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Posts posted by Tank

  1. For most of my life I never paid much attintion to Led Zeppelin. That is until about 2 years ago (I'm 23 now) when my brother made me a mix CD of Zeppelin songs that he had downloaded. I listened to the mix CD over and over again and it hit me like a blow to the head that this is clearly one of the greatest bands of all time! As a guitar player and song writer myself Zeppelin has recently changed my views on music completly. LED ZEPPELIN ROCKS!!! :lol: :) :)

  2. You're a Sister of Soong, remember that! All of us Soongs tend to get started on this subject! And it's because of talking with you, soong_girl and Lessa, that I am not so depressed! I loved Data since I was seven, and then he was so violently taken from us. . .and then you call that a proper wake and funeral! Come on, Ebenezer Scrooge just about got more of one than Data! That was just evil and disrespectful! And YES Riker forgetting "Pop Goes The Weasel", that just about proves to me that there are no lights on in that brain of his! Everytime I go to practice music on my clarinet, I bring that song out and attempt to play. Attempt because,  when you play a reeded instrument you shouldn't be smiling or laughing , and I tend to have a problem not doing that. Fond memory. Can't help that!


    Dear, sister just remember that all us Soongs are here and that you should feel free to vent, rant, or cry. . .prevents you from getting too depressed! I want him back too!

    I have to come to Rikers defense on this one. Of course we remember the song, we've been watching the episode over and over for that past 15 years. Riker on the other hand would have only experienced the event once and it is safe to say that A LOT has happened in his life since then. Also the writers obviously know what the song was and I think having Riker forget was a nice touch in a way. The song wasn't the important thing, the impoartant thing was the memory of meeting Data. Even though I wish that this scene had been longer and gone a bit deeper I did think that the actors played the scene well. I've cried every time I've seen it. It was very much like a close friend had died. Everyone was trying to remember something happy and up lifting but in the end the sorrow is there and you can't help but cry over the lose of the long time friend. Data R.I.P.

  3. I voted for Sarek, not just because of his two TNG episodes but rather for all of the times that we saw him. He was such a great character and he was played by such a great actor! I thought that it was awesome that they were able to bring him into TNG for two episodes. Has anyone ever read the book 'Sarek'? I think that it is one of my favorite Trek books.

  4. I think that I saw Back to the Future first and I know that I watched Taxi even before that, but I still liked Loyd as Kruge. I think he gives a great performance and with all the make-up I can still watch him with out thinking of Jim or Doc Brown.

  5. I've said it before and I'll say it again. A movie that centered around Picard and Sisko would be really cool. I love the idea of a mixed cast but at the same time I agree with soong_girl that it would be hard to find something for everyone to do. I think that the best way around this would be to just focus on a few key characters and not to try and fit too much in at once.

    Also I would love to see a DS9 movie but I think that Picard deserves at least one more chance to shine on the big screne. At the end of Star Trek VI it was clear that Kirk and crew were getting too old to continue having the crazy adventures that we had all grown to love. However when Picard was walking down the halls of the Enterprise E at the end of Nemesis the look on his face said "I'm far from finished." Picard has to come back!

  6. the thing i heard that makes sense to me is that the ones on TOS are of a higher prestige than the ones with the ridge in the forehead. so the plain looking ones would be your aristocrats, and the others are the warrior race, but the real reason is makeup cost, and just simply Gene rewrote there role, to show the clear difference between them and humans, and later on that even though they look different they still get along. does that answer your question? :blink:  :dude:

    I think that this is one of the better theorys that I've heard. Think about it. If the Klingons in TOS were the aristocrats and the ridged Klingons the warriors, could it be that there was some sort of civil war and the warriors killed the non-ridged Klingons off? If this were true than it would make since that they don't like to talk about it with outsiders, because what's more emberussing than a civil war where you kill off a bunch of no-ridged, puffy eyebrowed weenies!

  7. Does anyone know of any other movies that Tom hardy has been in?



    According to IMDB:

    1 LD 50 (2003) .... Matt (not yet released)

    2 Dot the I (2003) .... Tom (not yet released)

    3 Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) .... Praetor Shinzon

    4 Simon: An English Legionnaire (2002) .... Pascal Dupont

    5 Reckoning, The (2001) .... Straw

    ... aka Morality Play (2001)

    6 Black Hawk Down (2001) (as Thomas Hardy) .... Ranger Sp4 Lance Twombly

    7 "Band of Brothers" (2001) (mini) TV Series .... Pfc. John Janovec

    Cool thanks! :blink: I haven't seen any of those so I guess that means it's time to take a trip to the video store..

