
The Founders
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Posts posted by Lubak10

  1. I voted "Good." The first time I saw it I was about 9 and thought it was boring but my Uncle got it for me for Christmas and when I watched it again I loved it! If anyone is thinking about buying it though get the directors edition. The comentary give you so many awsome little facts!

  2. Remember Trip - the character - is from Florida.  (notwithstanding the writers had a brain freeze and made him not like heat in "Desert Crossing") but in truth people from Florida tend not to like anything below 60 degrees.

    I know, it was kind of a joke cause if some of the guys at my school saw that list without MSU on there they would hurt someone! :o

    And your right, someone from FL would not like 80 degrees one day and 30 degrees for a week in April like we are having now. :o

  3. yes, it was a great episode. i especially loved the musical score. it was the best one i have heard on the show yet. i kind of reminded me at some parts of the khan theme in the wrath of khan.

    I loved the music for this episode too! It reminded me of First Contact not Wrath of Kahn though.

  4. I never liked Kes at all, she is just "to good to be true".. it feels like her personality isn't really real..

    Actually i don't like Seven either..  :o

    I'm with you on both accounts! Kes always got on my nerves and Seven just plain irritated me.

  5. This has nothing to do with anything, but I need to tell someone.


    In my science class today we were talking about the speed of light and how we think time will stop if we go that fast and maybe it will go backwards if we go faster. My teacher decideds to appel to the trekkies in the room and says "Warp speed Mr. Zulu!" :oops: :o

    I wanted to smack someone!

  6. I think that watching the characters change in apperience and personality is one of the coolest things about the show. My faves were The Doctor turning into a person and Tom and B'Elanna's relationship.

  7. 1. There were only four people taking the entrance exams into Starfleet.


    2. Only one of the four would be accepted.

    I think that that was only one group of people that was taking the test. With as many people and planets out there I doubt that they would only take one person per year.