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wishfire's personal log

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My right ear hurts quite a bit. I just got it pierced. Six times. All at once.


Now my ears match! Hole-wise, anyway.

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I just realized what I'm in for for the next couple weeks. I just turned each of the new earings to dislodge any crust. One word...





It hurt!

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Congrats on the piercings! :blush: The crusties are deceptively painful if they accumulate. I have several piercings, but I wasn't brave enough to have them done all at once. :)

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Yeah. It just doesn't help that I got 6 at once. That means that almost the entire length of my ear is sore, so breaking crusties off is that much worse.


I'm so glad the 6 in my left ear are completely healed.

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Well I'm allergic to nickel so i can't wear much jewllery at all, my ears swell up if they touch nickel. so yea, congrats on the piercings maybe you could show us a picture? :P :)


oh and btw HAPPY EASTER :blush: :) :) :) :hug::hug: :VBGal:

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Well, I got my games. Armada 1 and 2, and Elite Force. :) Unfortunately, Armada 1 is giving my problems, despite the fact that I downloaded the v1.1 and v1.2 patch files. Someone said that it might be because it was designed for an older system... I guess I'll try installing it on my old computer.


Either way, whee!!!

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What fun... I've been at work for 6 hours so far. Only 8 more to go...


My girlfriend's step-brother, how lives with us and who I work with, went to Oklahoma for the weekend because of a loss in the family. So since he's not here, I'm working most of his hours. 14 hours a day. For 3 days. I'll need some serious make-up sleep after that. But at least I'll be getting a pretty big paycheck!


So yeah, right now I'm just sitting around. THe machines run for about 1 hour 15 minutes or so, and then I spend about 20 minutes measuring the peices, getting new batches started, and getting the machines going again. Once I'm done with those, I do basically nothing until they stop again. Of course I have to check them ever so ofter to make sure the cutting wire hasn't broken or shorted out, and if it has I have to fix it, but that doesn't take long. About 2 minutes.


Fun job, huh? For every three hours, I do maybe 40 minutes or so of actuall work. Thank god for the internet. And DVDs. And books. Anything to keep me entertained...

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2 more hours! 2 more freaking hours untill I get to go home... GRRRR! It needs to go faster! And I'm thinking that it's time to crack open my last energy drink. After it's gone, I hope the rest of my Mountain Dew pulls me through...

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Urgh. Time to start all over again. Another day... another 14 hours. And I'm still tired.

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Yay. At work again. *sigh* Well, at least I have a pizza. Sausage and onions with extra cheese. Yum.


My head hurts.

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I'm happy! I finally started my Star Trek collection. Well, I already have Nemesis, but that's all I've had for a while. Today, though, I bought Star Trek: Voyager Season 1 DVD box-set. Whee!!!


It has begun... :wow:


I also bought several of the Sword of Truth novels by Terry Goodkind. Book series right there. And I bought I couple Cruxshadows CDs which had been stolen off of me a while ago. And beer.


And a pack of that new Big Red gun that just came out. It's okay. Nothing special. Thank god it was only 99 cents.


Oh, yeah, I bought a pizza. And more beer. :wow:

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I've been depressed lately. I've been trying to keep myself busy to keep the depression at bay, and for the most part it's been working. But as of last night it hit my hard.


Some of you may have noticed that I removed the baby meter from my signature. There's a reason for that.


He died.


My girl (Sinikka) was 7 months into the pregnancy. Last Tuesday, she went for an ultrasound. There was no heart-beat. They checked several more times in several different positions, but there still was no heart-beat. Yesterday Sinikka went to the hospital to have the baby removed by c-section. It was a boy. We named him Frei (pronounced 'fry'). It's German for 'free.' I thought it would be fitting, as he's now free from any troubles this world might have brought him.


If you're religious (and I don't care what religion you are), please try to find the time for a quick prayer for him. He deserves at least that much.


I can't write anymore. I'm too close to tears..

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I am so sorry for your loss. Thats a truely awful thing you are having to go through, my prayers weren't just for your little one, but for you and your girl also. I hope god will hold you in his hands in your time of need. If you need someone to rant at feel free to PM. I will be here.

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I am sorry for your loss. :dude: My prayers are with you and your family.

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Thank you, everyone, for the support.


My girl came home Sunday morning. She's in a bit of pain, but that's to be expected after a c-section. Other than that she's okay. She's got a prescription for Vicadin. I stole a couple this afternoon to make me sleep. :laugh:


We decided to have little Frei cremated, and then to use his ashes to fertilize some sort of flower, the first bloom of which we'd have pressed and framed. That way, we'd always have a little bit of him around.


We're not sure what kind of flower. I'd like Bleeding Hearts, but I don't know if they'll grow in this climate. If you don't know what Bleeding Hearts look like, here's a picture:




They're my favorite kind of flower (the white ones are prettier, but I don't think it'll matter once they're pressed.), and I think for this case they're appropriate.

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*Shivers down spine* Oh, wishfire, I'm so sorry to hear that. :laugh::hug: :) God bless Frei and your family.... :hug::laugh:

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I feel for you depression really sucks. I am going through that right now. I should killed myself a long time ago.

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I feel for you depression really sucks. I am going through that right now. I should killed myself a long time ago.




:laugh: what kind of talk is that on someone else log no less. I know depression sucks but you have options better than ending it you know, look for and take them then things will improve.


God may be using your depression as a beacon for you to turn to Him, give reading the Bible a chance and you may be surprised to hear a message designed just for YOU. :wink2:

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Great... I got someone talking suicide (I've already had my thoughts of that) and someone else talking Bible (I'm a pagan!) on my log. What is the world coming to?! B)


Ah, well... Thank you again to everyone for support. It actually made me feel better to know that there are people out there who would take a minute or two to type their condolences and support for someone they've never even met. Thank you all! B)

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No you have not got anyone talking that.

We all have are own path to follow. Most of us have trouble staying

on or own. Let alone keeping others on theres.


I just heard of your loss my heart goes out to you and yours.

we may have never met but we are a family here.

Your pain is are's also. GOD BLESS.

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It is always nice to have a place to turn when there's a problem and some help in dealing with it.

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Wow, today must be nature day here at work or something...


Earlier this morning, shortly after I got in, I was sitting here at the computer and some sort of rodent walked into the office from the shop area. I don't know what it was. It was about the size of a rat, but it was rounder and it had a short tail. It wasn't very afraid of people, either. Both me and my room-mate were here, and it just walked up and started sniffing us. Then it walked out the front door.


Then, just a few minutes ago, I was outside having a cigarette, and some bird just flew into the wall. I picked it up because it seemed to be in shock, but after a few minutes it started struggling, so I let it go. I don't know what kind it was either, but it looked sort of like a cockateil, except it's colors weren't as bright and it's crest wasn't as ornate. Also, I'm pretty sure I've seen a bunch of them in the trees around here.


What's next? Is Mr. Ed going to pay me a visit? B)

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Are you experiencing weird weather there too? That may have something to do with it. If the weather is normal then be on the lookout for an earthquake or something...

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Are you experiencing weird weather there too? That may have something to do with it. If the weather is normal then be on the lookout for an earthquake or something...



You that what we had this morning. B)

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Are you experiencing weird weather there too? That may have something to do with it. If the weather is normal then be on the lookout for an earthquake or something...



You that what we had this morning. B)



Yeah, I'm not far from Odie. Here in OC the weather was rather odd. This morning around 5 or so we had a really heavy down-pour. Around 10 or so, maybe a little earlier then that, the sun came out, but it's still pretty windy out there.

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Are you experiencing weird weather there too? That may have something to do with it. If the weather is normal then be on the lookout for an earthquake or something...



You that what we had this morning. B)



I had to drive in it, twice I literally "floated" through intersections.

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