Yillara Skye

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Posts posted by Yillara Skye

  1. I had a kitten named Tasha, yes after Yar. Sadly she too passed away :laugh: (she was only a few months old).




    She is not named after a Trek character... but I kinda get a kick out of the word association from my cat, Crystal.


    She belonged to my sister (well, she still does she just lives with us and has claimed the entire family LOL). And my sister's favorite character in Trek is Lore...... THe association is: She likes Lore, and the cat is named Crystal. Extend her pet's name and you can get it: Crystalline entity

    My sister tends to roll her eyes about that though.

  2. I thought the idea was nasty when I first read about it, and seeing the set at Target recently... I STILL think those sodas are a nasty idea... BLECHH.... I think I will borrow that upchuck icon right now...






    Ok, better now. I cannot bring myself to try it. First off I am kinda picky on the kind of soda I drink anyhow, well actually picky with anything I drink... so drinking a soda with turkey dinner flavor is not my idea of a good drink. Heck, I cringe watching Violet Beauregarde chew that gum (either Charlie or Willy Wonka version)... the idea of a full meal in one slice of gum was kinda gross IMHO too. Just not something I would find appealing.

  3. I think so... I have tried helping out with the Thanksgiving dinner for a long time now, true mom was the person who did the most. But, even though it is a lot of work it is still worth it... not to mention think of how many snacks and meals you can get out of the leftovers :rofl: Stuffed baked sweet potatoes is one of them I can think of right off the bat. Stuffed with butter, brown sugar and leftover turkey shreds! SOOOO Good!



    Last year, my brother in law and sister cooked part of the dinner and we cooked part and we all ate it here at the house. The previous year was when they had finally gotten a place of their own to live so they wished to cook and have the dinner at their house ( to GanahFereoh & EmilSoong... that meal is and will always be wonderful, and was a great memory I think we will all share for a long time. You guys did great! :laugh::laugh: )


    This year, my parents & brother are out of town at a Thanksgiving get together this couple is having. Yes, they have a music gig on Thanksgiving, and won't be here. So, my sister & brother in law are cooking for four this year: themselves, my 11 month old niece, and me. I think it is going to be pretty cool, and still worth it :rofl:



    As I am writing this the smell of turkeys is in the air.... mom is cooking turkey for our work's Thanksgiving celebration. Mom was elected to cook turkey by our store manager. And I signed up for mashed potatoes, and am bringing in mashed sweet potatoes too (last year I hand made both, but due to time constraints I bought them pre made... but the kind I got is awesome. Sometimes I think it is even better than my homemade mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes.)

  4. My sister & my brother in law saw it yesterday and said it was definately worth it.


    My sister wanted to see it sooooo bad that she tried to talk one of our dance teacher's son into giving her the ticket (our other teacher is the guy's grandmother). He of course did not give her the ticket, but I think he mentioned that the film was definately worth seeing as well.

  5. THe Charlie Brown Christmas special

    Garfield's Christmas

    Claymation's Christmas (I gotta find a copy of that, the video I have was from when I was little... that tape is going to die soon I know it! :laugh::laugh: )

    A Christmas Carol (with Mickey Mouse)

    Mr Magoo's A Christmas Carol

    THere was a strange one based on Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, but still watch it anyhow.

    How The Grinch Stole Chrismas (the cartoon one, and only one or two of the times it is shown on tv...once they start the rerun crap is when I wont watch Grinch for the rest of the holidays)




    I did get to see Patrick Stewart's version of A Christmas Carol on tv... very good version :rofl:



    movie wise

    Santa Claus the Movie

    THe Santa Clause & SC II (it was a cute film & sequel)

  6. Ear aches hurt like heck, but I cannot stand vomiting at all. Even if I know it would make me feel better afterward.


    In my case, on top of either being uncomfortable.. I have remaining signs of throwing up for a little while afterward, that I cannot stand seeing and am bugged if others see (not just being teary eyed and red in the face). I get freckle like red dots under my eyes that stay sometimes up to a day after I have thrown up, plus the skin near my eyes where the dots are will itch. Plus my neck and back hurt. It sucks! :biggrin: :bow:

  7. Most??? Trek uncut on Friday.


    I was going to watch one of the marathons, but had a lot of stuff that I needed to do that day as well.. plus sitting in front of a tv screen just watching hours on end of a show has never really been my cup of tea. If I watch a NFL game, I would bring needlepoint/cross stitch to work on, drawing pad and crayons, markers and colored pencils.. my homework or lab reports. Heck I even brought my laptop up, connected into our home's network and worked online while watching a skating competition.


    I prepared score cards and decorations for an upcoming gymnastics meet I was hosting, while watching the Salt Lake Olympics!



