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wishfire's personal log

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Yeah, here the rain decided that it would be a good idea to leak through the skylight. Thank god for extra buckets...

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I was standing watch on the quarterdeck when it started to rain hard. I have stains in my uniform. B) AGAIN!

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Hi, everyone. I haven't been around for a while. I've been busy at work for the most part. In 8 days I got over 75 hours. But then we ran out of stock, so I've been at home for the past few days drinking. And I got a PS2 less than 2 weeks ago, so that's been keeping me busy.


Hopefully I'll be going back to work tomorrow.

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Well, I've been awake for just over two hours, and I've already had something interresting happen to me. Around quarter past one I was at 7-11 to bye my nightly 2-liter of Mountain Dew to drink at work. As usual, there were a bunch of cops hanging around inside (around here, there's not much for them to do at night). Well, I'm up at the counter waiting for the cashier to come so I could pay for the 2-liter, and two of the cops that were standing around (there was like 6 of them) came over to me (the only to female cops) and started talking to me. At first I was like, "Oh, crap, what did I do?" Then, after about a minute I realized that they weren't harrasing me... they were flirting with me! :laugh: I mean, they weren't unattractive, but... I'm just not used to being flirted with by cops. It's kinda weird.

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Well, I have the new Nine Inch Nails album. Not bad, but previous albums were better. Now I just have to wait till the 31st to see NIN in concert. B)


Whee! It's Friday the 13th! I'll probably have a good day today. :laugh:

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Today is definitely a wondeful day! My son took his first step today! :tear: I was so happy to see that.


Now, if he'd only start talking... :tear:

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I'm bored.


And these Coca-Cola Full Throttle energy drinks are substandard. :blink:

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Today is definitely a wondeful day! My son took his first step today!  :waaaa:  I was so happy to see that.


Now, if he'd only start talking...  :blink:



Don't worry your son will take soon enough.

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Well, I'm a little annoyed. I went to the store the other day to buy Voyager Season 3, but it was out of stock, so I have to wait. So I bought Enterprise Season 1 instead. I'd rather had Voyager Season 3, though... When it was still on the air I stopped watching at the end of season 2, and was able to catch only a few epsiodes after that, so I basically have no clue what happens next. I want to see it!!! :dude:


But then again, I did only watch the last season of Enterprise, so season 1 is just as new for me. :(

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I am both happy and annoyed... Yesterday I bought several new movie. I got TWOK (director's edition) and TSFS (collector's edition) as well as Star Wars Episodes 1 and 2. So I'm happy about that. I'm annoyed by the fact that just before I unwrapped Episode 2, I noticed that I had gotten the full screen version instead of the wide screen version. Well, thankfully I hadn't unwrapped it, so I'll probably be able to return it.

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Now I'm happy again, aside from the slight bit of a hangover. But yesterday I took Episode II back and switched it out for the widescreen version. And on top of that, I bought Family Guy volume 1 (Which has seasons 1 and 2) and volume 2 (season 3). Both volumes came with a free t-shirt. :huh:

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Wow, this month has gone by fast.


This Saturday I'll be seeing the Adicts (a punk band I like) perform in Long Beach. And I finally got my ticket to go to OzFest. :unsure: Fun times ahead! :P

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I just realized I'm pretty drunk. Oh well, I'm going back to my old work schedule, which means nights, tomorrow. Since my room-mate for out of town for a week, I took his day0time shifts. Now he's back, so I'll have to readjust.


Fun stuff. :unsure:

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I'm scared... I think something my boss put in the office refrigerator is mutating. I don't think hard-boiled eggs are supposed to be that color. :P


Heh. I just decided that :) is one of my favorite smilies. The other two are from the message boards... The sarcastic one (sarcastic.gif) and the sick one (sick.gif).


Anyway, my new message board is up. I put a link to it in the "Link to Other Sites" forum here at this site, but I'll put it here as well, just in case someone looks here first. :P


I hope to see more people over there! :P It looks better than the basic board. I colorized it! :)

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Don't eat something if youre not sure about it lol. TRUST ME I learned my lesson lol.

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I wouldn't eat it if my life depended on it. It should be thrown away, but I'm too scared to touch it! :P

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Oh, man, I'm so freaking tired. Of course, I'm at work again. Been here for 13 hours. I hope my boss gets here soon so he can take me home. I want to go to bed. :biggrin:

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Yeah, work can be a pain in the butt! I have work 24 hours this week alone and it is like when will it end. I don't even make any money at all anyways. I don't know how on earth i will pay for college lol.

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Yeah, work can be a pain in the butt! I have work 24 hours this week alone and it is like when will it end. I don't even make any money at all anyways. I don't know how on earth i will pay for college lol.



24 hours? That's nothing. B) I usually work at least 60 hours a week. About 2 months ago I pulled 95 hours in a week! Blah... But making nothing does suck.


But I just got a raise! B) Now I make a whole 9 dollars an hour... B)


I miss my old $20 per hour job...


In other news, I need to make a new banner. I'm thinking a tribute banner for all the big Trek actors who've passed on. (Of course Roddenberry would be in there.)

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I just replied to every single poll on the first page of polls. I'm almost at 2000 posts! Just... a few... more!!!

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I'm irked. All this time I thought that getting up to 2,000 posts means a new rank. Nope... It's 2,500. I got over 40 posts in one day for nada.


Oh, well, I have less than 500 posts to go.


P.S. My 1 year anniversary is coming up. :lol:

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Well, this sucks.


I've been drinking way too much. About 2 bottle of rum each day. Every day. It's been starting to interfere with my work. So I decided to stop drinking. It's been 2 days. I feel like crap. I'm sweating a lot. I'm shaking a little. Blah...


I try to keep myself busy by doing stuff, messing around with the computer or reading or whatever, and it's working a little, but I'm still feeling cruddy a bit.


Well, at least I have an appetite.

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I'm doing a bit better right now. I've had a couple beers, but only a couple. I've been able to focus on the things I need to do, and I've been playing a lot with my son, which helps keep my mind off my situation. I've also spent some quality time with my fiancee, which helps as well.


Anyway, good night. I have to work tonight.

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Well, I am glad you are trying to control your drinking. A friend of mine is having the same problem and well he needs to cut it out. Or, drink in moderation.

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