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Posts posted by Lubak10

  1. *flips through quote book* so many to choose from, so little space. I guess my faves are....


    "There are things we do not understand but they exist non the less."



    "China was thought to be a myth until Marco Polo traveled there."



    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you should go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wonderious, with treasures to satiate disires both subtle and gross, but it's not for the timid."


  2. Cats Rule! I love cats! They are so much better then dogs. Don't get me wrong, i love dogs too, but cats are the coolest!


    PS DixonHill, why do you want to eat the kitties? :( You're a meany! (of course i say this in a loving way. i still think you're a cool dude!)

  3. Stay focused on your studies and save money!


    If you get an advisor meet with them too b/c they'll help you.


    And this works for me, but I read through the material 3 days before the exam, then again the next day, and then the next.  That usually makes sure it stays in my brain!

    I need to remember that during finals!


    This is good stuff! The only problem will be remembering it cause I don't go for two more years.

  4. since this is a Dune thread what are anyone's thoughts about David Lynch's Dune movie? It was way off from the books but I actually liked it.

    I haven't seen the movie but i own the miniseries and it's stays very true to the book.


    Click for Spoiler:

    this has nothing to do with the movie, but I was reading the book, House Harkonnen, and something made me ponder. It mentioned that the Bene Gesserits didn't want Shaddam to have any male children. It worked out so Paul could become the emperior but the sisterhood didn't want Jessica to have a boy. So, why would they care?

  5. I enjoyed the original trilogy.  I read one of the sequels but did not like it as well and haven't read any more of them.  I did watch the miniseries on Scifi based on the first two of the original trilogy.  I definitely recommend the original trilogy as well but can't speak to the rest of the series.

    It wasn't a trilogy, there were six books in the orgianal series.

  6. Yes I also recommend them. I've read them all several times. :blush:

    Have you read any of the prequel books. I've read House Atredies (i know I didn't spell that right) and House Harrokknen (didn't spell that right) and am working on House Corrino.

  7. Yes...Hayes and Reed are great...they have a mutual respect for each other

    but would die before admitting it....I think they should build on that...


    kind of a McCoy/Spock kind of thing....comedy relief :blush:

    I love not only his character in general but the whole Hayes/Malcolm thing that's going on. I hope he doesn't leave the show after this season and that we see much more of him in the future.

  8. I have that reaction to sushi. Just the idea of raw fish *shudder* ew ew ew ew ew bedlam.gif

    I never tried sushi...I have a reaction just thinking about it <_< :look:

    Raw fish. One word: uggg

    Not all sushi has raw fish in it. My Mom makes it all the time with just cucumbers, carrots and other vegies like that. I love it!


    personally, I hate green peppers! They are nasty! :frusty:

    Ok I could handle just veggies, just no fish. I LOVE green peppers!!!

    I once served to my friends and they peeled the seeweed off it and ate only the rice and vegies. :huh: They kinda missed the point.

  9. "You want (some kind of music) and she wants Klingon opera, so you compromise.  You listen to Klingon opera."


    I forget the episode.

    It's from A Man Alone. I only know that because it's one of the four episodes I have on VHS so I've seen it about 50 time (literally)!