  8. Here is a link to a page on startrek.com that has listings for all of the shows worldwide. Just click here


    I know where I live (Los Angeles) I get Voyager at 3am and I don't get DS9 at all. Which sucks because I still haven't seen very much of the last 3 seasons of DS9 and it could easily be my favorite series!

  9. I didn't really like Crusher until she left the show for a year. But after a year of Pulaski I had new found respect for her. Pulaski wasn't really that bad but she did get on my nerves a lot.


    Crusher is always serious and stressed out but at the same time very kind hearted and willing to listen. She seems very human too me which is a quality that I think is very important in a doctor and something that they should have thought of while writing the characters for some of the newer Star Trek shows (i.e. Phlox).


    Really overall I think that season 2 was my least favorite season of TNG. It had a few highlights, but overall.... Another thing that bugged me about Crusher leaving was why did Wesley stay? I think that they explained this but it's been too long since I've seen the episode.

  10. I pretty much just watch Star Trek. I've watched SG1 a couple times but can't stop thinking of the movie.

    I've only watch SG-1 a few times and I know that a lot of you will disagree with me but I think it's kinda lame. I did like the movie a lot though.

  11. I think I'm the first one to mention someone from Enterprise, but my least favorite has to be Dr. Phlox. He seems to fill the same role that Neelix did on Voyager as the always to happy wierd alien. I never liked Neelix much anyway but Phlox I find even more annoying.

  12. I love them all, but if I had to live my life like any Character it would have to be Spock. I love Vulcans in general, but especially Spock. If it hadn't been for his character, I would be willing to bet that Star Trek would have died a quiet death after it's first season. Let's face it, we owe it all to Spock!

  13. I think he's still just pissed because he didn't get a very good death scene in Generations. Also before Picard he was "THE" captian of the Enterprise, and now he's what 1 of 5? Also a few years ago TV Guide voted Patrick Stewet Sexiest Man, and he's bold! That had to have been a blow to his ego....


    I still love Kirk and even Shatner despite.


    Has anyone ever seen the movie Free Enterprise? It made me gain new found respect for Shatner simply because he was willing to be in it. If you haven't seen it, it's one of the funniest movies ever!

    Yes i've seen Free Enterprise and you got to give the guy the fact that he doesn't mind poking fun at himself.

    Yeah I gained a lot of respect for Shatner after he made Free Enterprise. I fall on the floor everytime I watch that movie!


    I was re-reading my quote and I ment to say that Patrick Stewert was "bald" not "bold" oops! :blink: Just a little typo, I've made much larger I'm sure.

  14. They did give the EMH quite a few Bones-isms didn't they. Like in First Contact when Crusher tells him to delay the Borg and he replies "I'm a doctor, not a doorstop".


    I think that's why the EMH has been my favorite doctor since Bones.


    My favorite Bones quote:


    Kirk: "You're suffering from a Vulcan Mindmeld Doctor"


    Bones: "That green-blooded son of a (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't). It's his revange for all those auguments he lost."


    -Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

  15. I seem to recall reading that Shatner and Leonard Nimoy didn't get along very well on set.  Is that true or did I dream it.  I have had weird dreams like that - I think I dreamed they were filming a Voyager tv movie and it seemed so real that I would have sworn I had actually read it somewhere.

    I read an interview with Nimoy and when asked if he stayed in contact with any of the old cast he replied that him and Shatner were good friends and stayed in frequent contact. So they must get along now at least. Weather they got along on the set or not I have no idea...


    A lot of people don't seem to think that Voyager will make it to the theater, perhaps a TV movie isn't a bad idea!

  16. I thought Tom Hardy did such a great job playing Shinzon.  I really enjoyed the Shinzon-Picard scenes.  The Borg Queen would be my second choice.

    I agree Tom Hardy was awesome. In the end Khan probably wins for me but in a way I think that Shinzon was a bit more complex. Which made him a better nemesis for Picard who is definatly more complex than Kirk (whom I do love as well..).


    Does anyone know of any other movies that Tom hardy has been in?

  17. Yeah, while they can always make more enterprises, they can't make another Data.  Data was interesting and a great character.  The enterprise - while somewhat important - is just a ship.  And, yes, I did hate the way Data died.

    Yes they can make more Enterprises remember theres only been 6 enterprise's and there are 26 letters in the alphabet.. Plus they could always switch to NCC 1702 hehehe

    oh they do not need to 'make' another Data they just need to make the new stupid b4 smart just like data.. hehe..


    ~Lauren :blink:

    They still have Lore's parts around don't they? It seems like between B4 having Data's memorries and Lore having Data's technoledgy they could put together a new Data no problem. On the one hand I think it would be kinda cheesy to bring him back, however if they do I'll of course be happy to see him again!