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Posts posted by Lubak10

  1. I voted for riddles. He was so cute in that episode anf he did have a nice smile. A close second, though, is Meld. I guess I don't like Flashback because it's the only Voyager episode I have on tape and I've watched it about 50,000,000,000 times. :blink:

  2. Mine is a major Garak refrence. When he was in school Garak was part of the Lubak group and he was it's 10th member so he was called 10 Lubak. I love Garak so I thought the name fit



    PS I just re-read what I wrote and I relized that it kinda sounds like I think he's real. I don't. Never have never will. Just want to clear that up for anyone who was wondering.

  3. I know what you want to say, cptwright. In our street there is a car which license plate has "JL" in it. Everytime I see it I think about JL = Jean-Luc  :tear:  :(  So I seem to be infected by this trek virus, too  :lol:  :bow:  :lol:

    There are worse viruses to be infected by.


    I know this guy at my school named Kirk and I always call him Captain when I see him.

  4. I once fell asleep with my headphones on and when there was a love song playing I dreamed that Troi was singing it to Worf. I'm not sure why it was to Work cause I like her and Riker better. Oh well.

  5. Picard, Jean


    Picard, Jean, 1620–82, French astronomer, noted for having made the first accurate measurement of a degree of the earth's meridian. The figures he established were of great value to Newton in his calculation of the force of gravitation. Picard, who had previously been the prior of Rillé, in Anjou, went to Paris to occupy the chair of astronomy in the Collège de France in 1655. He determined (1671) the latitude and longitude of Tycho Brahe's observatory at Ven (now Landskrona, Sweden) in order to be able to use Brahe's observations of the positions of heavenly bodies. To him is due in great part the establishment of the Paris Observatory and of the Connaissance des temps, the first five volumes (1679–83) of which he wrote.

  6. I only turn the TV on when it's time for my fave shows or movies so I don't get offended that often. I do remember one time when Scifi did a mini-series of Children of Dune and they REALLY sexed it up. I was so ticked! I've read the books and there is not even half as much sex in them as there was in the mini-series. I hate it when that happens cause it's a good seires but they messed it up.

  7. The person I admire most in history is Jesus Christ.  There has never been a better man before or since! :lol:

    I agree with CJLP, but not far behind Jesus is Gahndi(sp?). I've always admired him for his beliefs and courage. It takes a pretty strong person to just stand there and take a beating.

  8. There is no evidence that the coolent is cold. A coolent doesn't have to be freezing to cool something. It only has to be cooler than the substance that has been heated.


    That's a good point; however, there is some evidence that it was cold, namely the fact that the vapour stayed very near the ground while the air above it remained unaffected. It looked rather like liquid nitrogen, which emits a vapour similar in appearance. Of course, the coolant also likely could also sink down due to chemical properties making it heavier than air.


    There was no evidence that anyone caught in the coolent froze (certainly Data didn't).


    There was no evidence of much of anything afterwards, which means that there was no evidence that they didn't freeze before some corrosive process occurred destroying all living matter (of the Borg).


    And by the way, the Borg invading your ship is a rather serious problem, don't you agree?


    Apparently not, since they can just splash a dab o' coolant on them whenever it's handy, why worry about it? They should keep a coolant chamber in every room, you know, just in case...


    Riker: Deanna, the Borg are coming! Put something on!

    Troi: Oh don't get so excited; now that we've got the new Borg-Buster X15 Coolant Leaker installed, we can just go into the toilet/air-lock while we flush them out. Oh, I made a funny.

    Riker: Right, honey. Installing a BBX15CL was a great idea. All we have to do is detonate the explosive to shatter the glass using the remote next to the, heh heh, captain's chair.

    Troi: Feeling a bit ambitious today, Commander?

    Riker: Old chrome-dome said he was getting his put in next week. Anyway, it came with a pair-set of BBX15CSs, too, for just a few credits more!

    Troi: CSs?

    Riker: Ah, the handy portable version that you can spray in the face of a Borg in case they get some attitude.

    Troi: You've been holding out on me.

    Riker: I wanted to wait until Valentine's Day to surprise you, but I guess we'll have to break them in early.

    Troi: Sounds good to me. Oh, I sense something. They're almost here!

    Riker: Into the can!

    ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :lol: :hug: