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;lol: Maybe your body is just used to the toxins in the booze Hang. :P


IMO MB that would sound about right :lol: ...i didnt get the nick name DAN DAN THE VODKA MAN for nothing :P



Dan the Vodka man? :P That's a bit different! :P


LOL before your time here TC but yes i was known to party hard and pay big time for it the day after...*nostalgic*...ahhh those where the days....the only thing strong i get anymore is the smell of mandys diaper :hug: :P ...

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Now you know what I meant by 'old man'.  :lol: 


LOL....i do now AE and the Hang anit laughing :P :P ....*Looks for grey hairs* :P

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Wear 'em Proudly Hang, they are/will be your Badge of Honor!


:lol: like pips on my shirt long as i dont collect enough to be a grand admiral :P

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Wear 'em Proudly Hang, they are/will be your Badge of Honor!


B) like pips on my shirt long as i dont collect enough to be a grand admiral :tear:


:tear: Men!!! :o

You should not be complaining hun,you know you can go out when you want to,you made the choice to "Ease back" as you so proudly put it :P :P

the only thing strong i get anymore is the smell of mandys diaper  ...

Like father like daughter its in the Dna remember :cheers:

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Wear 'em Proudly Hang, they are/will be your Badge of Honor!


:P like pips on my shirt long as i dont collect enough to be a grand admiral :tear:


B) Men!!! :P

You should not be complaining hun,you know you can go out when you want to,you made the choice to "Ease back" as you so proudly put it :o :o

the only thing strong i get anymore is the smell of mandys diaper   ...

Like father like daughter its in the Dna remember :tear:

343587[/snapback] i am so laid back i am almost laying down B)


Hehe said to me a baby has about 90% of the mothers if anyone is to blame its you *does little victory dance*

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well hun your science is out, its a 50/50 war of DNA


Thats what i told debbie months ago but about 1 week ago she said she had read that 90% of a childs Dna is from the its still her fault :) :)

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Hangs log:12:22pm


Just a quick update...its 28c and its way to hot outside for mandy so me and the little one are gonna watch SW ROTS while mommy goes to the mall :P

I just finished making a avatar for it fits her perfect :)

Thats it hang needs a dose of SW....The Hang is hotttttttt as hell :)

Mandys avatar..loldaddy4zl.jpg

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Awww, that is a sweet avatar! :) I think that works with all parents actually- "I'll try begging daddy because mummy said no". I've noticed whenever you have it hot, we have it cold and rainy :) :P .


Enjoy your day! :)

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Hangs log:12:22pm


Jutst a quick update...its 28c and its way to hot outside for mandy so me and the little one are gonna watch SW ROTS while mommy goes to the mall :rofl:

I just finished making a avatar for it fits her perfect :)

Thats it hang needs a dose of SW....The Hnag is hotttttttt as hell :)

Mandys avatar..loldaddy4zl.jpg



That is such lovely avatar and so true that is how my niece managed to con a new skipping rope out of her dad yesterday. :P Have a lovely day, I hope the two of you enjoy the movie and Debbie has fun shopping. Take care. :)

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Awww, that is a sweet avatar!  :P I think that works with all parents actually- "I'll try begging daddy because mummy said no". I've noticed whenever you have it hot, we have it cold and rainy  :)  :) .


Enjoy your day!  :rofl:


LOL strange weather TC...and yes mandy will get anything she wants from daddy...anit i a*flowers*


That is such lovely avatar and so true that is how my niece managed to con a new skipping rope out of her dad yesterday.  Have a lovely day, I hope the two of you enjoy the movie and Debbie has fun shopping. Take care.


*Massive hugs* thanks Delta i thought it was very fitting for mandy when she gets a little older....hehe


Debbie asked me to say she hopes your feeling beter and if not that you are soon*Huggles*....take care Delta enjoy your weekend :)

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HANGS LOG:..11:35am


:bow:...i just got up after a really long night with Mandy,she would'nt sleep last night no matter what i tryed she just was'nt intrested :laugh: ...anyway she has now been asleep from 5am and in 1 hour i have to wake her cuz debbie is taking her for her check up at the Hospital.

