it made my stomach burn so very bad. I also tried eating a bite of a chocolate chip cookie, again with painful results so bad I had to be picked up early from work and almost had to run to the Dr's over it.


    I took a bite of a giant Hersey kiss I got for Christmas, and it bugged me a little bit to eat it... but when I tried a small square of fudge that was homemade. Again I was on fire.


    So yeah, until my surgery I avoided chocolate and peanut butter. Now after the surgery.... I am a bit nervous about trying to eat the stuff.

  3. I was watching The Replacements and it reminded me of my home team...

    :clap: I LOVE that movie!!!!!!!!!!!



    hmm, now I gotta watch that movie!! :blush 2: Mom jokes about the fact that I can pretty much quote the entire film as it plays... but what can I say? It is a good and funny film.

  4. Jake Plummer died. When he got to heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded Broncos flag in the window. "This house is yours for eternity, Jake." said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here." Jake felt special and walked up to his house. On his way up the porch, he noticed another house. It was a 3-story mansion with a Black and Gold sidewalk, a 50 foot tall flagpole with an enormous Steeler flag and in every window, a Terrible towel. Jake looked at God and said "God, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but, why does Ben Roethlisberger get a better house than me?" God chuckled, and said "Jake that's not Ben's house, it's mine."



    That's good, but didn't you get the Memo? God's a Packer's Fan. That's why he called Vince Lombardi home, to coach his personal football team! and Reggie White is playing Defensive End!

    Good one Krissy! :clap:

  5. a bunch of fair-weather fans we got here i see




    I am only fair weather fan if the teams playing are not exactly my favorites. But if the games get really good and contain teams I do not watch, I might give it a go. However, if the teams playing are ones I like... then count me in for pretty much the entire game. Well, if it really starts to suck then I might watch something else.. can't bear to watch a favorite team get slaughtered....especially if the team is being beaten by a team with a losing record. THat is just embarassing.


    Jags games are the easiest for me to catch since they are the hometown team (unless :blink: they black the darned game out... but then :clap::clap: :blink: I still can get the game on the radio so it is not all for loss)


    THe Pack, occasionally I will get to catch them... especially if they are against the Dolphins, Jaguars or Buccaneers. The Florida teams DO get the preferential treatment over the airwaves here. Which is normal anywhere you go I think. The homestate gets the TV spots first.

  6. Like I said before...


    Go Sea Chickens!!!

    ok, I KNEW it was somebody at a message board that got me started referring to them as that!!! Now I know who, LOL!! I called them that just joking around because I had remembered them being called that by someone , and my mom thought it was funny. So now we both occasionally refer to the Hawks as the Sea Chickens.

  7. Good luck with surgery.


    Hey, you should gross everyone out by posting a picture of your gall bladder afterwards! :blink:


    Make sure it's long after I've eaten... or make sure I'm not eating anything that looks like it. :clap:


    She could also put it in spoiler. :clap:

    Sorry guys... I do not have a pic of it, nor did I get to see it. I do know that the stones were much larger than they originally were thought to be. The Dr. said they were more like boulders instead of little stones, also i had a ton of such boulders.


    My mom joked that we should weigh me now because I might be a ton lighter. LOL, I was 126lbs prior to going into surgery (I was 135 the day I was hospitalized back in late November, and was 124 the day after I was released. I had been in the hospital for a week then.)


    She probably has a point, I might be lighter without all of those stones in me... I forgot to ask my Dr, but I am betting that they were pigment stones because when they showed me my cholesterol levels they were really rather good... so more than likely the stones were not cholesterol based.

  8. Not that I know of :blink: :clap: But, then I tend to keep it really clean. It may smell soon :clap: On the grounds that I am not allowed to shower or bath for another day or two (my surgery was on Thursday afternoon, so gotta allow for healing time. one of the bandages is at the bottom edge of my belly button..so who know it might smell at the end of that time :blink: )

  9. I love Disney, but I find myself watching Looney Toons more


    Mickey is my favorite Disney character of all. I like the rest, but not nearly as much as Mickey mouse. I am almost 26 yrs old, and still have a plush doll of him that I had since I was a baby. True the body has been replaced, and is only about 16 yrs old, but the head of the doll is almost 27 (my parents got the doll before I was born)


    But when it comes to L.T. I like a bunch of them... especially the Roadrunner, Wily Coyote, Bugs, and others.

  10. They need to host a Superbowl at Lambeau! I don't care if it's cold! Lambeau is the greatest Football Stadium there is, PERIOD!

    Agreed :clap:



    They already had a Super Bowl hosted by Jacksonville ( :clap: Very tough workdays when THAT came to town!!! Even with me living 45 minutes to the south, it was very busy... with one of the teams being in our county to practice and all.) And the Jags have only been in existence about 10 1/2 years.


    Lambeau has been around much longer (and between this stadium and Alltel, this one wins hands down!) so why not have one there? I know my mother would agree, as probably would the majority of her family.