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Kyra_Ashleigh's Personal Log...

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Well, I got back Monday, just haven't had a chance to goof off since then.


We got the car delivered and the house cleaned, so it's all ready for when my grandpa and uncle get there. The only thing is that I didn't buy any food for the pantry since I spent all my money fixing the freakin' car! :eek:


My hubby and I are fighting a lot. We go through spells like this because he has periodic depression and I have panic attacks. It's a nice, neurotic household here! Hopefully we can work things out, otherwise I'm planning on a nice extended vacation without him. He's one of those people who does better sometimes if he's just left alone.


I'm only in town for a few days then I'm heading up to the lake again. We're having a little get-together up there before my grandpa gets there. Everyone really wanted to come up when he was there, but nobody can get the time off, so we're stuck doing it before. That means we'll be scrambling to clean up again, but I get to see some old friends of my cousin's who I haven't seen since we were kids! I'm sure we'll get lots of laughs over the dumb things we got in trouble for back then! :nono:


I'm hoping my cuz will bring up her laptop again so I can kinda keep up on things. It's hard to go out of town for a few days when your business is at home.


Is it Wed already? ENT!!! <_<

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hope you and your husband don't blow up...


Thanks for your well-wishes, he's mellowed out a bit. My mom in law tells me I must be a saint for putting up with his mood swings... I don't think so, but I am patient... most of the time.


We were supposed to be going out of town again today but we decided to wait out the thunderstorms that have been moving across the state, so we're leaving tomarrow. I don't mind the drive, but the last thing I want to do is drive on mountain passes with a bunch of idiots that don't know to slow down in bad weather.


I've got a bit of housecleaning to do before we leave tomarrow... okay, a lot of housecleaning...


I should get to it, but this rainy stormy weather is tapping my motivation pretty fast.


I should be back again Monday or Tuesday.

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We're back finally! I'm exhausted from all the company and the long drive home. I'm gonna go goof off with hubby for a while so I'll post more later!

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Memorial Day is such an awful day to make a long trip. The normally 3 hour drive took 5 1/2. I was still exhausted when I woke up this morning.


We're going back up there for the next two weekends at least and we'll see how things go. I was so pleased at how well my grandpa seemed when he got to the house. I was expecting much worse judging by how he sounded on the phone. I think he'll be okay up there, but it won't hurt to be checking on him pretty often.


I'm kinda worried that the long car trips will somehow damage my daughter. She's been having to re-adjust her sleeping and eating schedule every time we go, not to mention I'm afraid the mountain passes are doing a number on her poor ears.


I'm such a paranoid mommy sometimes.


I freaked out earlier because I forgot to tape ENT. Seasons over... DUH!


Well, that's about all for now, it's somebody's bath time! :laugh:

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I freaked out earlier because I forgot to tape ENT. Seasons over... DUH!


Well, it looks like I'm all messed up from my weekend trip. Here I am thinking yesterday was Wed!


Things have been pretty uneventful since I got back. Just waiting for something to happen. My little girl is really fussy right now, had two teeth pop through yesterday and I have a feeling more are coming! Yikes!


I'm having a hard time getting motivated to go back out of town on Friday. I'm already sick and tired for driving all the way over there... not to mention, I'm not going to have a computer up there this time around. I either need to buy a laptop or get another desktop for that house... I don't figure I'm going to get online with my grandpa's old Tandy 1000EX or whatever it is.

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I fear I've been neglecting my friends here again. It's been another crazy week so far.


I was saddened to hear of Ronald Regan's passing over the weekend. May he be in a better place now.


I just spent the past three days doing another major revamp of my eBay stuff. Argh. Every time I think I'm done, I find something else that needs fixing.


I've had a bit of time to catch up on some DS9, but most of my time is either family time or spent staring blankly at the computer screens, repeating my fix-it procedure with 800 listings. I close my eyes at night and see the eBay "revise listing" page until I fall asleep. It's a very bad sign! :dude:


My apologies to anyone who's tried to IM me lately. I've been trying to avoid getting into a conversation until I get my work caught up to my satisfaction.


