
The Founders
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Posts posted by Lubak10

  1. I am addicted to coffee! I drink about 2 cups a day during the summer and 2 or 3 during the school year. :look: (me after my third cup) My dad thinks it's wierd cause I'm only 15, but oh well.

  2. Stardate:213586.9




    2) "There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast."--Unknown


    Yeh dont i know it.My cat will come in my room sometimes and smack me in the side of the head with her paw when she wants breakfast.After I wake up she looks and me and meows till i feed her.But i swear instead of saying meow she is saying NOW!!!



    My cat licks my face till I get up. It's kinda cute but his tounge is so rough that it really hurts! Oh well, he's cute and I love him.

  3. I think its better too, because people without instant messaging can use it.  the only problem is, I still can't get in it for some reason, but oh well, we're working on it

    Just an FYI, you must have internet explorer or Netscape, I also believe you can use AOL, but alot of the other browsers will not support the chat room.

    I have AIM but it still wont let me in.

  4. "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I though, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair and all the terrible things that happened to us came because we actually deserve them? So now I take great comfert in the general hostility and unfairness of the univerce."

    Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

  5. Being a student myself, I'm curious about other religions.


    BUT, a school has absolutly no right to force children to learn about other RELIGIONS other customs, yes, general beliefs. But not religion. It is up to them and their families, not their school.  B)

    I agree. My school has a Comparitvie Religions class that I can't wait to take but it's an optional class. I don't think I would enjoy it as much if I was forced to take it.