Yillara Skye

The Founders
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Posts posted by Yillara Skye

  1. I gave you $5.03 because the order was $4.98 - I should get a nickel back instead of two pennies - do they teach this in school anymore?

    Sounds a bit like a few customers that act so confused because I have habit of collecting pennies and if their bill comes to say to $4.98 (as per your example) I will add the 3 cents to the five they give me. I hand them a nickel back and explain that I had a couple pennies, and they hand me the nickel back and go "uhh, I gave you a five... this is too much change." I re-explain it and they leave with a very confused look on their face.




    I pick on my coworkers sometimes because if they accidentally ring the wrong amount in they get confused and call a manager and a few of their friends over to try and figure it out.


    For instance the bill is $3.38 and they are handed a $20, they oops ring in only $2. They freak out because they cannot make change, because they do not know how to count it up. If I am in earshot of it, I just walk over and go "This is really easy guys, put the pen and paper or the calculator away you REALLY do not need it... the change is $16.62 and this is how you count it up to confirm that" Then I will show them. Sometimes they thank me sometimes they all just roll their eyes.

    (What can I say, my mom's side of the family owned a bakery and the cash register was a manual one... you had to count the change up yourself, no readout saying what the change is. It is REALLY simple.)




    Where can I get a job where I can talk on my cell phone while ignoring customers?
    I can name a few both high and low end stores that seem to allow their employees to do just that :) :P

    (Nah not where I work, they have a policy that unless it is a MAJOR life changing/threatening situation you cannot use your cell phone while on the clock. True some try to break the rules, but usually end up getting busted)

  2. 4. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all Four walls of a 20x20 ft. room.

    It also works to tie string to pterodactyl dolls and turn the fan on to simulate them flying. True they fly off and hit the walls leaving you laughing so hard you almost wet your pants and you fall off the chair.


    5. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way.
    Never did baseballs, however I used to flick my hairbands into the ceiling... and yeah I still did this even into my 20's


    8. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.
    Yeah it would.. did not try it, but chemically I know it would work. However, I have mixed a ton of other stuff in Chem class that does smoke ROFL.


    11. Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.
    awww, why not? :P


    12. Super glue is forever.

    Especially when you accidentally put your finger to your forehead or the side of your nose! :blush 2: :)


    14. Pool filters do not like Jell-O.
    Or Spree candies either. We would throw the candies in the water to stain it, we also would put the candy in our mouths then get a mouthful of pool water and spit it.. Yeah I know it was gross, but my sister and I were kids when we did that


    18. You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.
    No probably not.. LOL


    19. Always look in the oven before you turn it on; plastic toys do not like ovens.
    And neither did my father's beeper. He had put it in the oven set on very low to dry it, we did not know it was in there and had turned the oven on to start cooking dinner. This was not the only time that happened, my dad had apparently not learned his lesson about that.

  3. Do you notice that your bad behaviour is embarrassing your wife?


    I can tell you right now I'm not going to give you very good service, because I think you're drunk or possibly on drugs, and frankly, you scare the heck out of me.


    Shame on you for using such language in front of your children.


    You've been waiting 30 minutes? Why didn't you use the time to find it yourself?


    Don't complain about the long line and then fumble through your purse for 5 minutes when you finally have your order taken.


    Oh yes, please let me search out that item that we haven't had for eight years and then complain to me for a half hour about how we had it yesterday. We didn't...JERK!


    Should I hand you the fries or shove them up your fat butt?


    So you want a combo, but you want onion rings instead of fries, a steak instead of a burger, and you want a can of pop instead of fountain pop.....WELL IT AIN'T A FREAKING COMBO NO MORE!!!


    Well now that you've ordered your large popcorn with extra butter and 2 large chocolate bars, I'm sure that the large DIET coke will really do you some good and cancel out the 10,000 calories you are about to eat while you sit on your BUTT and do nothing for the next two hours.


    You're an idiot. So are your kids.


    What the heck are you standing around staring at the menu for, dummy?!?!? We've had the same freaking menu for 25 years. Get the freaking quarter pounder!


    Don't complain about the freaking line if you have had the past 15 minutes to get your money ready and your only now fumbling through your bottomless purse for money. Get organized you old, useless, inconsiderate, ungrateful, sack of doo doo.


    We're closed dummy, that's why I didn't take your order when you pulled through my drive thru!


    No I won't make your sandwich without pickles, you can eat what the rest of freaking America likes!


    Will you get out of my store so that I may clean up your freaking mess, so that I can go home?


    The food will never look like it does in the pictures. The food in the picture was plastic.

    :) :P :) TOO TRUE!!!! I currently work in food service....