My friend is throwing a big yard sale this weekend and she asked me to contribute some stuff even though I can't be there for the actual sale. I'm getting rid of the last of my guitar equipment and a bunch of other stuff. I hate to part with the guitars, but my carpal tunnel is so bad that I can't play for three minutes without intense pain. I'm also going to get rid of a bunch of stuff my father in law abandoned at our old house... finally! I got stuck packing up that stuff when we moved... so it all was labeled stuff like, "why dont' we just throw this in the garbage?" and "place this box in a dark corner and ignore it."


It's after midnight, so I'm going to guess that hubby isn't going to pick up milk on the way home like I asked. Oh well, something for me to do tomarrow.

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Well, I'm back again. Looks like I'll be home for the next two weekends barring a horrible, awful disaster of some sort.


Didn't sell much at my friend's yard sale... it rained. Of course, I haven't been able to meet up with her since to get my money yet. We're having a sale at my place in a little over a week. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this time!


I also ordered a laptop today, so I should be able to get online more often once it arrives. It'll be nice because I always feel out of touch when I'm away for a weekend.


Well, time to clean house. Whoo-hoo!

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Back again for more exciting log action! :flex:


I had a big day on eBay today... I've been trying to clear some of my overstock in order to have room to order more product, so this is a very good thing. That and... I'm late on a few bills since the bank transfers take a few days... :)


A couple friends and I decided to pick cherries from the trees in our yard today. I've never had a chance to pick cherries off these trees because historically the whole family would be out of town when they got ripe. So I've got one big bowl of cherries on my counter, a cherry pie right next to the bowl and some leftover cherry filling in the fridge. :)


I've never made a cherry pie before. I'm almost scared of how it came out. I haven't cut into it yet since I wanted to surprise hubby, but by the time he gets home it's going to be way too late for pie. I also set the oven on fire during the pre-heating process. Someone remind me to slap hubby for getting all the pizza topping on the heating element!


Looks like the next few days are going to be spent getting things arranged for our yard sale. I've got the signs done, bu tnow I just need to find a few more items I *know* I have in boxes but can't locate. The worst part is going to be setting up all the clothes. I've got four households worth of junk here and half of it's clothes and shoes. Grrr... it just has to be the one thing that doesn't sell well, ya know?


Well, I'm going to call it a night. :beaming up virtual cherry pie for everyone:

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Well, the pie was a bit sour since I used the wrong cherries, but that's life.


I spent today getting ready for our multi-family yard sale which runs tomarrow through Sunday. I'm really wondering what I got myself into here. My friend brought the leftovers from her sale two weeks ago and it really didn't look like a lot of stuff. I was so wrong! I've used every makeshift table I can come up with and still have 15 boxes in the garage!


It's rumored to rain early tomarrow and possibly all weekend, so the stuff I've got set up is all covered in plastic. I'm hoping the weather reports are wrong, but if they're not, I'm just not gonna put out the other stuff.


Please send me some good weather vibes! :laugh:

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RC, you did it! It's not going to rain until Monday now! :blink:


The tip of my nose even looks a little pink. And I was wearing a hat to prevent that too!


Well, two more days of this and hopefully someone will come buy all this junk so I don't have to put it all away again!


Well, all is well here right now. My latop is supposed to be delivered on Tuesday and I'm getting impatient but that's life.

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My yard sale was lousy. The weather cleared up but it was so nice that nobody came. I made $40, my friend made $10 and her mom made $3. Whoo-hoo! :spock:


I'm debating on if I just want to pack up and go out of town for a few days. I tracked my laptop and it's two towns over at the holding facility so it'll be here tomarrow as planned.


We're going to have a big group up at the lake this weekend and I'm not really sure if I want to go brave the crowd. At the same time, I really want to get up there again. I might leave Thursday and come back Sunday if I do go. It all depends on if some of the people who say they're going decide not to. I want to make sure my daughter has a quite place in the house for naps and such.


One of my friends stopped by over the weekend and gave me a bunch of kids stuff. Most of it is stuff we don't need, so he told me to go ahead and yard sale it. Nobody bought it, so it's all sitting in the garage. I did find a few things in the box of clothes that my daughter can wear if I can get rid of the musty smell. Febreeze, here I come! :(


Well, that's about it from this end! I'm gonna go watch a movie or something while the clothes wash.