Last night i got some intresting news from my parents....they are moving in 2 weeks from holland to scotland to be with my grandfather :hug: ...since my grandmother passed away this time last year my grandfather has'nt been doing to well so i understand my moms reason for moving...i will miss my little sis most of all and it will be strange havíng no family left in holland,my brother moved from here to france 5 years ago so i will be the last one here :tear:

Thats it for now the Hang family are doing great.... :bow:


END LOG: :eek:

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HANGS LOG:..11:35am


:hug:...i just got up after a really long night with Mandy,she would'nt sleep last night no matter what i tryed she just was'nt intrested :tear: ...anyway she has now been asleep from 5am and in 1 hour i have to wake her cuz debbie is taking her for her check up at the Hospital.

Last night i got some intresting news from my parents....they are moving in 2 weeks from holland to scotland to be with my grandfather :) ...since my grandmother passed away this time last year my grandfather has'nt been doing to well so i understand my moms reason for moving...i will miss my little sis most of all and it will be strange havíng no family left in holland,my brother moved from here to france 5 years ago so i will be the last one here :bow:

Thats it for now the Hang family are doing great.... :laugh:


END LOG: :hug:



Hi Hang sorry to hear that you and Mandy had a bad night. I hope Mandy's check up goes well and that she gets a clean bill of health.


Sorry to hear that your family are moving. I hope that it helps your Grandfather and he feels better with them there and that he is ok. It must have been a hard choice for your mum, I hope that she is ok. I feel sad for you because I know how sad I would be if my family moved away. *massive hugs* :)


I hope that you, Debbie and Mandy will be able to go over to Scotland to visit them. Take care *huggles* for you, Debbie and Mandy :eek::bow:

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Danny boy am likely to be in amsterdam in sept, any chance of seeing you , deb and the little one?


Rich is being a babe and paying. I think it is a late birthday present.

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HANGS LOG:..11:35am


:tear:...i just got up after a really long night with Mandy,she would'nt sleep last night no matter what i tryed she just was'nt intrested :eek: ...anyway she has now been asleep from 5am and in 1 hour i have to wake her cuz debbie is taking her for her check up at the Hospital.

Last night i got some intresting news from my parents....they are moving in 2 weeks from holland to scotland to be with my grandfather :hug: ...since my grandmother passed away this time last year my grandfather has'nt been doing to well so i understand my moms reason for moving...i will miss my little sis most of all and it will be strange havíng no family left in holland,my brother moved from here to france 5 years ago so i will be the last one here :hug:

Thats it for now the Hang family are doing great.... :bow:





Hi Hang sorry to hear that you and Mandy had a bad night. I hope Mandy's check up goes well and that she gets a clean bill of health.


Sorry to hear that your family are moving. I hope that it helps your Grandfather and he feels better with them there and that he is ok. It must have been a hard choice for your mum, I hope that she is ok. I feel sad for you because I know how sad I would be if my family moved away. *massive hugs* :)


I hope that you, Debbie and Mandy will be able to go over to Scotland to visit them. Take care *huggles* for you, Debbie and Mandy :) :laugh:


Thanks Delta *hugs*.. Mandy got a clean bill of health at the hospital,they thought it was unbeliveable when debbie told them she trys to sit debbie layed mandy down and on cue mandy tryed to sit up hehe debbie said the dr.s where amazed cuz you dont get many 3 month old babys trying to sit up cuz they are not strong enough *shakes head* they dont know my little girl lol :)


My mum made the right choice i know that in my heart but the idea of being here in holland with out family is not nice but we will be going up every X-mas and new year to see them. :bow:

Danny boy am likely to be in amsterdam in sept, any chance of seeing you , deb and the little one?


Rich is being a babe and paying. I think it is a late birthday present.

