Yillara Skye

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Posts posted by Yillara Skye

  1. Thanks, everyone! This has been SO much FUN! I don't believe I have talked so much to so many different people in my life, well, at least about Trek! Here you don't have to keep your mouth closed if you like Trek in any way, shape or form! At my schools (Elementary through high school) if you said Star and Trek in the same sentence you ran the risk of being tossed in a dumpster or locked in a closet!(Those kids were cruel!)

  2. Has anyone read the Nemesis edition of the Star Trek Mag? Brent is messing with our heads! At the beginning of the interview, he says "who says Data's dead?" and at the end, he says "oh no, Data's dead"!!


    Ummm? a little help here?

    ARGHH! That is the one that truly bugs me, but everything I have read seems to point out that Brent is known for pulling people's legs!!


    I wish to believe the FIRST thing he said, I hate the idea of our beloved Data being forever lost!

  3. I wonder if they'll let me stay at Lt. Cmdr. as a protest against DATA (Discrimination Against Data the Android)?

    Hey, come on sister, maybe in Trek XI our hopes, wishes, dreams and prayers will be answered and Data will come back, and then be promoted to Commander, or better yet Captain!


    OK, so that is wishful thinking on my part!

  4. I hope if there is another TNG movie that it will be about the Romulans.  As I said in another thread it would be a natural progression.

    I agree, the Romulans seemed to want to discuss a peace with the Federation, soooo, in the next movie we could see that as the opening scenes and let it go from there maybe?

  5. I don't remember it word for word, and I planned not to look in my novel to "cheat", a good scene with great lines was the scene with Data and Picard discussing how B4 and Shinzon were like them, but not. . .because they(B4 & Shinzon) didn't asspire to become better than they are.

    I know the one you are talking about. That was great.


    Here's another good one:


    Captain's Personal Log. Supplemental. We're heading toward Federation space at maximum warp. The crew has responded with the dedication I've come to expect of them. And like a thousand other commanders on a thousand other battlefields throughout history, I wait for the dawn.

    That IS a really good one, when I think of another one that hasn't been posted yet, I will share with everyone!

  6. Fistful of Datas will be on tomorrow on TNN as well in the bonus Treks as one of the holodeck episodes. The other will be Ship in a Bottle - the other Moriarity episode.


    Yes, I changed the picture. I wish I could get it a little clearer though.

    Oh, good I want to record that episode, since I can't get the DVDs yet.


    Love the pictures I have seen as your avatars, getting picture clarity is a big problem, since we are alloted such a small space!

  7. Soong_girl, you changed your picture!


    If it's in season 6 I'll see it soon. I'm watching all the episodes in order and I just saw Fistfull of Datas.

    actually, in the short period of time I have been on the boards tonight, I think she has changed picture two or three times. . . .hee hee not that I'M complaining, when you think WHO the pictures are of!!!

  8. I'm pretty sure that Chef is a 'he' because if I remember right in the episode "Singularity" T'Pol tells Archer that Chef didn't report for duty and Archer asks if 'he's' sick.

    If Data's cat, Spot, can change sexes then the chef probably could too.

    Ha, ha, change sexes? that'd sure make for a strange episode!

  9. This is Mostly for the Soong Sisters:


    Ode to Spot by Data


    Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,

    an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?

    Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses

    contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.


    "I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,

    a singular development of cat communications

    that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection

    for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.


    "A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;

    you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.

    And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,

    it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.


    "O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display

    connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.

    And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,

    I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend



    ~~just because it was Mentioned~~

    EEEEEKKK!!! Thank you Celtic Swimmer!!! :unsure: :)

    That is REALLY a good poem!!! :)

  10. Exactly. And she didn't seem to have much of a reason, which I guess is my biggest problem.


    My, we've gotten a little off-topic...this used to be about our least favourite characters. And yet we still manage to get back to Data, lol :)

    :lol: :lol: :unsure: :) How can we resist that? We ARE Soongs after all!

  11. Well, there are tons of them, but I kinda like Spock in Star Trek VI:  The Undiscovered Country:


    "There is an old Vulcan proverb that says 'Only Nixon could go to China'".

    Vulcan proverb :) ? :lol: ? :lol: ? :unsure: ? That is hilarious :lol: , Spock said that one in the movie :) ?

  12. What's this about Picard at McDonalds? I'm confused...


    Sounds like an interesting band. I think I'll try them out too.


    I don't drink either by the way. How good can music be if you have to be drunk to like it, anyways?

    soong_girl said something about Brent imitating Patrick. all I know is a saw it once on a search for music, and I went to download it but it wouldn't download. I probably will go try to check it out again!

  13. I never said he HAD to...I just thought it was good that it was someone who would live as long as he SHOULD

    hey, dsbs. .don't worry I wasn't saying you said he HAD to, I was glad too, to see that he had fallen in love with someone who had as long of a life span. I still didn't like that she essentially "dumped" him, that was soooo wrong.

  14. I think how the Klingon culture was illustrated was excellent. though the Klingons were never my favorite race, however how it was "fleshed out" as soong_girl pointed out made them interesting.


    I also agree with you soong_girl, regarding the Romulans, we should have gotten to see more, either via TNG or Nemesis!