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I opened my door this morning to a nice little package on my doorstep! My laptop! Whoo-hoo! :spock:


Opened it up... and it's got the wrong AC adapter. Dangit! I got play with it a short while before the battery died but now I'm on a quest for the correct AC adapter! Grrrr. :(


After waiting 14 days for the thing to be delivered, the least they could have done was make sure they sent the correct accessories. Blah!


At least it wasn't like my nightmare last night. I'm sure everyone knows the subconscious stress of ordering something expensive and then worrying it'll get broken in shipping. So I dreamt that I got the laptop and it was packed in a box with bubble wrap... ok, sounds normal, but the bubble wrap was wrapped around the outside of the BOX! Then I opened it and the screen part was in two pieces. The rest of my dream was all about me trying to find who carried off the box because I needed all the packing materials to make a claim with UPS.


Today's kinda been a let-down, but it could have been worse.

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I've decided to go out of town for the 4th after all. I was kinda put off by the fact that my cousin invited 15 people, but I really need a break from this house.


We're leaving right as soon as my new computer power supply comes in the mail... meaning tomarrow or the next day. I ordered one from Seattle, so it shouldn't take more than two days. I'm hoping it comes tomarrow... I'm impatient not being able to play with my new toy!


Right now I'm making an apple pie for my hubby. Hopefully he'll like this one better than the cherry pie I made. My mom never baked when I was a kid, so I'm trying to learn, but I have my disasters here and there.


Well, work and dinner call... Kyra out. :eek:

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I'm still here. It's amazing how long it takes for an item to be delivered priority mail from two cities over. Grrrr. :)


Out of a combination of boredom and impatience I ended up watching all of the Trek movies and am starting season 1 of TNG again. I'm having a hard time keeping busy lately... you know how it is when you're waiting for something and nothing seems interesting because all you want to do is use the (whatever you're waiting for)?


But on Trek topics, I keep forgetting how much I like "Naked Now." :lol:


Well, gotta go empty the dishwasher and fold the clothes so I can be ready to go tomarrow assuming my power supply comes! ;)

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Well, we're back from our trip and crises abound. Life would be so boring if things didn't go wrong all the time, though.


As I type, my father-in-law is having a heart bypass. He was hospitalized last week for high blod pressure, then he started having kidney problems, then he had a heart attack on Saturday and today they're going to do a bypass and hope that improves his circulation. Please send some good wishes this way if you can!


My hubby has been working long hours and now with his dad sick, I haven't even seen him since we got back home. He's staying at his dad's apartment since it's closer to the hospital. I'm really hoping his dad recovers from this, my hubby has never lost a close family member and I don't think he's going to handle it well when the time comes.


My mother-in-law might end up having to sell her business. She's pretty upset and hubby has essentially put me in charge of trying to help mom out long-distance while he deals with his dad's problems. Mom-in-law is in her 60's and owns a restaurant in New Orleans. She's having a hard time making a profit lately and I'm inclined to believe there may be a bit of theft going on there. I'm trying tog ently encourage her to sell the business, restaurant work is so hard and at her age, it's got to be more than she can handle.


My grandfather seems to be doing well. He broke his hearing aid again so the whole time we were at the lake we had to keep shouting at him. Other than not beign able to hear us, he seems to be in good health. I'm really glad because I was so concerned about him being up there all alone, but we've ended up having lots of people up there and the neighbors look out for him quite a bit, so things are good.


My laptop works really well. I'm getting to the point where I almost prefer it to my desktop. It was nice having it up at the lake because when things got really crazy, we could just go back and hide in our bedroom and watch movies. :laugh:


Well, time for me to unpack, do laundry and get ready to go back up to the lake as soon as dad-in-law's condition is stable. I promised my grandpa I'd do a few things for him.

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I just got done revamping my desktop pc again. It took me all day on anf off, but I think I've got it where I like it... or so I think for now....


I took out the 80 gig drive, replaced it with a 200 gig drive, then moved the 80 gig to my external case. Now I'm moving files over onto the 200 gig so I can put more cool stuff on the 80 so I can watch my movies and stuff on the laptop instead of having to haul around my DVD collection.


