Yillara Skye

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Posts posted by Yillara Skye

  1. I went there a couple of days ago, and there are some really beautiful designs! I may go back to that site, and I definately will recommend that site to my brother since he is really interested in the ships/technology as a whole!

  2. Lt. Cmdr. Shelby in Best of Both Worlds bugs the heck out me.


    I don't dislike Worf overall but there are times when I don't like him.  The way he would make faces when his suggestions were rejected or the incredible lack of respect he showed Data in Gambit. :dude:


    I'm not much of a Dr. Crusher fans either.  In Thine Own Self when she is talking to Troi and says that for many years she didn't think about her rank because it isn't as important as saving lives seemed to sum up her attitude.  Rank isn't as important, the Prime Directive isn't as important, the safety of her crewmates isn't as important, etc.    B)

    I agree completely with you soong_girl! My we have a lot in comon :blink:


    Anyway, another person that kinda really bugs me. . .it's Riker (And yes, I do know that I may get really grilled for this)OK, maybe it is because of the way he was during Data's trial in "The Measure Of Man". I know he was forced to be on Maddox's side, but to me, he seemed like he was getting too into trying to prove that Data was nothing but a machine! That, and I guess I am just not interested in Riker-type men (believe me I work with one,and I really just want to throw something very heavy at him! :D ).

  3. Other sci-fi, hmmm :dude: . . . I used to watch X-Files before the strange change of cast! Those last two seasons were basically unwatchable for me :blink: . As for any other sci fi shows? I tend to catch Twilight Zone(original) marathons now and then. But that TV set gets switched off the moment that the "An Occurance At Own Creek Bridge" episode comes on, ACK! :D I just can't stand that one :D !! Then to make matters worse, I go into my Composition III class in college and I get my syllabus to see that that story was one of the ones we were going to cover! And I wasn't allowed to complain about the story B) (I had the same teacher that I had in dual enrollment English in high school!)

  4. i hated kruge. i just couldnt take christopher lloyd seriously. i kept thinking 'back to the future'. i just dont think 'the doc' could be a klingon. lol.

    I too found it hard to believe Doc Brown as a Klingon. I just keep laughing when I picture a Klingon in full warrior regalia hopping out of a Delorian, screaming about going back to the future. About as funny as picturing him as Kruge in Back to The Future III, you know the Western one. . .a Klingon dressed in Cowboy attire. Wait! In TNG we already saw that! :blink: :D:dude:

  5. I, Borg was a very good episode and I really was thrilled to see that the crew decided not to use Hugh like a biological weapon. Although, his individuality paved the way for Lore to step in! Luckily, Hugh and his small group of followers decided to step in in time (Descent). I was a little shocked to find Hugh bitter and resentful in that episode, but then again, like I said before. . . the individuality began the breakdown, and several of his friends(I call them that) were injured in Lore's takeover. I would be a little bitter if something I did injured one of my friends, and I would be bitter(albeit, for a short time) towards the people who suggested I take that particular course of action.

  6. Both annoyed me in different ways. Bev was too whiny so to speak. and Kate was a mean old bird. I guess if someone MADE me pick one. . .Pulaski but, just because I really dislike the whining.

    After the way she treated Data? That was the thing about her that turned me off.

    I think the writers intended to stir things up when Kate arrived. She didn't exactly get off to the best start with Picard. I think she pushed Data's development by challenging him in ways that Crusher never did. And after a few episodes she came to respect Data and consider him a friend as did he. She was there at the first Poker game, at Data's going away party, etc.

    She still bugs me, she always will. I mean you can have friends that once bugged you, right? I am glad that she finally put her differences aside, but, the knowledge that she had a biased opinion of him before he even introduced himself. . . that bothers me.

  7. Thanks.  I really like your board.  My goal is Captain by April. :dude: 


    Thanks Yillara.  I know you will join me soong...I mean soon. :blink:

    Cute remark sister! Yep, I will endeavor to become Captain by April. . . Oh, wow I have to do that in 7 days and approximately 22 hours!

  8. Data: Life Forms, You tiny Little Life Forms, You Presious Little Life Forms *Clapping* Where are you, Do do do do do do do *Computer Chirping*

    ACK! that is what my mom, brother and sister torture me with! Actually, I like that line it is extremely cute. . .when Data sings it! But, when my family says it they use it just to see me blush! Ok, so that and the flotation device remark!

  9. Hi, Lessa! I am so glad that you have joined us! Yea, I started crying before he jumped too, because I knew that he was going to die before it happened! I learned of it from the interview, but I wanted to believe that he was joking, so I went to the bookstore and got the newly released novel, I read the last few pages at the store. . .imagine the look on the cashier's face when I went up front to pay for the book. That and when I got home, lucky my mom and brother weren't home yet. . .I ran to my room and started screaming my head off and hysterically crying. And that was about a week before I even went to see the movie! I even have a hard time listenening to that track of the soundtrack, without tearing up!

  10. OK, so I don't have the entire crew assembled yet. . .And you did say anybody.


    1st Officer- Geordi

    2nd Officer- Worf

    Doctor- Alyssa Ogawa

    Security- Tasha or Worf . . .and that's it for now.


    I know people may argue my choices, but hey, I thought it was time for a change!

  11. Wasn't Madden to Become RIKERS first officer???


    No he was to be Picard's but since it wasn't in the movie there could be anyone as first officer if there is another TNG movie.


    As for Worf, he is a part of the Enterprise crew. In a line edited out of the movie he tells Crusher that he wasn't cut out to be a diplomat. The startrek.com site did confirm this.

    Thanks for agreeing with me, sister. If you have the novelization of the movie, you can see that Madden was to be Picard's First Officer.

  12. C-Hopper, the new first officer was supposed to be seen in the movie, but with all the editing done he ended up on the cutting room floor. His name was Madden, and he did appear in the novelization of the book. Still, I would rather that Data was the First Officer. . . but, then that is me.