    "Umm, I am SURE you would not mind AT ALL to get some change right??? What was the total again? $9.74... I hope you need dimes and nickels most of all"


    "Whaddaya mean you don't take American Express?!?!?!?! I came here with my family last night and paid with American Express!!"

    To which I smile and motion for the customer to see the sign where it CLEARLY displays what cards we take, and Am Express is NOT one of them.




    Some of them were oddly like what I dealt with as a coach as well.

  4. :assimilated: sadly I found out today from my Doctor stuff I am not supposed to eat much or any of, and chocolate was one of them. I do not eat much chocolate to begin with, but now I have to cut it almost completely out.

    But it is still interesting to read, I had seen something about chocolate being beneficial once before but it was cool to see it posted B)


    True cutting chocolate does not bug me nearly as much as the other food I can't eat now and that is peanut butter & peanuts :wow: B) I love that stuff!

  5. blue gauntlet on my left arm (which I have a few of these, I tend to wear them more often in winter sicne I have to keep that arm as protected from the cold as I can. I wear it when I am in air conditioning too, but take it off when the A/C is off and the weather is nice enough).

    light yellow sweatshirt

    navy blue sweatpants

    black socks & shoes.

    blue headband

  6. Yes, VBG.


    I have no idea what mine would be considered. I lived in different places while growing up. Probably a combination of Boston, Maryland and Southeastern Pennsylvania.



    I do not know.. I never noticed you having an accent when we talked on voice chat.


    In my case, I swear I do not have an accent but so many people have said I sound "foreign" in some manner. Mostly they say I sound like I have a mild Scottish, Irish, Norwegian, or German accent... which is not a worry for me since those are all in my ancestry. Some say I sound slightly Russian too.


    None of my family seems to have an accent, at least IMHO. Mom's side of the family are mainly from Wisconsin, and my dad is originally from New York (my grandfather on his side was from Norway). Well occasionally mom will say something that actually has made people say "You're from Wisconsin arent you?"

  7. my sister sent me this



    You Know You Live In 2005 When . . .


    1. You accidentally enter your password on a microwave.

    Of all of them, this was the one I have to say... yes, I have done that :blush 2: And also I tried entering that password in at work a couple times, instead of my employee number :blush 2: :blush 2: :assimilated:

  8. Last year was a great Christmas memory!! Starting with five days before, my little niece was born into the world on December 20, 2004 at about 4:35 AM EST. And having her at our house on Christmas day is a day I soon will not forget!!!


    And this year will be great too!! Being as she is now 1 year old today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :assimilated: ) and her being here enjoying Christmas will be wonderful!!!!

  9. Sadly many of my favorite ones were things we had from my and my siblings' childhoods.. but they got damaged when there was a leak nearby and messed up a lot of our old Christmas stuff.



    Some did survive, and some newer ones on our tree of course had to be there :assimilated:


    I took an icicle and had decorated it with mint green ribbon, there is a little gold ceramic turtle of my brother's, my sister's unicorn, my mom's partridge in a pear tree, a baby's first Christmas ornament (I think it is mine, but a couple pieces are missing so we cannot be too sure. I know I have one of the missing pieces it has my birth time on it, the other pieces had my birth day and my birth weight on them and those are missing)

    A Precious Moments ornament, two or three Coca Cola Bears.

  10. My vote went for other, as I too agree Stephen Hawking should have been on the poll.


    It was very tough because a lot of the ones included were great, not to mention many (for instance Monty Python) who were mentioned in other posts were great in their own right.


    It was tough especially not to vote Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, or Winston Churchill.

  11. ARGHH! *Gets smacked in the back of the head by the snowball Capt_Picard fired*



    *Borrows Cara's idea of using a stick, but instead uses a tennis racket to fire snowballs at the next poster... but the snowballs break apart and instead they get pelted by a bunch of snowpellets*

  12. I remember the laser discs as well. I believe it was "The Wizard Of Oz" that my grandparents had a copy of. Somebody had given them a laser disc player for a birthday or Christmas present or something, I am not sure which family member has it now (my grandfather passed away in 1994 and my grandmother in 1997) or if it had been sold.

  13. *nope, but hits Yillara instead*

    *Removes pile of snow off my head after Cara dumped it on me*


    *Pelts youbroughtheryouRiker with a bunch of snowballs while running from Capt_Picard's idea of the snowball drop*



    Throws a round of snowballs at the next poster....

  14. I do not think it is too bad. Yeah occasionally you can run into fake files or partial files, but those are not too much of a problem (True I only use it for the occasional song... have no idea how bad it is with films).

    Also paying for it is not too bad either, if you get down dirty & technical about it. I had tried the free version first, and did not have a problem with download rate.


    Spyware yeah can be an occasional problem... but as far as I can tell it seemed to mainly pop up with the free trial version. It does not seem to be too harmful, meaning spyware appearing, with the paid for version.