Tons of fun. It's taking a while to move the files over... you know like that Tom Petty song, "The waaaa-aaiting is the hardest part..." :bow:


My dad-in-law isn't doing so great. They decided at the last minute to not do the surgery because his red blood cell count is way down. So they gave him a blood transfusion and now he's got an infection from that and a high fever. I really hope he recovers from this. :stress:


We're still trying to talk his doctors into letting us bring my daughter in to see him. They don't allow kids under ten in that wing but I think it would really lift his spirits to see her.


Well, time for me to get to bed!

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Well, back home again. I'm getting pretty tired of the three hour drive... everyone was begging me to come back in a few days, but I think I may just stay home until the crowds go home.


I'm spending tomarrow waiting for the cable guy to come and fix whatever's up with our cable internet. We've got the cable tv fine but the cable modem isn't connecting to anything when you try to go online. I'm kinda figuring we have a defective modem because I tried everything I could think of, but using dial-up is such a pain. Hopefully they can fix the problem tomarrow because otherwise it'll take them weeks. The last time they came to fix something they had to come back like 5 times over three weeks before it worked right... then they triple-billed us on the next bill... :laugh:


Well, not too much happening other than that. I've got a nasty head cold, so I'm probably gonna get some ice cream and mellow out for a while. :laugh:

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I'm sorry I have been away so long.


Hubby and I seperated about two weeks ago. He took his stuff and moved into the house we were remodeling and left me in the rental. I really hate telling people about my problems... I feel like it's dumping a load of stress on them that they don't need, so it took me a while to start letting my online friends know what's going on.


We're still on friendly terms, but it's different not having him around. In a lot of ways, it's a load off my back... after two years of him refusing to get treatment for his depression, I was starting to be affected by his mood swings in a real bad way. Hopefully this will be the reality check he needs. Either way, I'm not holding out too much hope for a reconciliation... after all, I can't let myself get back into a marriage with someone who refuses to face his own problems.


In happier news, he watched Katie Saturday night so I could go out and have some fun for the first time in two years. I got to go see Second Coming, a band I've known for ten years and the concert was totally awesome! Then afterwards, I went to an all-night dance club to sober up before I went home. It's amazing how a little fun can really change your outlook on things!


I've started a major re-arranging project in the house. I'm turning hub's old office into a rec room, then moving Katie into a bigger bedroom, moving me into my old office and then getting the other bedroom ready for my grandpa to come live with us after the summer. I've kinda reached an impasse with moving stuff... I need more bookcases and I'm undecided on where I'm gonna put a few small items. Of course, a lot of my indecision stems from wanting certain things downstairs that I can't bring myself to move, like the bigger tv. Well, either way, it'll look pretty cool when I'm all done.


That's about it for now, hopefully I'll manage to update this more often from here on out!

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Well, I never seem to have much to say, so I think I'm just gonna start telling stupid stories about my childhood for everyone's entertainment!


Does anyone else have one piece of clothing that just totally defined your childhood? I was thinking the other day that I have no idea what became of my old jean jacket. I kept that thing until it was totally falling apart. I got it in the 5th grade and wore it with a bunch of different buttons with stupid sayings for a year. Then I graduated to band patches. I kept the patches until 8th grade and then I switched to military patches. I think I wore that thing every day... I never took it off in school except for gym class.


By 8th grade, there were more holes than fabric. I retired it going into high school because I changed to a leather biker jacket. But that jean jacket was so perfect. I could fit my cassette walkman perfectly in the inside pocket so it wouldn't fall out... the front pockets were the perfect size to stick two tapes in each of them. I'd sneak out of the house at night wearing that jacket, listening to music and generally getting a break from the constant cr@p that went on in our house. When my mom and her boyfriend fought, me and my jacket would hide in the linen closet with a book and a flashlight.


That jacket went to California three times, up to the lake more times than I can count. I recently found a picture of myself before 7th grade, up at the lake, middle of summer, 90 degree+ weather, with my 80's rockin' spiked mullet and my jean jacket on.