    So, probably the episodes on Trek uncut, or a TNG movie and some of the special features on the DVD

  8. It's a 40 year old franchise that has over 700 episodes and 10 feature films (and countless books and games), it's not going to die out.

    I agree, it will not die out.




    Well actually it very well can in one way, and I believe in one way only. That all of us, turn our backs on it and deny it. Completely removing ourselves as a whole group, every last one of us... even removing words that were placed in our vocabularies by the franchise, or turning in our cell phones and other items that have been inspired by Trek related devices. All Trek references being removed from shows, including series like Family Guy, Futurama, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and all of the other tv shows and movies we all have listed in countless threads. Or if not removing the references already on them, then turning our backs on those series and films as well. Not to mention all the children who will have to be renamed because they were named after or similar to a character of Trek... oh and pets as well. There cannot be someone named James Tiberius, or a cat named Jadzia. Just can't if you want to see Trek fade away out of existence. And somehow removing Trek will lessen the thunder of Star Wars as well, leading to its possible demise.


    Do any of you EVER see this happening??? I sure as well do not. Because I for one, will not completely remove myself from being a fan. And if I feel this way, I am sure there are countless others of varying degree of fandom of the franchise who would quickly echo that sentiment.

  9. I'm on Firefox and the smilies don't work for me. I also have the latest of Java.

    But I've remembered most of the codes and I hand-type all html codes, img codes etc.


    It's good pratice for my uni course next year

    :biggrin: :bow: Umm, I am on Firefox and have the latest updates of Java. And I can see and use the smilies as I have always done.


    Unless it has to do with updated versions of Firefox itself. I tend to update as soon as I get the little icon appearing in the corner of the browser window. Because there has been numerous times when functions stopped working on this site and on others... like the inability to see images from some locations. Once I updated Firefox the problems seemed to disappear

  10. A fresh cut rose. My mom had asked me if I had seen it blooming, and I had earlier in the morning. It belongs to my Joseph's coat rose plant, and it is the first red rose from it! It blooms other colors, just not the red rose... until this morning :bow:


    So I smell the stem that had been cut, as well as the smell of the rose *sigh* :biggrin:

  11. What do you call Spock???





    But if you are referring to rank, then Ambassador which is what he was during TNG's "Reunification"


    However, if you are quoting him... then I personally would use whatever rank he was at the time he made that remark. That way it matches the source.

  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! *puts all Tribbles in boxes and beams them over to a shuttlepod* Leave the Tribbles alone! *flies to an uncharted Type M planet* Here you go, nice and safe away from the big mean guys. *sets up phase cannons to keep the Tribbles safe* HA!



    Aww come on... the guys were being nice and offered that tribble burger. I mean, some of my favorite animals are cows and I do not freak out when somebody cooks a steak. I just go ahead and order one too. Chickens are also favorite animals of mine, as well as favorite food of mine


    Besides at Tribbles reproduction rate, it would not endanger their species much to have some cooked with fries... LOL.


    Yeah, yeah.. I am defending the guys here this time :blush 2: . But I had not eaten lunch yet, and the tribble burgers smelled good. :biggrin:

  13. 1. kerosene can be sprayed into water to kill mosquito larvae which breed in the water. what physical property of kerosene enables it to be used for this purpose?


    - less dense than water and floats on the surface? do mozzies breed on the surface?

    Any time I try to find information on this, the mosquito killing... All come back with using kerosene lamps containing a small percentage of neem oil within the mixture.


    Matter of fact it says on one site...

    Treatment of Stagnant Water to Kill Larvae - Temephos (Abate) is a conventional insecticide that is available for larval mosquito control. Some refined petroleum distillates -- Arosurf MSF, GB-1356 and BVA-2 larviciding oil are also registered. Do not use diesel fuel, kerosene or motor oil. In areas where honeybees, fish and wildlife are of great concern, consider the following products for larval control: methoprene (Altosid), Bactimos (BTI) and Vectobac (BTI).


    Not to mention it has a lot of other info too that may be helpful..

    Mosquito control.. a Nebraska site



    2. why isn't petrol suitable for spraying onto water to kill mosquitoes?


    - more volatile than kerosene?

    Keep in mind that petrol and kerosene are both toxic to humans and other animals. So spraying near a water source leaves a possibility of human or animal contact. It is like leaving ethylene glycol(aka Antifreeze) out where animals or children can ingest it.. very harmful. It can leech into the underground water as well.



    3. what physical property of oil makes it suitable for use in car engines?


    - highly viscous?

    - acts as an effective lubricant

    To both of your suggestions as answers, yes and yes

    More than you ever wanted to know about motor oil