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Do you believe in ghosts?

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I don't believe in spirits of dead humans but I do believe in evil spirits (demons).

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I don't believe in ghosts exactly, but I do think there is some kind of energy in your brain that is released when you die...or something along those lines.


Just my crazy opinion... :lol:

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No, I don't believe in ghosts because I've never seen one.  B)

You can't see air either. :lol:


Anywho, I believe in ghosts, but I don't believe they are the souls/spirits of people. I believe they are demons posing as people who have died, the "occasional" person saying goodbye just after they died, or some kind of temporal echo - a ghostly repeat of something that happened long ago. :P

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No, I don't believe in ghosts because I've never seen one.  :P

You can't see air either. B)

Ah ! But I know it's there because I'm alive ... I think :lol:

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I believe in ghosts and spirits.. always have and always will. My grandmother's house is on the Ghost Tours here in town...Many people are very scared around that house, but me and my immediate family..we loved it there!

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I just finished reading 'Bag of Bones ' by Stephen King...You bet I believe! I think that they actually do exist but not in the way they have been presented..I think they are around us but can't affect us in any way...but that if they have un-finished buis they must remain here forever.

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I once lived in a house that gave off a bad feeling. There were shadows, and cold spots, and I couldn't wait to leave that house. :lol:

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I guess it depends on how you define Ghost. The "I see dead people" image is just Hollywood to me.


These are my beliefs, it will be apparent they are religious in origin - but look it as a cultural exchange. It is not meant to offend one who has a different faith but it is what I believe.


I do believe that humans possess a spirit, which inhabits our bodies. The spirit and the body combined compromise our soul. Our spirit is eternal in that it existed before we were born and will live after our bodies die. I believe that obtaining a physical body was one of the reasons we came to this Earth. I do not know at what point our spirit joins our body.


When we die our spirits will go to a place and await the resurrection.


When we were presented with the opportunity to come to the Earth - some objected to the Savior's plan (which included the gift of agency) and followed the spirit Lucifer, all those were cast out and lost the opportunity to come to Earth to receive a body. (Referred to as The War in Heaven) I believe these are the spirits that seek to possess humans (or swine as in the New Testament).


I believe it is possible that the spirits of those who passed on may appear to someone if there was sufficient need. It is possible that this Spirit World where the spirits await the resurrection exist in a different dimension here on Earth. I don't know.


I believe everyone will all be resurrected but we will not all be together; where we spend eternity depends on our choices.


That's a brief synopsis

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I believe there are some things. *shines flashlight on his face from chin* Two nights ago, Jem, M (my daughter and wife) and myself were in the kitchen taking photos of each other with Jems new Polaroid camera which takes little instant pictures that are stickers. Jem first snapped a photo of M. When it developed, M noticed a partial face in her hair on the left side of her head, I thought it looked familiar but I did not say so, thinking it was my imagination, although the image of eyes, eyebrows and a nose are clearly visible. Next, I stood in the same place as M had, in the hopes the image would appear again, and Jem took my picture. The same image did not appear BUT! After a moment I noticed something strange. When I compared M’s photo with mine, it became obvious that the facial features visible in M’s hair were identical to the way my facial features appeared in the photo of me! My wife joked; I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair.:laugh:

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No I dont believe in ghosts.As in religion Ill believe it when i see it

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That is exactly how people feel in or around my grandmothers house. Matter of fact, after her death the house was sold, and the new owners left within the year...they just could not take remaining in that house. Darn, if only we had the money..I loved that house!

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I once lived in a house that gave off a bad feeling. There were shadows, and cold spots, and I couldn't wait to leave that house.    :laugh:

I had similar experiences in my old apartment, which has led me to do extensive research on the paranormal. While scientific evidence exists, there are always contradictions. And for me, when I went to take a shower and came back into my bedroom and my trash can was upside down on my waterbed, that pretty much sealed the deal for me. Along with my cat refusing to enter the room and the door slamming for no reason. I lived alone at the time, so the trash can deal was pretty much unexplainable.