I fear it finally got thrown out the last time I moved. I know I saw it before the move but not since. I really should have kept better track of it... I wanted to keep it to show my daughter how "cool" I was back then! :laugh:


In other news, I blew a bit of money on a film scanner today. Now the waiting begins... it seems that everything I buy ends up having to travel across the country to get to me. I'm hoping I can get a bunch of my freelance work scanned and (hopefully) put up a website. I'm giving serious thought into going back into photography. I'm also oogling a Pentax digital SLR camera that is compatible with the lenses from my pro film camera. I figure if I jump off the deep end, at least I don't have to buy new lenses. It's a 6.1 megapixel.... now only to come up with the $800... looks like it'll be several months of saving for that puppy unless someone decides to buy my guitars.


So what should I do for tomarrow's log? Embarassing sleepwalking stories? :laugh:

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Busy as ever over here. Just returned from the lake again and it was a bummer of a trip. The fires out there are so bad you could barely breathe outside and it was raining ashes. We thought we were going to get evacuated for a few days, but then the wind changed direction and pushed the fire back where it came from.


When we left this morning, the wind had changed back again, but hopefully it's getting under control by now. We all had cabin fever up there... poor Katie couldn't do anything because I wouldn't let her outside in the smoke.


I got home this morning intending to start scanning pictures for a webite I'm planning to put up soon with some of my photography on it. Well, the wonderful $200 film scanner I bought is kaput, so I had to send it back. Hopefully these guys won't (Please stop me from cursing) around too long with my refund... I need to buy another film scanner now. Grrrr.


Oh well, at least the domain name is reserved.

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It's been a while since I've been here... been out of town for most of the past three weeks and I just can't stand trying to use message boards with a dial-up.


But really, I popped in just to say that I just fell down the stairs like, five minutes ago. I ripped off most of a toenail, poured hot coffee all over myself and skinned both of my knees on the carpet. So instead of going upstairs and giving myself first aid, I limped over to the computer and came here. See where my priorities are? I may not get to post much, but I love ya'll!


I don't know if I mentioned the incursion of 22 relatives that was supposed to occur the beginning of this month or not. Well, in the end only 15 showed up and the lake house was still pretty packed but I managed to survive all two weeks.


Now everyone's gone and I'm back at home trying to work on some projects. Blah.


Well, my replicator's not working so I've gotta run and get the Neosporin. :)

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Welcome back. Sorry for your accidents though, those falls down stairs aggravated by spilling coffee all over self, skinning both your knees and tearing a toenail off really sting like heck. Yes please go get some first aid now. :)

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But really, I popped in just to say that I just fell down the stairs like, five minutes ago. I ripped off most of a toenail, poured hot coffee all over myself and skinned both of my knees on the carpet. So instead of going upstairs and giving myself first aid, I limped over to the computer and came here. See where my priorities are? I may not get to post much, but I love ya'll!




:) I shouldn't be laughing but that sounds like something I would do. *massive hugs* Hope you feel better now. :)

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Well, the stair injuries are totally forgotten, but this just isn't my week. :laugh:



When you come across a frightened or injured animal, please make sure you take appropriate safety precautions before rushing to their aid!


I had to rescue one of my cats today after she somehow got her leg stuck in one of my daughter's toys. I'm still stumped on how the cat managed it to be honest. But I went running to rescue kitty and ended up with four bleeding bites and a trip to the doctor. The kitty's fine, minus a little dignity.


Just wanted to post this reminder that animal bites should always be checked out by a doctor... a cat's mouth is full of bacteria that is very bad for people.


My meds cost $130 for antibiotics and a few "just in case" pain pills. Oh well, at least our cat doesn't have a broken leg.

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Happy day! B)


I have escaped further injury since the cat incident. Not only that but I may have just gotten a job I'd really like to have! I enjoy working from home, but it's gotten a bit tiresome not having any adults around.


The job's a photography studio, which will be fun, I hope. I'm waiting to hear if the District Manager approves my pay rate since they want to start me a bit above normal.


I also got my new film scanner in the mail finally and.... IT WORKS!!! :happy dance:


I've begun the long process of scanning all of my previous photo work into the computer! I figure it's gonna be weeks of work, but I'm looking forward to the final product!

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