Amsterdam is less then 1 hours drive from where i live Angel so it would be great if we could meet up there...let me know when and i will tell you the

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Hangs log:12:22pm


Just a quick update...its 28c and its way to hot outside for mandy so me and the little one are gonna watch SW ROTS while mommy goes to the mall :)

I just finished making a avatar for it fits her perfect!!!

Thats it hang needs a dose of SW....The Hang is hotttttttt as hell :)

Mandys avatar..loldaddy4zl.jpg


:lol: poor poor boy wait till she gets older then you will really get it from her :lol: wait till she starts looking at you with those puppy eyes :) that wall you put up will crumble in front of her :lol: :hug:


I am sat at home with Mandy while Hang is out water ski-ing with my brother,and as soon as i am finished online me and Mandy are off to spend Daddys hard earned cash!! :hug:


*huggles* for Delta :)

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I am sat at home with Mandy while Hang is out water ski-ing with my brother,and as soon as i am finished online me and Mandy are off to spend Daddys hard earned cash!!


:lol: :hug: :) hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....mabe i should go on a spending spree :)

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It is always good to spend on yourself and have some fun. I do that when I can lol.


LOL i wish i could but for some strange reason she always has the cash cards B) know what she used on me to pull that trick??...not the old "jedi mind trick" but the "bootie shake trick" :o


Hangs log:...17:50pm

Me and debbie just got back from a nice relaxing weekend away..just the 2 of us :) *cough*....i came home friday from debbie's brothers and she tells me to pack a bag cuz she is taking me off for a romantic weekend in antwerpen (belgium) a very old and romantic city.

We both had a great time and its the first chance we have had for a weekend to ourselfs but by saturday night we where both missing our little girl,thats why i kinda drove faster home on the motorway(freeway)..hehe debbie was giving me hell cuz i know i got flashed by a speed camera so thats gonna be 150 euro fine for speeding B) ..who little girl is worth it.

Thats it for now..its good to be home with mandy i missed her :rolleyes:




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Nice to have some uninterrupted time, wasn't it Hang? :rolleyes:


If you have family close by, mayhap someone will take her one night a week so you and Deb can enjoy one another privately again.

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Nice to have some uninterrupted time, wasn't it Hang?  :o


If you have family close by, mayhap someone will take her one night a week so you and Deb can enjoy one another privately again.


LOL yup it sure was MB...i feel like a new man :)

my mom took her for the weekend which was a good idea since next week my parents are moving back to the UK so this was my moms last chance to have her for the weekend..unless she wants to fly once a month to holland to baby sit :rolleyes: ...but we have debbies mom and dad as well so next time it will be them B)

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Before my Grandparents retired to Florida, they use to have us every Friday night.


I think they really enjoyed it, and though I was very small when they moved away, I have some very fond, loving memories of those times.

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Before my Grandparents retired to Florida, they use to have us every Friday night.


I think they really enjoyed it, and though I was very small when they moved away, I have some very fond, loving memories of those times.


:)I know... my mom loves baby sitting for Mandy and i know Mandy will miss her,everytime we go to my moms Mandy does this thing with her legs lol its funny to see but she knows who my mom is


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Before my Grandparents retired to Florida, they use to have us every Friday night.


I think they really enjoyed it, and though I was very small when they moved away, I have some very fond, loving memories of those times.


:)I know... my mom loves baby sitting for Mandy and i know Mandy will miss her,everytime we go to my moms Mandy does this thing with her legs lol its funny to see but she knows who my mom is





Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's just so sweet. :heart:

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Before my Grandparents retired to Florida, they use to have us every Friday night.


I think they really enjoyed it, and though I was very small when they moved away, I have some very fond, loving memories of those times.


:)I know... my mom loves baby sitting for Mandy and i know Mandy will miss her,everytime we go to my moms Mandy does this thing with her legs lol its funny to see but she knows who my mom is





Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's just so sweet. :heart:


Hehe yeah it is sweet....she kinda does this running thing with her legs and her body gets all tense like she is really excited,but she only does it when she see's my mom :D:D

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Hey dude.

What up?

Wear that Red Wing Jersey I sent you yet?


Happy to see all is well with the Hang Clan.



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