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I believe in ghosts. Or in that what is said to be ghosts. When I think about "ghosts", doors which close automatically, windows opening without doing anything come to my mind.... There is always some truth in those stories about old houses... So I believe in ghosts...





Mrs. Captain Picard

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I don't believe in ghosts. I think they are a hold over from the time that we couldn't explain natural happenings and we assigned supernatural reasons for explanations.

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I believe there are some things. *shines flashlight on his face from chin* Two nights ago, Jem, M (my daughter and wife) and myself were in the kitchen taking photos of each other with Jems new Polaroid camera which takes little instant pictures that are stickers. Jem first snapped a photo of M. When it developed, M noticed a partial face in her hair on the left side of her head, I thought it looked familiar but I did not say so, thinking it was my imagination, although the image of eyes, eyebrows and a nose are clearly visible. Next, I stood in the same place as M had, in the hopes the image would appear again, and Jem took my picture. The same image did not appear BUT! After a moment I noticed something strange. When I compared M’s photo with mine, it became obvious that the facial features visible in M’s hair were identical to the way my facial features appeared in the photo of me! My wife joked; I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair.;)

Maybe the camera was giving a double image?

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I believe there are some things. *shines flashlight on his face from chin* Two nights ago, Jem, M (my daughter and wife) and myself were in the kitchen taking photos of each other with Jems new Polaroid camera which takes little instant pictures that are stickers. Jem first snapped a photo of M. When it developed, M noticed a partial face in her hair on the left side of her head, I thought it looked familiar but I did not say so, thinking it was my imagination, although the image of eyes, eyebrows and a nose are clearly visible. Next, I stood in the same place as M had, in the hopes the image would appear again, and Jem took my picture. The same image did not appear BUT! After a moment I noticed something strange. When I compared M’s photo with mine, it became obvious that the facial features visible in M’s hair were identical to the way my facial features appeared in the photo of me! My wife joked; I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair.;)

Maybe the camera was giving a double image?

I susppose that would be a possibility IF M's likeness had appeared on my, the second photo taken but it was reversed, MY image showed up on her photo BEFORE my picture had been taken. Also, I think double exposures are impossible with "instant film".

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A recent ghost story. There is an alley behind a fence in our back yard; everyday the local kids are out there raising Cain. In the course of their playing, rocks and garbage and balls find it's way into our yard. I do not mind the balls and when I find them I throw them back over the fence no problem but the rocks and garbage have caused a rift between them and myself to form, (Haha! I have become that crotchety old fart!) I threatened them many time I was gonna get a picture of them to give to the cops and one day I surprised them by doing just that. When I got the film developed I was the one surprised to see there is a sharply focused smoky, nebula almost totally obliterating the print. It is my belief I captured a photo of an evil something which hangs around this group of kids forcing them to misbehave. I will bring the print to the con.




This is the pic I talked about in the above quote. This pic has not been doctored in any way, this is how it came from the developer. No one was doing any smoking and the what ever it is was not visible when I snapped the photo.



Thank You Takara! :blink:

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I believe in ghosts because I have had the experience of "feeling" one. I have also seen one. The "feeling" I'm talking of is having something happen to me that made me know for SURE that someone or something was around. My bed's foot was lifted up, and then dropped down. I think that's proof enough for me. Don't you agree?

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I've felt,heard,and seen things that I would classify as ghosts.Quite often,actually(though not lately).My grandma,who was native american,claims that ability ran strong through her family and I inherited it.She taught me a lot about her cultural beliefs and rituals.I think there is something to it all.My friends think I'm full of it(you probably do,too).All I can say is that I know what I've experienced.For the most part it isn't scary at all.I don't think the vast majority of spirits are evil at all.They just seem,well,lonely.I'm not sure most of them know what's happened to them.

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